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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. Hi Pam. Re the ct scan, maybe they are just doing a chest ct scan because you had 1a cancer, it has been 2 years since your surgery, and they are not looking for mets..they are lookig for a new primary when they do the scan. I have had 2 full body PET/CT scans in the last year and am about to have another one in 10 days. I have had cancer come back twice, so looking for mets is a good idea for me. Don M
  2. Welcome back Tracy: I hope your scans please you. don M
  3. Don M

    First Time Posting

    Hi Randa. I am sorry for your loss. Don M
  4. Hi Mitchell: I would prepare for the best if I were you. No more cancer for your mom. I have always assumed that I was cured after each treatment. I still believe I can be cured. I had early stage cancer 3 yeras ago. It has come back twice since then, but I beat it back at the second cancer. I will find out in less than 2 weeks if I beat it back again. I think I did. It is easier for me emotionally I suppose, to assume that I will beat it. Anyway, the odds are that your mom will be cured. I think you have to be cancer free for 5 years after treatment to be considered "cured". don m
  5. Well, it took a while to find out, but yay for the good news Dani, and Merry Christmas. Yeah, so I wonder what it is... at least it is not lung cancer! Don M
  6. Hi Jackie: Perhaps you mom has NSCLC instead of SCLC. You mentioned it being stage 4 and your mom being offered Tarceva. Both of these things relate to NSCLC. Anyway, it sounds like the oncologist is reluctant to treat your mom with aggressive chemo. Stage 4 NSCLC is treatable, (as well as extensive SCLC) but the patient has to be willing and able to undergo aggressive treatment and have an oncologist who is willing to provide it. Tarceva is usually reserved for secondary treatment if the first line of treatment did not work well. Perhaps your mom’s oncologist is offering Tarceva because it is not as harsh in terms of side effects and may offer some benefit to your mom. Your mom talks like she wants to get treatment. You might want to make sure she is being served well by her current oncologist. It is always a good idea to get a second opinion, at a comprehensive cancer center. You could probably suggest that without seeming to interfere with your sister I think. Your mom and you husband's mom and the rest of your family have my prayers. Don M
  7. I hope chemo continues to go well for you Debra. Don M
  8. Hi Robin...one step at a time. Keep it up. don M
  9. Talk to the doctor, not the nurse. Any stage 4 cancer will be approved for disability by the SS. Actually, I think all you have to do is contact the SS and fill out an application on line and tell them who your doctor is. They contact the doctor to find out the stage. Don M
  10. welcome Becky, I am glad you are cancer free, Don M
  11. Hi Robin, welcome to this site. Even if the mass is cancer, there is still a good chance for a cure if it has not left your lung. You will just have to go through the steps as best you can and see. Don M
  12. Please accept my condolences for your loss. Don M
  13. I think you are doing rather admirably Lily, preservering when you have had a hard time with the chemo. I did not have to deal with such side effects. I hope you find a way to mute the effects. Pease accept my condolences on the loss of your cousin. I hope the PET scan shows no problem with you adrenal. don M
  14. I hope you all get good news Tracy. Lung disease can be serious, but I would rather deal with that than lc. I would hang on to the UCLA version. Don M
  15. Happy holidays to you too Rob. You are not a wimp. Everyone gets anxious at scan time. I have a scan coming up in Mid Decmeber and I am already getting antsy about it. Don M
  16. Hi Amy, I have had some short term memory loss, I think, as a result of my 2 chemos. It is not very pronounced. Your dad may be a candidate for cyberknife surgery now that the primary has been brought under control and if the lymph nodes are clear now. They can finish off the tumor even if it is close to the heart artery. It is worth checking out. Go to: http://www.cyberknifesupport.org/forum/default.aspx?f=6 and ask the radiation oncologists there about your dad's situation. They are very helpful and answer within 24 hours. Hmmm looking at yor post, the tumor might be too small now for cyberknife. I think it has to be big enough to insert metal markers in for the machine to track its movement as your dad breathes. It is still worth checking out though. It is a great site. It may give you a perspective for future options. Don M
  17. Barb... do get another oncologist. I got a second opinion after my 3rd cancer. Again, I am sorry you have had this bad news. Don M
  18. Welcome Sophie. I am sorry that you and your mom are going though this. Don M
  19. Hi Rob, welcome to this site. I hope the CT scan brings you some good news and a sigh of relief. I had a ct scan for something else and they found my cancer by accident. I remember being very annoyed. I was grumpy when I went to see my pulmonogist. I can't say that I have been really scared in my cancer trip (probably because my cancers have always been contained), but I have been very depressed, anxious (scan time), angry, sad, annoyed and incredulous. I also have had feelings of contentment, at easement and I enjoy being retired. Don M
  20. Karen: I hoppe it is something just temproary. All i can do is offer you and your dad my prayers. don M
  21. I think a wig burning would make a nice ritual. Being a man, I never worried much about losing my hair. As it turned out I did not lose much. It did thin considerably. I noticed that it grayed considerably after my first chemo. I really like the idea of some sort of end of treatment ritual or good scan news ritual. I am hoping to get good news in 3 weeks. Maybe I will buy a bottle of wine and toast my (I hope) my good news with my wife. Don M
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