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Everything posted by jstdzy

  1. Judy, Thank you for being such a compassionate and caring person. Thanks for sharing. (((hugs))) Dana
  2. Randy, I always enjoy your upbeat and positive attitude! Dana
  3. Thank you! Didn't know I was that "chatty"! Dana
  4. Your Mom is amazing! Tell her Happy Holidays for me! And give her a kiss! Dana
  5. jstdzy

    God is good!

    Merry Christmas!
  6. jstdzy

    Pain experience

    David, Thank you for posting your experience. It is a reminder to all of us to be proactive with our health. Dana
  7. jstdzy

    Dog Socks!

    Five years WOW! Dana
  8. Crab artichoke spread with warm bread! Yummy! Daba
  9. Something totally frivolous unless you want to give me something completely practical like a new car!! LOL! Dana
  10. Wow Dawn! I'm sorry I missed this! That is outstanding news!!! sclc is such nasty stuff! What a miraculous thing!!! Dana
  11. Thank you Ann. Happy Thanksgiving! Dana
  12. I'm so sorry you are having such a rough time of it Michelle. All I can tell you is that it does get a little easier. But I know how empty those words are right now. So I'm sending you prayers for strength and peace. (hugs) Dana
  13. Prayers that topo will fill the bill! Dana
  14. Dawn, In my case we started having meeting at work on Thursdays over lunch. At first it was every other week now it seems to be every week. So a new day would work better for me. Thanks, Dana
  15. Hey Debbie, I smoked right up until the day of surgery. I was sucking cigs down all the way to the hospital. That was the last day I smoked. I was in the hospital for a week, I figured that would be a good time to quit. I also took Chantix that really helped. Good Luck and Prayers on the way to you and your family. Dana
  16. Hi Debbie, Welcome. A large incision for that reasons sounds weird to me as well. I had an upper left lobectomey and I now have a lovely 9 inch scar. Do you think that would be big enough for them? LOL! Dana
  17. I'm so sorry you have to go through all of this. I took care of my Mom too, she didn't have cancer though. It one of the hardest things in the world. One thing I did want to mentioin was medication for you. There is nothing wrong with you taking a anti depressant or an anti anxiety right now to get you through this. Prayers are on the way. Dana
  18. Oh Michelle, I just saw this post. There is nothing I can say to make it better for you. I am so sorry you and your hubby had to go through this. Prayers to you and hubby. ((((hugs)))) Dana
  19. 49 and cloudy! Absolutely beautiful! Dana
  20. jstdzy


    Congratulations and Happy Birthday! Dana
  21. I'm going through the "1st" too. ((hugs)) Dana
  22. I didn't lose a spouse so I can't say I know how you feel, but in a way I do. I lost my Mom 8 months ago, out of the blue. She had congestive heart failure for years and she was in the hospital, just in for another tune up. Then we found out on Saturday she had MRSA (staph) the doc's put her on IV antibiotics and said we'll know more in the morning. The next morning when I went in her mind was gone and she was slipping into a coma, she died a few hours later. Why didn't I stay at the hospital that night? Why didn't I get her into the hospital sooner? Why's don't get me anywhere and Mom would kick my a**. But some days I don't want to live anymore either, life seems just so flat and pointless. But every now and then I am starting to have a good day here and there. I have even caught myself talking to Mom and laughing about something. So some days are getting better. Nobody has yet to tell me anything that makes the pain better, except "I understand". (((Hugs))) Dana
  23. Hi Tami, Glad you found us. I know what a relief it was for me to find this site. I had sugery ULL (upper left lobectomy) followed by chemo. You have a great attitude and you will be able to exercise soon. Be gentle with yourself and welcome aboard! Dana
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