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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. I would say you are having all the appropriate feelings Nonni. It is probably nothing though if you were told to wait till June. I hope you can write your own checks when you are in your 90s too. Don M
  2. Hi Bucky: there is hope. I suppose like me and many others, you just get tired of doing the cancer thing all the time and so it is easy to slip into a dark place. Just hang in there. Don m
  3. Hi kaneohegirl. your dad's tumor is kind of medium sized and I hope it gets much smaller. Don M
  4. Joanie, I hope you finally get healing and good news this Friday. Don M
  5. Welcome Yirol. I hope the tarceva kicks back in and give your dad some relief, don M
  6. Hi Tammy; I hope your mom does well with treatment and that the pain can be managed. She may need a bone scan to see if she has hip mets. I don't know why an oncologist would choose your mother's regime as opposed to the more common carboplatin/taxol. that would be a good question for Dr. West: http://www.onctalk.com/ Don M
  7. Hi Debbie: I don't have SCLC but I have read that it is very responsive to chemo. I hope your mom has a good response. I don't know anything about the odd symptoms. Don M
  8. You and your mom have my prayers. Don M
  9. Get a second opinion. If one is willing and has the strength, all cancer is treatable. I have a 4.5 by 7 cm in my right lung and I intend to have it killed with cyberknife. I am 62 years old now. I imagine myself living to be in my 80s or 90s, enjoying my great grandchildren. Don M
  10. Hi Catrina: I hope your dad sees a doctor and can feel better. Don M
  11. I had my second cancer cut out at 1.4 cm in size. I don't think it is very uncommon to have surgery or biopsies for 1 cm suspected lesions. Anything smaller than that, usually falls into the wait and see category. Don m
  12. Nodules, schmodules...Congratulations on your 12 years Connie. Don M
  13. Cyberknife surgery might be appropriate: http://www.cyberknifesupport.org/forum/ Don M
  14. Welcome; when I get up in the morning, I say to myself, "this is life" and it is enough. Maybe the bells and whistles will come later. I hope your sister does well with treatment. Don M
  15. I hope you start getting good news now, beginning with the killing of the brain mets. Don M
  16. Leslie: I am sure that news of brain mets would be very upsetting to me too, but I know they can be easily managed these days. I have not to had to deal with brain mets and hope I don't have to. but if I did, I would consider cyberknife to treat them. You can visit the cyberknife site and ask radiation oncologists questions about possible treatments. I think many cyberknife centers have a neurosurgeon on staff. http://www.cyberknifesupport.org/forum/ Don M
  17. Welcome Blueeye. I am not sure about the cisplatin, but I think it can be harsh and maybe your mom's onc was holding of on it for a while till she could tolerate it better. Questions like this would be good to run by Dr.West: http://www.onctalk.com/ Don M
  18. Hi Snoopy: I just wanted t welcome you and to day that in my opinion, it is never too late to do chemo as long as the person is willing and wants to fight and has the strength to get through it. I hope your husband gets some strength and appetite and can go on to chemo. Don M
  19. Tanner, you all have my prayers. don M
  20. Congratulations Jan. If I ever get rid of my cancer for 2 years, I will definitely want to stick with the 6 month plan, but I have had mine come back twice. Speaking of which, this August will be the 2 year anniversary of my current cancer and I have had no new disease since then. Now if I can just get rid of this pesky tumor, still local, but huge. Don M
  21. Congratulations Rich...my how the time flies. And yah, never give up. I might however, get a little grumpy in the process. Don M
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