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Everything posted by jstdzy

  1. jstdzy

    Cancer Free!!!!!

    Wonderful, wonderful news!!! Yipppeee! My ONC had me do follow up chemo, but my cancer was a differant type then yours, so HOORAY!!! Dana
  2. jstdzy

    rockin' Tarceva

    Way to GO!! Yipppeee!!! Dana
  3. Darien, Welcome. Sorry you have the need to be here, but glad you found this site. This place was a life saver for me. Dana
  4. Hi Ann, What did his Doc say? It doesn't sound like a good idea for him not to get rehab for his new knee. He needs phys. therapy does not he? A nurse saying "oh he's walking pretty good", doesn't sound like a sound medical opinion to me. I'd call his doc and raise He**! That just doesn't make any sense! Dana
  5. jstdzy

    Marisa Update

    Thoughts and prayers on the way to Marisa. Thank you Bruce.
  6. Hey Melanie! So glad everything went great! It sounds like you are doing fabulous! Take Muriel's advice and stay on top of your pain meds! ((hugs)) Dana
  7. WOW!!! AWESOME news Dawn!!! YIPPPEEE!!! Dana
  8. Hi John, Talk to your ONC. There are many chemo drugs out there or maybe they can give you something to help with the symptoms. I know I had about six differant pills just to help control the bad side effects. So please talk to your doc first. We can always walk the path less traveled if it gets to rough! Dana
  9. Chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, lots of ice cream and chocolate!
  10. Good Morning! I'm jealous! It's 5 degrees here with a windchill of . . . -13 degrees! Negative 13!! Brrrrrr! Dana
  11. jstdzy


    Thank you Bruce!
  12. Thank you so much for letting us know! I've been worrying about the little woman all day!!! YIPPPEEEE!!! Dana
  13. Barbara, I to have asked myself what will I do if my cancer comes back? I can't go through chemo treatment like I did the first time, horribly sick, tired, felt awful, stuff almost killed me. But faced with the decision I think I would try another chemo and if it gets to bad, we can always walk the other path. Good Luck to you! Prayers on the way! ((hugs)) Dana
  14. Hi Melanie, I forgot about the white tights! Hated those things! You have a lot going for and a lot of prayers coming your way. It's a big surgery and big fears go along with it. You really will do great! Keep posting! We're here! Dana
  15. jstdzy

    Who am I now?

    A job! Way to go! Dana
  16. Melanie, You should be at least a little freaked out or something would be really, really wrong with your mind! It's okay just keep coming here and letting it out. You're doing great! Dana
  17. Melanie, I woke up with the epidural already in place. Once it's in place I didn't feel a thing at all! Nothing! Same thing with the cath, already in place when I woke up. I'm glad your asking questions! Keep up the good work! Dana
  18. Melanie, So more stuff for your list! A good stool softner, you don't even want to get constipated when you get home! MOST IMPORTANT!! Make sure you are having bowel movements in the hospital if you are raise heck! Very dangerous! Oh yes, the gave me a pain killer button, so before you try and move hit the button then give yourself about 10 minutes! Yeee Haw! If you get scared let us know, we are right here for you. You really are going to do great you have everything on your side, plus tons of good wishes and prayers! ((hugs)) Dana
  19. Thank you for posting. You are right that there isn't alot of good news on the SCLC front. So I really appreciated your post. Congratulations! Dana
  20. jstdzy

    Who am I now?

    Michelle, I still don't know the answer to that question. I took care of my Mom for six years and we were always very close before that we talked practically everyday. Then living with her and taking care of her for 6 years we got even closer. When she died I was devistated, still am some days. I just keep putting one foot in front of the other. People tell me it gets better and since she died almost a year ago it has, some days it's just as bad. One thing I know you would be great at is a patient advocate, I don't know if they have volunteers for something like that or not. Your in my prayers. (((hugs))) Dana
  21. Contrast update: Dr. Weiss and Dr. West are neither one that attached to using contrast. They both agree it is helpful for seeing smaller lesions in the lung and the liver, but not that necessary. So I will talk to my ONC about ditching the contrast on my CAT's, since I have such an I.V. phobia. Dana
  22. Good Morning! I woke up to snow! Just a dusting. I'm ready for spring! Dana
  23. Maribeth, I was dx'd with sclc. I had surgery followed by chemo then just scans every 4 months. Most times I feel like it's all behind me, but a cough? or a headache? I wonder if it's back. I think that is just going to be my "new normal" for awhile. Dana
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