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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. I checked her site yesterday. it looks like she has to wait another 2 or 3 weeks for a decision. I hope she prevails. Don M
  2. Nyka: I wouldn't want to go to the hospital either if I could possibly avoid it. I am sure that your husband felt very supported when you made the call and he knew that he would be taken care of. You have my prayers to find the strength to keep on going. Don M
  3. Well, I am not sure how good an idea this might be, but I think if you could get him to take low dose prednisone he would be more chatty. There is a down side to prednisone. You might ask the oncologist about it. Don M
  4. Hi Bobbie; welcome. I have read that sclc responds well to chemo. You will feel better after you talk to your oncologist and have a plan. Don M
  5. Don M

    Comfort in 7-11

    Nyka: I like the 7-11 guy. what a nice ending to your story. You both have my prayers. Don M
  6. Don M

    The Good/The Bad

    Nyka, I hope you see a lot more goods. don M
  7. I am sorry Jill. Your mom and all of you have my prayers. Don M
  8. What a nice moment Ned, and congratulations on your one year survivorship. Don M
  9. Hi John: 2308 hours here. I have been eating a lot of ice cream with fresh berries from the garden. Good luck with your treatment. don M
  10. Welcome Trudy I think the most depressed I got was when I found out about my second cancer. Up to that point, I thought I had the cure ...oh well. I have been on lexapro off and on through the years. I have not used it in a year or so. After a while you just find a way to find the joy. It is part of being a human being. I just found out about my 4th cancer, and was depressed for a couple of hours I guess, but I am kind of shrugging it off now because I know I will soon get rid of my pneumonia and feel a lot better. Good luck with your treatment. Don M
  11. Welcome Patty: I was angry too when I first found out about my cancer. Maybe it would be more accurate to say I was very irritated. Anyway, I have kept my head in this cancer game ever since. Trying to understand as much as I can about it has helped me cope with it I guess. I have heard good things about Sloan. Good luck with your treatment. Don M
  12. Welcome Connie and good luck with your treatment. don M
  13. Jill, I hope this is a turning point that things keep on getting better. Don M
  14. Jill, I hope your mom gets some relief. Don M
  15. ok Bobby, your sister has my prayers. don M
  16. Hi: I don't know what the terms mean, but you could ask Dr.West at: http://www.onctalk.com/ So what is the extent of your dad's lung cancer? He may still be able to have treatment. I think he could take tarceva without any bad side effects to his breathing or heart. Ask Dr west about that too. Don M
  17. Michelle: if one of the side effects is chills, that is something you should report right away because I think it could be symptom of an infection. But apparently your dad's oncologist is on top of it. When will they be doing a scan? Don M
  18. "I don't wanna a die, I just wanna ride my motor cy...cle." A line from an Arlo Guthrie song in 1968 (The Motorcycle Song). I don't ride a motorcycle, but I can still appreciate the sentiment. I have been spontaneously singing that lyric at any moment, even in the middle of a conversation. It is the best part of the song. Don M
  19. I think anyone that has had other than stage one lung cancer that was cured with surgery should get an mri at some point. Many of the lc treatments do not pass the blood brain barrier. Many of us are surviving longer now and so are more likely to get brain mets whereas not so long ago, folks would die before brain mets became an issue. Get an mri. Don M
  20. I blab everything to my family. I do it often. I do it in a matter of fact way, sometimes with humor. Fortunately for me and my family, I am not in a situation where I need a constant caregiver. Don M
  21. Don M

    Any advice?

    Hi Heather: the talc may actually slow down cancer growth. http://news.ufl.edu/2007/06/06/talcum/ Eat what feels good. Don M
  22. Don M

    Fungal infection

    Hi Mrs Ry: I browsed a bit and found this thread: http://ehealthforum.com/health/topic40545.html also, http://healthtruth.reachlocal.net/2.php http://www.fungusfocus.com/candida/cfun ... l_info.htm I am sorry John has this complication and hope it can soon be fixed. Don M
  23. Don M

    Thank You All

    Tom, I am very sorry for your loss. I have 4 adult children and God willing, I will die before them as is the natural order. Please accept my condolences. Don M
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