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Angie Daughter of Bill

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Everything posted by Angie Daughter of Bill

  1. Glad you are here to stay! I don't have ANY idea how it feels to have a spouse with cancer. My Dad is the lung cancer patient and I am his ONLY caregiver. It is rough. There are LOTS of spouses here that can give you some great advice on dealing with your main man. You and Dean have been through a lot together............having made it through all that you have says a lot for the love that the two of you share. My heart breaks for you. Any time that you just need to "talk", you can send me a personal message. I'm a stay at home Mom, so I check my mail several times each day. Praying for you and Dean!! Angie
  2. Wishing you the best!!! I have two daughters.........not sure if I could get them to clean under ANY circumstance!!! Just sit back on the sofa, prop your feet up, and bark out those orders!! Seriously, I have been thinking of you and hope that this cardiologist can get you back to normal! Prayers from Alabama! Angie
  3. I've been thinking of you and your family. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers! Angie
  4. Mo I hope you have a wonderful trip. I wish you could hop on over a couple of states to Alabama so that I could meet you!! Praying for a wonderfully safe trip for you!! Angie
  5. Well, I haven't been able to find very much computer time since my trip last weekend. I came home to find my Dad having some pretty bad pain below his rib cage on the right side. I tried to get him to go to the ER......he is so darn stubborn......he wouldn't go. He said he would wait until his appointment on Wednesday and tell his Dr. He told his Dr. who ordered and ultrasound on the area............Dr. is thinking hernia, fractured rib, or liver mets. On Friday night, my Dad moaned and groaned and yelled in his sleep.....ALL NIGHT LONG!! I begged him to go to the ER.........NOPE! So, we will find out this morning what is going on. We will not being leaving the Dr.'s office without some kind of pain med. Dad thinks that they will admit him to the hospital, which is a good possibility. The pain has been better, but not a whole lot. I feel so helpless to watch him.............and to hear him throughout the night. The most I have slept at a time since last weekend is 2 hours......then awake with Dad for an hour or so......sleep 30 minutes......up with Dad.....you get the idea. Hopefully after today, we will get some kind of resolution to Dad's pain, then I can get here to offer some support..........not just to "belly ache" about my troubles! Thinking and praying for all of you! Angie
  6. Soooo good to see you!! We have all been thinking about you.
  7. I will be going on a church outing for the weekend. We will be going to Gatlinburg, TN for a youth rally. We are taking all of the kids from church. (PLEASE say extra prayers for me!! ) I will check in Sunday when I return. I sure wish I had a lap top computer......I am sooooo addicted to this site! I guess loading up the PC would be too much to ask of my hubby, huh?? Everyone behave and stay well while I am gone! Angie
  8. Something to think about..........If you're going to talk the talk, you must walk the walk! Angie
  9. I'm suffering from dementia!! I only got a few of these correct! Well, it just confirms what I have know for a while now...........I'm crazy!! Angie
  10. Beautiful!! (She says as she wipes a tear!) You have such a way with words! Angie
  11. So sorry that your Dad is having a hard time. Dear Lord, please let the Iressa be the miracle that cures Linda's Dad. She loves him so much! I know this because my Dad has lung cancer, too. Lord, please reach your gentle hand down from Heaven and touch this family! Amen. Angie
  12. I hope you have a wonderful time fishing! We have about a one acre pond on our farm and this sunny, southern weather is giving me the "fishing itch"! Fishing is something that my Dad and I do during the warm summer days. I hope he is going to be up to it this summer. Have a blessed weekend.........every last one of you! TBone, I just love your whole family. I am an only child. I look at your family and wish sooooo badly that I had brothers and sisters to share my Dad's illness with. Got room for another TBone family member??? Angie
  13. I will be thinking of you today. Many prayers from Alabama! Best of luck! Angie
  14. Thank you so much Dean, Elaine, and J.C. You guys, as usual, have made me feel better. Elaine, I will be going on my trip. Dad said last night that I could stay home if I wanted to, but he was not going to be inside. He said that we are going to have a beautiful day today and he's not going to waste it. (Dean, trying to send some of this "scooting" weather your way!)We live on a farm.......cows, a few chickens, and 8 goats. Dad has been "supervising" a carpenter who is doing some work on our barn. That's how he will be spending his weekend...........doing exactly what he wants............and not inside. And yes, I do LOVE my Dad........more than I can ever put into words. I am still a Daddy's girl at age 32 and I will still be a Daddy's girl at age 82, if the Lord gives me that much time here on earth. If not, I will be his little girl in Heaven. Dean and J.C...........you guys are probably right.....it will make him feel better. Thank you so much. Much love from Alabama! Angie
  15. Thought I would give a quick update on my Dad. First of all, Dad has had one carbo/taxol treatment and one Zometa/taxol treatment. He has handled these beautifully. The only side effect so far has been some joint pain. Now for the bad news. Dad's coughing has gotten much worse this week. I called his family physician who said to bring him right in. Dad has a really bad case of bronchitis. His O2 saturation was 89%. His Dr. gave him an antibiotic injection and a cortisone injection and also antibiotic pills to take. He also put Dad on 2 liters of oxygen.(First time for the O2) He wants him to use the oxygen for at least 12 hours each day. I pretty much knew that Dad would have to go on oxygen with his lung cancer at some point..........I just didn't think it would happen so quick! Is this how quickly this disease progresses??? Oh Heavenly Father I hope not! My Dad lives with me. Every time I walk by him sleeping, it feels like someone is literally squeezing my heart. I watch him to be sure that he is breathing. (Am I neurotic or what???) Dad is worried that he had to go on O2 only six weeks after his diagnosis...........frankly, it worries me too. To beat it all, I am supposed to leave to go on a church trip tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. I feel so guilty about going..........not real sure that I will go. Dad says that he is fine, but since I am an only child and he is divorced..........I feel that there is no one who will check on him. I will call a couple of his friends in the morning to see if they can drop by and check on him. Dad is still able to walk and do as he wishes.......except for strenuous things.......guess this is just one more of those rollercoaster rides that I will be taking. Snowflake, I am buckling my seatbelt and holding on tight. It's been a real "downer" of a day. Sorry this turned into a lengthy post. Just needed to get this off of my chest. Please remember my Dad in your prayers tonight!! He has just gotten the will to fight this horrible disease and this has really put a damper on his spirits. Angie
  16. Looks like my little one isn't the only one who's "tongue slips". I love stories about kids. Kids can be so darn cute..........and they don't even try! Love my girls! Have a great day! Angie
  17. My goodness! Take care of yourself.........wouldn't want anything to get in the way of golf! Hope you are feeling better soon. Angie
  18. This is a true story........Last night, my seven year old daughter comes to me and says"Mom, can you help me?" I say, "Sure what's up?". She says, "I have a piece of skin on my testicle." I say, "Excuse me?????" She then puts her finger out and shows me a hang nail on her CUTICLE!". Where she got "the other word" from...........who knows. I have notice lately that she is really trying to use big words. I thought it was really cute and that I would share it with you guys. My hubby and I laughed all night............especially the look on her face when we had to explain what "the other word" was. Kids.......... Angie
  19. Whew! I finally figured out how to get that "Avatar thing" up and going. I can peck on the computer, but when it comes to scanning, cropping, resizing...............AHHHHHHH! The two oldest girls in the photo are my daughters. The youngest is my niece. Now that I figured out HOW to do it, I can change my photos regularly. Have a blessed day! Angie
  20. Dean This is awesome!! I had actually thought about a forum for folks who have chose not to do aggressive tx. (Back when you posted that sometimes you felt like an outsider because of your decision to do no agressive tx.) AND I thought you would be just the one to moderate it!! Looks like you have found "what to do next"!! Wonderful choice......you will be an inspiration to many!! Angie
  21. I understand your insanity. Our sermon at church on Sunday was about putting your faith in God........no matter WHAT the situation. I am so guilty of wanting to control situations........like my Dad's lung cancer. The truth is, it is in God's hands. I'm not saying that we shouldn't seek treatment and do research.............what I am telling you is that whatever happens, you will be able to handle it with God's help. You are such a strong, spiritual lady, don't lose your faith through this. I will be thinking of you and praying for you and your dear husband. Angie
  22. DeanCarl I'm sorry that you had to experience someone's snide remark about your scooter. Please try to chalk it up to someone's ignorance. Although, you handled the situation very well. Local people that have found out about my Dad have made remarks about how "good he looks for someone with lung cancer". Tell me, just HOW DOES SOMEONE WITH LUNG CANCER LOOK???? I want to shout this at people. I want to tell them that he may look good, but he is feeling rotten due to chemo, that emotionally he is a wreck, that he is scared to death, etc. I know that they are trying to make conversation, but sometimes I wish they would just keep their mouth shut! As far as what to do now..........well, DeanCarl, if you never do anything more than exist and battle lung cancer, please know that you have done something. You have helped me more than you know. You are about my Dad's age and have a lot of things in common with him. You have helped this very scared daughter with your wisdom and intellect more times than I can count. Many times, you helped me by responding to someone else's post. So you see, Dean, you ARE doing something. You are helping many people here. Hold your head up high and be proud. If anyone asks "What do you do?", you could reply that you are in the business of helping people. (Because it's true and I, for one, thank you from the bottom of my heart!!)
  23. Peg So sorry to hear that Bill is not doing well right now. I will be thinking of you and praying for a miracle. All it takes is just one touch of God's hand......Please, Lord, reach down from Heaven and touch Bill!! Angie
  24. Bless your heart, Bess! I will be thinking of you and your husband. Angie
  25. So sorry to hear about your Mom. Take good care of her. (I know you will) We'll miss you. Angie
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