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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. What a great link. I would love a copy of your sign. Remember, I am lazy, no re-inventing the wheel I will PM you
  2. Done for me, my husband, my dad, and my mom. Thought about doing Buddy the dog, but instead, I am going to include the link in one of the mass e-mails I send to friends/family about my mom as updates. I will do it this week
  3. So sorry for what you ahve to go through Love and thoughts coming your way
  4. My mom is 60. I am 33. She smoked when pregnant, as did everyone else she knew. The dangers were not as "public" as they were now.
  5. No recommendations on how to solve it, but just letting you know in the interim before others reply with actual ideas, it is NORMAL to have chemo delayed b/c of blood count. It happened to my mom and I freaked out, then I posted and learned that almost everyone has it happened, it is very common. I hope it resolves soon for you!
  6. I just saw this now. How disgusting of Arnold What amazes me the most is that I would think with his Hollywood connections, and the publicity of Dana Reeves, he would know better.
  7. Thanks! Now to be laizer yet again, do you have the e-mail you sent? :) I think one of the first things I learned as a lawyer was not to reinvent the wheel
  8. Being lazy and asking instead of reinventing the wheel first. Anyone know off hadn how to find out if LCAM is declared in a state? I am curious abut California
  9. Obsessive, compulsive, neurotic, and paranoid. That is me. Bumping this up in case people want to order. Shipping can take like 10-12 days. If anyone is in a rush, I can do priority mail of course.
  10. The 96 is NOT for herself :) Heehee. THe 96 was for the fair she is doing in Oklahoma to sell. I was able to send hers out two days earlier b/c I shipped them in the original boxes they came in. I had to wait for my boxes to come in
  11. Hahahah. Per the post office, larger boxes will take longer to do with Media Mail. ALl initial orders were mailed out that day at the same time. I sent 96 books to Debi in Oklahoma a few days before I mailed out the others and she is still waiting to receive it.
  12. Sorry you had to find us, but welcome! Where in California are you? I am in Orange County
  13. Thanks! I am so glad you got it! I think you are the first one, which means people should start getting them soon. YAY!!!! My husband keeps asking when I am going to try out the recipes too I tell him when I remember to cook, I'll cook.
  14. I wish Vegas went better We broke even, so in Vegas terms that is good news. I scared my mom though, it was so much fun, I called her and whispered "mommy, don't tell Brian, I had to charge $1,000 to your credit card to get cash b/c I lost that much and Brian will be mad. I am just letting you know for when daddy opens the bill". She went back and forth to believing me, not believing me. Then I put Brian on the phone
  15. Heather, Hang on to Connie's post about many having nodules that are nothing. You are such a strong girl. Please keep us posted.
  16. Hi. I just wanted to let everyone know that my in-vitro process is going to slow things down in shipments. I am tentatively scheduled for egg retreival/surgery on Nov 13; and then tentatively scheduled for the embryo transfer on Nov. 16 which means a full week of bed rest. So, the point of this post is that if you are in a hurry to get your book, order now 1. If you do paypal, I get it immediately. 2. If you plan on mailing in a check, feel free to to send me a PM or e-mail me at andrea@lchelp.org and tell me how many you are ordering with your address so I can pre-package and have my servant/butler/father just take it to the post office They will be checking the PO Box for me during that time. He won't be logging in orders and packing them up on his own b/c it would be too confusing to explain to him, but he will mail out what is done
  17. Heidi, My mom had that a few years before her cancer. They could not figure out why. They were adjusting some of her meds and her calcium went back down. But she is still aneimic to this day. And her cancer has not spread to the bones as far as we know. So don't panic I know, easier said than done.
  18. I read your post quickly, just got home, but have to say, HUMOR about any situaton is just soooo important!!! Somoene asked us at the oncologist office how we could be laughing and look happy. I said even if am miserable inside, I have to keep the sense of humor up. Like my dad told the nurse the other day, my mom is like a plant, she just sits and he wondered if he added water if she would grow YOu need to make light of things at times!
  19. Andrea

    Journey's End

    I am so sorry for your loss I admire your courage and dedication to the event in honor of Steve
  20. I hope we hear from you soon Ann!! I hope she is like my aunt in Florida, totally fine, just sitting in the dark b/c of power outages.
  21. Thanks Maryanne It really was not too bad. It just got bad like when I printed out 9 labels, then got to the 10th and forgot to hit the row and column and Katie's name printed over everyone else's name. I am pretty dysfunctional It would have been comical if anyone watched. Or pathetic I feel like I exercised though, so I wonder if I should have some cake I just sent out a mass e-mail to my family and friends, hopefully guilting them into buying books. I read it after it was sent and how can they not when I explained what better way to celebrate lung cancer awareness month and my mom's two year anniversary Heehee
  22. I spent this afternoon packing up the orders I currently have!!! I have 10 orders, packed up 78 books total. The books really look AWESOME!!!!! My mom did such an awesome job picking out the style. Keep in mind that we had to pick from pre-designed covers and styles from the cookbook company. I must say I am the most out of shape person ever. I am sweating like a little piggy from taking in the shipping boxes from UPS today, opening them, carrying in the cookobooks from the garage, packing, etc. Hopefully I burned some calories at least! Hahahahaha.
  23. Bumping up in case anyone wants to donate to LCSC in honor of Andrea B's hike. The money goes to a great causes, LCSC
  24. Andrea

    cookbooks :):)

    I concur with Ry as usual. She really has great advice on all areas of life For those who want to kick in a little extra to LCSC, please do Send in those donations! It is a wonderful organization in need of money. I will tell you, the cookbooks are NOT going to raise a TON of money for LCSC. Just a few thousand hopoefully once all are sold. However I priced them reasonably b/c I didn't want people to not be able to afford them. Someone suggested $20 each but I thought that was too much. This is not a huge money maker, but a fun one and a book we will all always have
  25. Andrea

    cookbooks :):)

    Hi all, Just wanted to make sure you saw Katie's Announcement in General that the cookbooks are ready for pre-orders!!! Please send your orders in. Can you imagine how upset my husband will be if I ordered and paid for 600 cookbooks and sold none?? Per the e-mail, UPS is shipping 29 boxes, total weight 994lbs. Brian will have some lifting to do while I direct For those still reading, just FYI, my mom got sent home from having her heart shocked due to AFib b/c her blood was too thick. She has to up her cumadin and reschedule. Meanwhile I am having heart palpatations. I get these episodes every few months where my heart feels like it is doing flip flops. Anyone else get that???? I had an ekg and echocardiogram not too long ago and they said palpatations are common. I don't like them
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