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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Andrea


    Ry is simply the best of the best, a true class act. Thanks for all you do Ry!
  2. Again, Katie and Rick (the ultimate decision makers)are gone. They are not reading the website right now. They are on vacation. Please everyone don't get bent out of shape just yet, let's wait to hear what they say I am sure Katie doesn't want to come home to read people jumping down each others throats.
  3. Just a reminder to everyone, Katie and Rick are on a well-needed vacation, so there won't be any determination until they get back. Not that I have any say in whether a forum will come about, but FYI, personally, I am indifferent to another forum, if it will help people, I say great. But there are a lot of factors to consider such as I know that Rick works long long long long hours these days, and it does take a lot of work to make changes to the website; and there may be a lot of people who have different opinions on such a forum who don't vocalize it on the website, but do it through PMs. Let's chill out till the Browns return from vacation
  4. Why can't the grieving forum be used to discuss issues of losing a spouse? It would be difficult to have separate sections on grieving a spouse, grieving a parent, grieving a child, etc.
  5. Heather you are a true inspiration and hero!
  6. I have no answers, but I am so sorry to hear the news It is unfair
  7. I have about 100 books left sitting in my garage. To date, LCSC has received $2,000 in profits.
  8. Andrea

    Morning cough

    My mom still has a cough often, most likely allergies. Unrelated to cancer, I have a chronic cough from allergies/post nasal drip/reflux. I believe it is quite common. From my research, chronic coughs happen so often, one of the top reasons people go to a dr.
  9. Andrea

    Sad Tidings

    My deepest sympathies. Your mom was the best, she will be missed dearly.
  10. I am hoping to hear a good update soon
  11. Fay--love you so much. Wishing you peace
  12. Andrea


    Hi. That was my mom's cocktail SHe tolerated it well, and only 50% hair loss
  13. Andrea

    To Fay A

    Add me to the list of Fay's fans. Thinking of you every day!
  14. Connie, Not that this will help you, but FYI my mom got approved right away with IIIA two years ago. Maybe the fact that she is fluffy and diabetic added to it? She didn't have medical problems relatd to the fluff or sugar issues though at time of diagnosis, except to be scolded by some doctors. Good luck!!! I hope the attorney WINS for you
  15. I am not sure about my mom, I will ask her. However, seeing who does get disability from social security in the employment lawsuits I deal with, you should DEFINATELY get it. I personally don't know how good they are, I never worked with them except to subpoena records to get someone's social security disability records, but I do believe they are national (see them on tv), and I have seen them successful in getting social security disability in cases far less serious than lung cancer, the law firm is Binder and Binder.
  16. Fay you are a beautiful person, inside and out
  17. Thank you dear sweet Fay for posting.
  18. WOO HOO!!! Go Becky!!!! That is such great news I hope you had a great celebration!
  19. Andrea

    From Fay A.

    Please tell Fay that we all love her and admire her. Words cannot describe how much love, comfort, support, and knowledge she bestowed on us all. She is one of the most corageous people I have ever known.
  20. Andrea


    Thinking of you Karen! And I hpoe the air quality with the fires didnt hit you too bad
  21. Hurry back Fay! We miss you!
  22. I live in Anaheim Hills, California. I would love to be a Buddy. And I mean that literally, my parents dog is Buddy and how spoiled he is Ok, bad humor
  23. Andrea


    I am so sorry She will be missed
  24. Andrea

    Baby News!

    Yay!!!! Great news
  25. I am so sorry I dont know what to say. You have had to bear just too much, it is not fair
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