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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. Tracy: it seems like your mom is getting mixed messages. If she is not going to a comprehensive cancer center, she should go to one. I have heard that bronchosopies are fairly reliable when the test is positive for cancer, but not reliable for negative tests. Don M
  2. Hi Sis, and welcome to this site. Your sister is on a promising chemo/targeted therapy combo from what I have read. I have seen others write of having the tarceva dose reduced when the rash is bad. The most common dose is 150 mg. It could be reduced to 100 or 50 mg as others have done. I suppose the fever and infection must be from the carboplatin and/or gemzar. They may reduce her dosage of the chemo too. Hopefully she can recover and continue the same treatment. Setbacks that require hospitalization can be very upsetting, especially when you have a recent diagnosis. Don M
  3. Carole: doing the testing and waiting thing is no doubt the hardest part of this whole deal. What I do, and it seems to help, is assume that I am cancer free until the tests show otherwise. I have had three cancers now. I am confident that I am cancer free again and will have a scan in 2 weeks to verify it. I also take lexapro. Don M
  4. congratulations Gin. I hope you have many more. don M
  5. Hi Carol. Welcome to this board. I hope the scans show no liklihood of malignancy. I would ask the pulmonologist for a PET scan or a PET/CT scan regardless. Don M
  6. Hi Kim. Maybe your mom can do a different chemo after the radiation is done. Doing radiation and chemo at the same time is hard for most people. The treatment is important, but so is hope. Don't give up hope and try to impart to you mom that there is still hope with the radiation treatment. Don M
  7. Great news Jen. I am sure that most of us have grown stronger spiritually and emotionally in the aftermath of our cancer, but if I knew what it would take to get here, I would not touch it with a 10 foot pole. Your family has my continued prayers. Don M
  8. Please accept my condolences for the loss of your mother. Don M
  9. Andrea: I doubt there could be much change in 2 months, at least from how my cancer behaves. The radiologist missed a spot on my ct film in august 2005. It was caught in Feb 2006, 6 months later and turned out to be my 3rd cancer. It had not spread anywhere else. In retrospect, one could compare the August film to the Feb film and see that the spot was there in Aug. In February, the spot was 1 cm by 1.4cm. In august it was certainly less than 1 cm, but visible. My pulmonologist caught the missed spot in February and showed it to me. From now on, I am going to take my ct scans to him to see if he agrees with the radiologist. Don M
  10. Deb, please accept my condolences for your loss. don M
  11. Amanda: the most common second line therapy drugs are alimta, tarceva and taxotere as a single agent. Carboplatin in combination with other drugs such as taxol, gemzar or taxotere is a first line therapy. If your dad gets a second opinion at UC Davis, they can clarify whether or not he has had second line therapy. Your dad's profile mentions carboplatin/taxotere only. It also says the second period of chemo was 3 weeks instead of 3 months. I guess the 3 weeks must be a typo? I had assumed that the additonal 3 weeks was just more carboplatin/taxotere. Don M
  12. Welcome Lynda; the hospice people often times offer support to family memebers as well as the patient. It will help if you talk to them too as well as us. Don M
  13. That is a well done piece of work. I was thinking about getting a lung tattoed on my right chest and a bronchial stump on my left chest.... nah. Don M
  14. Amanda; this would be a good time to get a second opinion at a major comprehensive cancer center. UC at Davis is a good place to go for a second opinion. You could discuss clinical trials vs continued second line chemotherapy. I am sure your dad's current doc would give a referral if you need one for insurance purposes. Don M
  15. Hi Donna: I am sorry your dad has had this setback. Ask if he can switch to carboplatin/taxol. I have read that gemzar can cause a rash which is an indicator of a bone marrow problem. They may want to wait unitl your dad's rash clears up and then maybe he could switch chemos. http://www.cancerhelp.org.uk/help/default.asp?page=4024 Don M
  16. OUCH! You did a good job of documenting your adventure (ordeal) Becky. Don M
  17. Welcome Mary. I respect your decision too. I hope you find peace and blessings in the coming days. Don M
  18. Barb: I would insist that the law be enforced to the point of compliance. I would consider taking video of the offenders and insisting that they be prosecuted for violation of state law. You could try just going along with the flow I suppose, but if that means continued exposure to second hand smoke, it just is not right. Their suggestion that you wear a face mask is ludicrous. You might want to start keeping a diary and document everything, such as conversations with students, the administration and campus police. You are not overreacting. Don M
  19. Sounds geat Mendy; be sure he keeps coughing up gunk and sucking on his spirometer. Don M
  20. Don M

    One Year

    Congratulations on your one year anniversary Ralph. Regarding you sob, I would suspect radiation damage except, I think if you had pneumonitis, the sob would be constant instead of in episodes. I hope you get it figured out. Don M
  21. Welcome Sharon Don M
  22. Welcome Elaine: I recently completed image guided radiation therapy which uses 3d techniques. The intent was to kill the tumor while conserving adjacent healthy lung tissue. As far as I am concerned, you can feel free to express your religious beliefs or spirituality any time you want. Don M
  23. Sounds good John. Don M
  24. I am sorry you all had this letdown. My mom is 83. My siblings say she worries about stuff too much. If my mom was in your mom's situation, I would let her know anyway. I would want to know if I was in your mom's situation. It is really tough either way whether you keep her fully informed or not. You all have my prayers. Don M
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