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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. I had image guided focused radiation (IGRT) a year ago to kill a tumor. The intent was to kill the tumor only and and not damage adjacent tissue. It didn't work, even after follow-up chemo. I think my situation is unusual. IGRT is usually a very effective way to kill a single small tumor. Don M
  2. Hi Barb; As I recall, I was able to sleep on my surgery side after 2 months. It helps speed your recovery if you walk every day too and helps you get more lung capacity back. Don M
  3. Good deal Cindy. Don M
  4. Dar, I hope your mom gets back on track soon. Don M
  5. Rochelle, you all have my prayers. Don M
  6. Don M

    My friend Tina

    Goodbye Tina Don M
  7. A figure that sticks in my head is that there is a 50% chance that any nodule less than 1 cm will turn out to be cancer. When it goes over 1 cm, then it is time to investigate. Don M
  8. Don M

    The Struggle

    Goodbye Don and good luck in your new ministry. You have been a rock here and surely practiced a ministry while you were here. I have heard of the Stephen Ministry. I think the Catholics are involved in it too. Don M
  9. Be sure to ask for an epidural. My anesthesiologist told me that studies have shown that if you have an epidural, you are not likely to have long term post operative pain. Also, it manages the immediate pain very well. Good luck with your surgery. Don M
  10. Poor guy... I hope he soon gets out and can maintain an equilibrium. Don M
  11. Welcome. I am sorry that your family has been burnt twice by lc. I hope your dad responds to treatment. Don M
  12. Well, I don't know about the 3s and groupings and whatnot, but I noticed cancer a lot more after I got it. Don M
  13. Hi Tanner: I hope the new trial works and you all get a break soon. Don M
  14. Don M


    Hang in there scman...you have a good shot at a cure. Don M
  15. hi Cheryl and welcome. I hope your dad does well with his treatment. Don M
  16. Don M


    Hi Richard, welcome. It looks like you have a shot at a cure. I would forgo the lung needle biopsy too. I have had 3 of them and they all came out inconclusive. Afterwards, I read that there is a slight chance that microscopic amounts of cancer could be introduced to the blood stream as the needle is being extracted. They can do a biopsy while you are on the table and remove the lobe if needed. That is what they did with me. If they take your lobe, the wait is to see if the lymph nodes are clear and to pin down more specifically the type of cancer and its stage. Just go through the steps you have to take and let the feelings wash through you. I hope you get the cure and this will soon be a memory of a rather unpleasant bump in the road. Don M
  17. They move much more quickly in a major comprehensnive cnceer centr.
  18. Well, Raplh. I defintely have an idea now of what Rochelle's dad is going through and what you went through. It sounds scary. Rochelle, I hope your dad can find a mellow way to come off the ventillator. I had one for my recent fiducial placement and thankfuly it was gone by the time I woke up. Don M
  19. I have had 2 chemos..the first one I was working and found that I had to take some days off. The second one I was retird and although I exercised, I also napped. I would be active in the morning, take walks, do housework, but I slept in the afternoon. don M
  20. Don M


    Hiya welcome. You are on your way to the cure most likely. So although some uncertainty and anxiety is to be expected, you can probably let some gratitude seep in there and some relief. Don M
  21. I have not been without cancer long enough to be complacent and I am retired, so the rat race eludes me. but if I manage to attain NED for any time longer than a year, I think I will get a temporary job of some sort and save up for a trip. Then I would trade my rat race moments and perhaps a little complacency for a trip around the Western US. Don M
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