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Everything posted by pecola

  1. Berisa, no one could ever forget your beautiful face and your love and devotion to your father. Glad all is well with you. Gina
  2. I always vote with the heart, so if your heart tells you to do it, then I say do it. I don't think any loving couple - and Carleen I can tell from your words of love for your Keith that you and he are incredibly loving people - has ever regretted their children, never ever! As we all know all too painfully well here, life can be so short and we have to try our best to live it with NO REGRETS. Hugs and Love to you both. Gina
  3. Sounds Delicious, Ann! I'm going to try it next week. Kasey, please post the make-ahead-mashed potatoes if you get a chance. I'd love to make those, too! Gina
  4. ...take a walk on the wild side...You, me, and...
  5. I'm sure his beloved beagle, Duke, was there waiting for him. Godspeed Dean and thank you for forever changing me - and ((((Gay)))) my love to you and prayers that God hold you especially close right now. Gina
  6. Mine was a 1976 Olsmobile Omega (the dressed up Nova, LOL). I promptly rolled it and got a 1974 Beige Pinto Hatchback - too bad it wasn't gold, too, that would have made for a better story Gina
  7. Great, great news, Don!
  8. Oliver, AWESOME news! I Love you attitude and your moniker . ~Gina (Proud, proud 20 year + Florida Cracker in training)
  9. How did your Dad's Dr.'s appointment go today? Gina
  10. I think $12 is an excellent price! ~Gina
  11. Lillian, they are in my prayers. The flooding concerns definitely make South Louisiana particularly vulnerable. Gina
  12. Ann, I have been thinking of you since the new path came out last night. I have to tell you, I'm still so hurricane weary, I just burst into tears when i saw the 11:00 pm broadcast last night - and I know ours wasn't nearly as bad as yours last year. For me, it's the fear, infinite-seeming power outages, heat, and mold that just wore me down last year. We just got everything back in order, so I guess it's time to start over, LOL, *big sigh*. But things could be so much worse, so I'm shutting up my whine-trap, LOL! My prayers are going up for you. ~Gina
  13. I'm so glad this decision was made for you. That would have been such a tough call. Best wishes to your family. Stick around. The company around here is a pretty nice bunch.
  14. Yes, that is probably the clinical trial John's link was referring to to in his post above. It would seem from the article John linked to that PCI is not standard protocol in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer at this time and still being studied only at the clinical trial phase. I'm no expert at anything, but if it were my Dad, I would be very hesitant to put him through it, since he is doing so well (No Evidence of Disease) right now and there doesn't seem to be much data supporting its effectiveness at this point. Somebody, please correct me if I misinterpreted the abstract. I bet your Dad and Mom are really glad to have you there at the appointments. It always helps to have as many extra sets of ears as possible. Gina
  15. Hi, Jtate58. When I talked to your sister , she was saying that they wanted your Father to participate in some sort of clinical trial, is that right?
  16. WoW! That took guts, and I'm awed by your humility and honesty; but please don't be so hard on yourself, Pat. We are all human, and all of these heightened emotions thoughts and feelings are to be expected under the circumstances. (((Pat))) (((Brat))) Gina
  17. Holy Guacamole, Snowflake! Brandon is smokin' hot, LOL!!! He has a real chance to win it. ~Gina
  18. (((Dani))) We can only BE what we are at any given moment, that is all. I admire your raw honesty and your love and devotion to your sister. When we lose the one person in the world that we felt like REALLY loved us unconditionaly or REALLY knew us, it's like being adrift in the ocean with no oars or shore in sight - but the shore really is there, and this time of pain and relection and heartache will lessen, I promise. One day you'll find that shore all on your own and know that the love that Da gave you all of those years is still there inside you, sustaining you, and giving you the strength to get yourself back to that shore. Don't be hard on yourself - you're just doing the best you can do and that IS enough for this moment. ~Gina
  19. Here's a link to our dear friend's obituary. http://legacy.com/TBO/LegacySubPage2.as ... d=14079522
  20. Glad to hear from you Melanie. Another person I thought of was Cathy R. Has anyone heard from her?
  21. I agree! I so miss your journal entries and take on life. Let us know you are o.k.
  22. You can talk as much as you want! Don't worry about being long-winded around here - especially when you are talking about one of our favorite guys, Frank. Tell him to enjoy the view and let hime know we are thinking about and praying for him. Gina
  23. I LOVE your spirit and the journal, Uncle Doug! Once you start the chemo, you'll start kicking some cancer bu**! Keep sharing that journal!! You paint a great picture with your words! Best wishes, Gina
  24. pecola

    one year

    P.S. I agree with Ginny, Curtis. I think you may be a lot more right-brained than you think. You have a beautiful gift with words.
  25. pecola

    one year

    I raise my glass and shed a tear with you. My Respect and Admiration always, Gina
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