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Everything posted by jstdzy

  1. jstdzy

    Yes & No

    Been arrested? --- yes Kissed someone you didn't like? --- yes Slept in until Noon? --- yes Fallen asleep at work/school? --- yes Held a snake? --- yes Ran a red light? --- yes Been suspended from school? -- yes Experienced love at first sight? --- yes Totaled your car in an accident? -- no Been in a vehicle at more than 100 mph? --yes Driven a vehicle at more than 100 mph? --- yes Been fired from a job? --yes Fired somebody? --- no Sang karaoke? --- no Pointed a gun at someone? --- no Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? --- yes Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? --- yes Caught a snowflake on your tongue? ---yes Kissed in the rain? -- yes Had a close brush with death (your own)? --- yes Ever feared for your life? --- yes Seen someone die? --- yes Played spin-the-bottle? --- yes Sang in the shower? ---yes Smoked a cigar? --- yes Sat on a rooftop? ---yes Smuggled something into another country? ---yes Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes? -- yes Broken a bone? ---no Skipped school? --- yes Eaten a bug? ---no Sleepwalked? --- yes Walked a moonlit beach? --- yes Ridden a motorcycle? --- yes Dumped someone? --- yes Forgotten your anniversary? --- no Lied to avoid a ticket? --- yes Ridden in a helicopter? --no Shaved your head? --- yes Played a prank on someone? --- yes Hit a home run? --- no Felt like killing someone? --- yes Cross-dressed? --- yes Been falling-down drunk? --- yes Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? --- yes Eaten snake? ---NO! Marched/Protested? --- yes Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? --- yes Puked on amusement ride? --- no Seriously & intentionally boycotted something? --- yes Been in a band? --- no Knitted? ---yes Been on TV? --- no Fired a gun? --- yes Skinny-dipped? --- yes Given someone stitches? --- no Eaten a whole habenero pepper (or other hot peppers)? -- no Ridden a surfboard? --- no Drank straight from a liquor bottle? --- yes Streaked? --- no Taken by ambulance to hospital? --- yes Passed out when not drinking? --- yes Peed on a bush? ---yes Donated Blood? --- yes Grabbed electric fence? --- no Eaten alligator meat? --- no Eaten cheesecake? --- yes Eaten your kids' Halloween candy? --- no Killed an animal when not hunting? --- yes Peed your pants in public? --- yes Snuck into a movie without paying? --- no Written graffiti? ---no Love someone you shouldn't? --- yes Think about the future? --- yes Been in handcuffs? -- yes Believe in love? --- yes Sleep on a certain side of the bed? ---yes Have a tattoo? -- yes Dana
  2. I am so sorry! I wasn't raised with my Dad, just my Mom and sisters. My Mom passed away in Feb. of this year. I'm such a Mama's girl! I can't image the pain of losing both your parents! Prayers are on the way to you and your family for strength and peace. You are always welcome here! Dana
  3. Awesome news! Thanks for posting it! Dana
  4. Hi Mary, Welcome! Sorry you have to be here, but glad you found us! This place was great for me, scream, yell, cry, laugh and ask tons of questions! Please keep us posted on Hubby! Dana
  5. Sorry you had to find us, but glad you did! Please keep us posted on Mom. Cancer does not have to be a death sentence! Dana
  6. jstdzy


    I've used Spiriva. I did notice a differance. I tried to quit taking it a couple of times and really noticed a negative difference. Then I couldn't pick it up at the pharmacy for about a week and nothing changed I was still breathing the same, good, so I quit taking it. I just go through phases where I just get sick of medicine. Dana
  7. Very sad, prayers are on the way. Dana
  8. jstdzy

    5 years tomorrow

    Nonni!!! Way to Go!!!! Dare we say it? The big C word?!?!? CURED!!! WOWOWOOWOWOOW!!!! Dana
  9. Thank you (((Guys))), I just can't tell you what a relief that was! Feel like I dodged a bulllet! We decided to skip the PCI becase I was past the most dangerous point of getting brain mets. I'm just so relieved! Thank you all for listening to my sniveling and complaining! Dana
  10. Hi All, I am sooooo glad I listened to you guys and went and talked to the man. We talked for over an hour and both of us agreed that PCI wasn't required in my case. I'm so glad I went. Thank you Dana
  11. I was getting ready for work and my Mom called me and said turn on the news. After the second plane hit, I got in my car and started heading for Mom's house. All the time I was driving airplanes were doing u turns and heading back to KCI, Kansas City International. By the time I got to Mom's the sky was almost empty except for the fighter jets heading out of the airforce base. Most horrific thing I have ever experienced. I can still see it in my mind. Dana
  12. Hi All, I have my appointment today with a RAD ONC. What questions should I ask? I've been finished with my chemo for over a year and now my ONC wants me to talk to the RAD about PCI (as alot of you know). All my MRI's have been clean. So help with questions would be appreciated! Thank you, Dana
  13. That is the one big draw back with typing what you say, nobody hears the emotion and love in your voice or sees the the heartbreak and love in your eyes. ((((Everybody)))) Dana
  14. Eileen, I am sending prayers your way to you and your family, especially your Sis. (((hugs))) Dana
  15. COMPLAINING? COMPLAINING? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!! You are so sweet and thoughtful and caring and you ARE DOING THE WORK OF 2 ROUND THE CLOCK NURSES!!!!! I would hardly call what you ask or say "complaining". Hubby is probably stiff because he got a good nights sleep too! And no nap for him today either!!!! Run the vacume or something! Hang in there kiddo! Complaining indeed! (((hugs))) Dana
  16. Kimberly, That is wonderful news!!! Dana
  17. My friend has a grandma that's 102. She found out people in my friends church were praying for her, she was pissed off! She told them to stop that right now! She was tired! Dana
  18. Today was 09-09-09 we celebrated in my office at 9:09am by screaming and yelling!!!! On these "special" days I'm going to start doing something special. So this weekend I'm going to get my "Mom" tattoo, if bills permit! HAPPY 09-09-09!!!!!!! Dana
  19. There's a fine line between being optomistic and total denial!! LOL!
  20. I'm sorry Michelle! I think he is totally taking advantage of you. Did your ONC give you guys any Xanax or Ativan? Well slip him a couple before bedtime and YOU can get some sleep. (((hugs))) Dana
  21. Way to go Connie! You give hope to us all!! Dana
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