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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. I keep all my reports too. It paid off the other day when I had a recent ct scan at a different facility report on features as if they were new but that had previously shown up on 2003,2004, 2005 and 2006 and were considered stable or benign after 2006. It also saves time if you want to see a different doctor. All you have to do is give him copies of your reports. If I do it myself, I know it gets done. Don M
  2. I think seeing a pain management specialist as Donna suggested is a good idea. they can review the pain control regime and make changes if needed. I am glad your mom had no pain this morning. Do M
  3. What a stupid thing to say.... I think your dad did effective damage control. Don M
  4. Don M


    I hope tomorrow is a better day Rachel. Don M
  5. Get well soon Jim. If it is malignant, I certainly hope they got it all. don M
  6. Welcome Christine: If your father-in-law has lymph node involvement, chemoradiation is the best treatment. It sounds like the PET scan showed uptake in the lymph nodes at the mediastinum and so he probably is staged correctly. I have heard that PET scans have a 90% reliability for detecting cancer in mediastinal lymph nodes. However, they could be inflamed for some other reason though perhaps as a result of his recent bronchitis. I think you might go for a second opinion just to pin down the lymph node involvement if there is any doubt at all. If the lymph nodes are clear. He could have cyberknife surgery and be cancer free. http://www.cyberknifesupport.org/forum/ Don M
  7. I am glad to read of your dad's progress Dina. As you are probably aware, your dad still has a pretty good shot at attaining NED with chemoradiation. Don M
  8. Cyberknife treatment is often used to treat spinal tumors so as to avoid damage to the spine. I hope another treatment such as Navelbine brings shrinkage. http://www.cyberknifesupport.org/forum/ Don M
  9. Bobby I hope the avastin gives your sister quick shrinkage. It is unusual to use avastin for sclc. I like Carleen's response. Don M
  10. I had alimta and had fatigue. I think at least a little bit of exerise would help even if it is just walking around the house. I went for a walk in the morning and crashed in the afternoon when I was on alimta. I never really recovered much by the next infusion until near the end of my treatment. Don M
  11. It could be mucous that does not clear your lung easily because of scar tissue at your surgery site. My pulmonologist once suggested this. He says that sometimes the surfaces of the scar tissue can be concave and act to pool the mucous. Don M
  12. Welcome Sherlyn. I hope you continue to keep the cancer at bay indefintiely. Don m
  13. Dina, I hop the ileus problem resolves and your dad can go on with treatment. Don M
  14. Well, I have not had an paradigm shift in my consciousness, maybe subtle changes, my wife and I have become much closer. Also, I have learned a little more compassion. Don M
  15. Don M

    Cruised out!

    Welcome back Ernie.
  16. Dar, I hope your mom gets going on a new plan that works. don M
  17. I had a cough for months and eventually got an xray that showed me to have post obstructive pneumonia with a possible component of treatment induced pneumonitis. My cough was especially worse if I exerted my self. I would get lung snot and my chest would rattle and it was hard to get it cleared. I never had any thick mucous. It was runny. I noticed that if I took a menthol cough drop, it stabilized. Anyway, after the xray diagnosis, I went on prednisone and had a course of antibiotics, and my cough is much better. Don M
  18. Good luck with your surgery Gail. Don M
  19. Welcome Peptster. I hope your wife gets a good response from her treatment. don M
  20. Well, now that was scary, eh? Taxol is on the maybe list for my next chemo. I will watch for flashing lights if I take it. Don M
  21. Maybe she should see a radiation oncologist. I have heard of others who had bone pain that was quickly eliminated after radiation. Don M
  22. It is good to hear from you Aaron. I hope your treatment is going ok. Maybe you can see a little better now? Don M
  23. Reading that jerk's comment makes me feel hurt and angry at the same time. Don M
  24. Hi: your sister is very likely on her way to a cure. Don M
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