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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Andrea

    Where is Fay A?

    I hope she gets back on line soon. I miss her too! Fay come back and play!
  2. She responded to my Iressa post today but that is it!!!! I PMd her too, where are her posts???? Becky---come out and play!!!!!
  3. Andrea

    Resuming chemo

    Good luck with the new drug! I am glad that you are in the driver seat! I do not miss the humidity from back east. Here in CA it is beautiful :) I say that as the earth is probably about to gobble me up
  4. Andrea

    Iressa poll

    Thanks everyone!! Becky--it is a diet aid for her, she is losing weight! Amazing how many differnt side effects one pill can have on so many. I guess we shall see waht the onc says. I like what your onc did Becky, took you off to see if it gets better. That is what we might have to do. We are so bummed that the clinical trial he wanted to try for maintence closed just as she was ready. Bahumbug!
  5. Those who need food for an event--I found Krispy Creme and Winchells Donuts willing to give Just call their office. What you do is write a letter and they send you out something. Because they get so many requests, they put a cap on what they give. Winchells yesterday sent me 2 coupons for 2 free dozen (14 in a dozen), so that is 56 donuts Krispy Creme said they usually give 10 dozen, I will find out soon if that is accurate. And then you call other bakeries and ask for day olds and you got lots of sweets.
  6. my mom had a mediastonocopy, not sure if that is the same as a thoroascopy. She tolerated it very well and went home teh same day! They found it was cancer, but did not remove the lung porition immediately b/c the lymphs were positve, so she had chemo first
  7. Ben, Greetings to a NYer from a former NYer. I was born and raised there, my parents just moved out west 3 years ago. I feel for you b/c my mom was in a similar situation to your mom--stopped smoking over 20 years ago and seemed so healthy. I am not sure what to tell you about bone mets and symptoms, just wanted to say I am sorry you have to go through this! Since you are in Manhattan, have you gotten a second opinion at Sloans? Or maybe that is where she is beign treated. It always helps b/c different doctors view things differently.
  8. I ditto what Heather says, maybe call the oncologist to see what he/she recommends and go from there? It is so hard to be in the situation you are in and there is no magic answer for you to know what is right. I am sorry you are going through this
  9. I was about to suggest pedicures together, but then I saw heather beat me to it I am an only child and I know that all my mom wants from me is me. And to see me happy. Do you both go shopping together? Just time alone and lunch would probably make her bubble over!
  10. Joyce, Never a dull moment. I hope you don;t have much trouble with the insurance people! Thinking of you
  11. Dean, How are YOU? It just hit me--you are responding to everyone's posts, giving support all the time and we have not gotten an update about YOU. I miss hearing from you in your posts. If you have some time, can you let us know how you are? You are in inspiration to so many on here. Thanks!
  12. What a handsome man. Oh Joni, it is so unfair. I wish I had a magic wand.
  13. Gayle, thinking of you and your family
  14. yay! you and jamie need to start a club and add more members!!!
  15. I have chills and am crying for joy! yay!
  16. I never had to deal with it, but I have heard others in general dealing with it and it is wrong. People have no tact.
  17. Wow! Please post promplty and loudly later that it is false alarm!
  18. Andrea

    Iressa poll

    There are two uses for Iressa. The first use, and most common and where most of the articles come from is for Stage IV when other treatments don't work. However, there is a thought amongst oncologists and studies which show that if Iressa does good in Stage IV, it should be used earlier for maintence of NED (prevention of recurrance) during the first two years of remission when recurrance is so high. It is chemo in a pill, but it is supposed to have less side effects than chemo. In my mom's case it is having more side effects
  19. Andrea

    Iressa poll

    My mom is taking Iressa, not sure how much longer she will remain on it. She feels worse than she did with chemo, surgery, and radiation! Her ability to do anything is declining. She describes the following major side effects: Fatigue Lethargic Weak Nausea Severe diareha. (Snowflake called it explosive, my mom calls it Thunder Mountain. I think she sees too much about Thunder Mountain on the news recently and adopted the phrase Very dry skin.
  20. Andrea

    Iressa poll

    So many people are on Iressa, off Iressa, have questions about Iressa, etc. So I decided to start this poll If you have side effects, it would be great if you could list them in response so others might not feel as "alone". Thanks!
  21. Oy vey Ginny, what a time you had! Hopefully you can slow down now. PS--I had an infiltrate in both lungs at one point, found when I had an abdominal ct, had follow up scans sand they went away. Very common
  22. I will be thinking good thoughts for the appt!
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