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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. Yeah Nova, Harry needs a break. I hope he can recover hugely and then go on to the next step. I doubt they would do the PCI if they had given up on him. Don M
  2. Don M


    May your mom have good results and a quick recovery. don M
  3. If he is going to a comprehensive cancer center, there would be less fumbling and miscommunication. Anyway, it is good they are doing the mri. If they find brain mets, I think they will make that a priority for treatment. I also act as a coordinator for my treatment to make sure all data is available at my appointments. I have a copy of my latest scan report and a cd of the scan when I go to my appointments just in case there is a slip-up. I have the scan reports faxed to me when they are ready and the cd arrives in the mail a day or 2 later. I have also found that at times, stuff falls between the gaps, even at a major comprehensive cancer center. Don M
  4. Don M


    Hi ya and welcome. Don M
  5. Hey Leo, I am glad to read of your mother's good progress. Don M
  6. Don M


    Hi Linzy. Please don't get too wrapped up in the what ifs now. For one thing, I think if you have had pneumonia in the past, that can leave scar tissue that looks like tumor nodules. And welcome. don M
  7. If I could be cured, I would take my chances with the guilt. Anyway, I have only one lung now and so that will go a long ways to wiping out any guilt. I hope your friend can just drop it and be grateful. Speaking of being grateful, there is a writer, David Steindel-Rast who wrote a book called "Gratefulness, the Heart of Prayer" I recommend it to your friend or anyone else. I am grateful that after almost 4 years I am still alive and have a reasonably good quality of life. I am grateful that some of us are cured. I read the book about 15 years ago. Maybe I should read it again. http://www.gratefulness.org/books/dsr.htm#gratefulness Don M
  8. Don M


    Yeah.. way cool. what a dad. Don M
  9. Welcome. As soon as your mom get started on a treatment path, the routine will settle in and things will settle down. Don M
  10. Welcome Lilie: I hope you continue to be cancer free. Don M
  11. Good deal Mike Don M
  12. Len and MaryJo have my prayers Connie. Don M
  13. Don M


    Tanner, please accept my condolences for your loss. don m
  14. Don M

    Four Years -

    Hi Deb: congrats on the 4 years out. Pennsylvania sounds nice. I bought some fertilizer to age for the garden next year, so I am thinking ahead a bit too. Don M
  15. Hi Joann and welcome to the message board. Don M
  16. It makes sense to me stabilize the sodium where he is and then go on from there. Just make sure the oncologist is in the loop. Maybe you could talk to the oncologist yourself just to make sure. Don m
  17. Hi: it sounds like you mom is on the right treatment path. i wish her good luck and God speed. don M
  18. I think your mom should find a different doctor and get more answers and treatment if it is cancer. My brother had no insurance and Medicaid took care of him. He had lc. Don M
  19. Hi: I hope your mom's arm heals quickly and that she does well with treatment. UC Davis is a good place to go. I have had 2 chemos and never lost any hair, although it did thin and turned grey very quickly. Don M
  20. Hi Teri. and hi to Bill too. Let the miracles roll on. Don M
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