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Angie Daughter of Bill

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Everything posted by Angie Daughter of Bill

  1. Dean That was very touching. It is sooooo true. It is good advice. Whether someone is sick or not, if there is something you want to say to them.......do it. You might not get another chance. Thank you for sharing! Angie
  2. This is such a difficult time I'm sure. Is it financially possible that any of her children take a "family medical leave" from work. By law, employers must grant you this time. Maybe her children could alternate family medical leave. If this is not possible, does your MIL have some friends in her apartment complex that might volunteer some time? Maybe some retired friends. If so, then her children or their spouses could alternate staying at night. I know this is hard. I have been there before. Luckily, I am a stay at home Mom right now so I will be able to take good care of my Dad when he is at the point that your MIL is at. I have worked during the day, then went straight to my grandmother's house to take my turn spending the night with her. It was difficult, especially since I had small children. It was hard on my hubby to do everything at home. In the end, it made us stronger as a couple. If there are absolutely no other options, a serious talk with your MIL is in order. She might HAVE to go to a nursing home. I hope that you guys can find a solution that works for everyone. I'm sure that this has been of little help to you. I just wanted you to know that I do sympathize with what is going on.......I've been there. I will be remembering your family in my prayers. Angie
  3. Hi Cheri! One thing that my Dad's Dr. cautioned us about with Taxol is low blood pressure. Dad's Dr. said that low blood pressure is not uncommon with Taxol. Strange thing is, my Dad has had to go on BP meds. Dad's BP has been really high. They suspect that it could be progression of his LC. Dad's tumor is growing around the main pulmonary artery in the left lung. Wonder what Dad's BP would be if he wasn't on Taxol?? It could be that your Dad's Dr. might need to temporarily take your Dad off of his BP meds. ???? Nice to see you! Angie
  4. I know the frustration that you feel. I, too, was "gung-ho" about doing something local to raise money for this site............my Mom is not a lawyer, but worked for a lawyer for years........she hit me with ALL of the same things. "What if someone gets hurt?? You will be responsible." "Angie, you are biting off more than you can chew!!" "Why don't you do the Relay for Life?" Well, I can do the Relay for Life, but that money is not going directly to our site here. I want to think of something to do where I get to choose how the money is allocated. I want it to go here, on our site. I want this site to be here for a long, long time. It has helped so many and will continue to do so. One thing I am considering is getting a few family members to help me cook. I will then have a dinner at my church........charge maybe $5.00-$6.00 per person. I would of course let everyone know what the money is going for. I would probably prepare a very short speech about lung cancer and this site. Now, granted, this is not going to make millions...........realistically, I could probably raise $1000.00. That doesn't sound like very much to me, but ya' gotta start somewhere. Like Andrea B. said, "Rome wasn't built in a day!"
  5. Bob Been thinking about you a lot. I have been saying lots of prayers, too. Get well soon so you can get back here and join us. We miss you!!! Angie daughter of Bill
  6. Hmmmmmmm Every time that my Dad has a scan done, his receptionist automatically makes an appointment for 3-5 days later. We sit down with the doctor, ask questions, etc. We have NEVER been given information like that over the phone by a "nurse". Maybe that is common practice??? I'm sure glad that my Dad's Dr. doesn't operate that way! NO WAY would I wait until your next appointment to get your results! Just my opinion..... Angie
  7. Like many others have said, I hate that you had to find us, but sure glad you did! You will find much support here. Please, stay with us and visit often. There is a non small cell forum that might interest you. Also, the General forum is great for.......well, general questions. Glad to have you! Angie
  8. So glad to see you are home. We sure have missed you! As for the I.V. pole.....I like the idea of hanging your laundry on it.....hey.....how about when one of the kids get too rowdy, you could hang them by their t-shirts on one of the hooks........nah......sounds too harsh for the kids. It might work for the hubby though. (or it might work for one of you friends here.......we won't mention names.......David A.) Glad your home!! Angie
  9. Berisa Gerbil Runner probably has some info on that. I believe that her mother is hoping to do a stem cell transplant. Why don't you send her a personal message? I'm sure she would be happy to share the info that she has. I have been wondering how your Dad was. Your family is always in my prayers. Have a blessed day! Angie
  10. Best of luck on your scan results. I know what you mean by all the bad news.........I logged on three times yesterday and had tears all three times. I want some GOOD NEWS!!! Bring me some good news on those scan results, o.k.? I'm hoping and praying that I will be hearing the whole TBone clan celebrating here in Alabama! I'll even do the "happy dance" for you. (That should be interesting since things don't move very well right now.....pulled muscle in my back........yard work.) But I'll mange some how. Blessings to you and yours! Angie
  11. TBone I know that I saw you was getting a PET scan soon...........have you heard anything or did I miss it? Praying for you and your whole family. (It takes me a while to pray for ALL of your family!! That's o.k. though) Angie
  12. Fay, I am with you 100%!! When I see that we have lost members or even if a member is having a rough time.............my heart just aches. As I was logging on, I was crying. My husband asked why I would want to subject myself to the pain and suffering that appears on this board at times. I really didn't have a good answer except that this board helps me so much and all of you know EXACTLY what I am going through. I have received so much education and support here. Yes, it is very heart wrenching at times. BUT we also have good times here, too. I rejoice in clean scans, successful surgeries, etc. I HATE this disease so much. I'm sure that this disease is going to take my Dad.....and it probably won't be a very long time before it happens. At least I had my Dad throughout my childhood. Becky's daughter was robbed of this by this terrible disease!! It is soooooooo unfair!! Please, everyone, don't go long without letting us know how you are. I truly care for each and every one of you!! Eventhough I haven't met any of you in person, I feel so close to you all. I pray for each of you here daily. I ask God to bless Katie and Rick and help them to keep this site up and running. It has and is helping so many. This has really been a down day for me also. Hugs and prayers for ALL of you!!! Please, God, help someone to find a cure for this terrible disease! Angie
  13. Connie I will be glad to be a moderator if you still need someone. Just let me know. My e-mail is chismfamily@earthlink.net Angie
  14. So sorry to hear of your Mom's passing. Prayers for you and your family! Angie
  15. Oh my goodness! I am in complete SHOCK!! I just logged on to respond to your post about Becky being in the hospital.(I saw it last night) I can not believe this. I keep seeing the picture of Becky with her little girl.......my heart is breaking for you. This is so UNFAIR!!!! Cancer is unfair period!! Take pride in the brave fight that Becky gave this terrible disease. She was always so positive and she was a real trooper! I just can't find the words...........Glad I had the pleasure of "meeting" her here! Prayers for you and your family!! Angie
  16. Dean.........that was so beautiful. Your have such a way with words. I wish I had your talent. Thanks for sharing! Angie
  17. Thank you for thinking of us and remembering us in prayer. A couple of weeks ago, my husband and children went to a youth worship.......22,000 young people. It was awsome!! It was not as quiet and serene as your retreat sounds.........There was contemporary christian music, motivational youth speakers, and youth pastors. But anytime that I see 22,000 young people praising God together, it warms my heart!! Glad you and your son were able to spend this time together. Angie
  18. TBone Nice to see you are feeling better. Don't be a stranger! Got a question about a town in Georgia......I'll pm you about it. Take care! Angie
  19. You are not crazy.......well maybe, but if you are then so am I!! I do the same thing. I cry at the drop of a hat. I can be upbeat and laughing, then a song will come on the radio.........well, the tears start flowing. (ANY song about a father and daughter.....might as well get the Kleenex) Some days, especially when the kids are at school, I'm cleaning house........my mind starts wandering, then I realize that I am crying. Sometimes I'm not even aware of when it starts. Cancer is so tough. It's hard for the patient and the family. I know that this has been NO help what so ever......just wanted to let you know that there is another "loon" here, too!! Hoping and praying that you have better days!! Angie
  20. So sorry you are having to deal with this again. At first, my Dad said absolutely, positively, NO CHEMO. I did not try to sway his decision either way. That, to me, is a very personal choice. Dad thought chemo would be sickness the whole time. Well, Dad changed his mind. He is in his second round of carbo/taxol. He has not been sick AT ALL!! He is amazing. The only side effect he has had is some bone pain in his legs and lower back. (not even enough for pain meds) I did get his oncologist to write a Rx for pain meds this time, just in case it gets worse. His treatments are on Tuesdays. The bone pain hits on Friday and is gone by Saturday night. I am not trying to sway your decision.....as I said that, to me, is a very personal choice. I just wanted to give you a "good" chemo story. Now, whether the chemo is working or no??? We won't know that for about 3 more weeks. I wish you the very best with whatever you decide to do. I hope that your family can accept your decision, regardless of what you decide. It was hard to think that my Dad wouldn't do chemo when the doctors said it was his ONLY chance, BUT I respected his thoughts, just as I respect his decision to go ahead with chemo. Angie
  21. Oh no!! Poor Ry! Telling her I am thinking of her. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Angie
  22. My Dad's very first symptom of lung cancer was swelling of the feet and ankles. It was osteoarthropathy. My Dad also has some "clubbing" of his toes. (the end of his toes where the nail is has gotten flat and rounded) Does your loved one have this going on? In my Dad's case, the swelling was secondary to the clubbing, although you can have osteoarthropathy without the clubbing. It could also be caused by the chemo. I believe that is called neuropathy. Does she have any numbness or tingling in her feet? The good news for my Dad was that an anti-inflammatory, Bextra, and the chemo have greatly helped the swelling. Try not to panic right now. I know that's easier said than done......I'm the queen of panic! Wishing you and your family the best. Prayers from Alabama. Angie
  23. Elaine I'm not Dean or Gay, but I can offer some insight........my insight. When we went to the pulmonary Dr. and he gave us the dreaded news......lung cancer.....my sweet Dad turned to me and said, "I'm sorry." I didn't think to much about it then because I was in shock at the diagnosis. When we got to the car, I asked Dad why he said he was sorry. He said that he was sorry that he smoked, he was sorry that he got lung cancer, he was sorry that him and my stepmother got divorced and I would be the one to have to take care of him, and he was sorry that I didn't have any brothers or sisters to help me. He absolutely broke my heart!! I assured him that in my book he had NOTHING to feel guilty about. There are LOTS of people who have NEVER smoked and get lung cancer.......sure, smoking increases the chances, but I still could not think of anything but making sure that my Dad gets absolutely the BEST care that is available. I also reassured him that he would have the best caregiver......me. I assured him that I would be there for him every step of the way. So far, I have been.........maybe I am there too much........yes, I am over protective......every little change I want him to get checked. I try hard to be there but not smother him. It's hard though because I love him with EVERY INCH of my heart!! Elaine, hon, please don't feel guilty. I know you was going to talk to your children about your illness. How did that go? You did tell them, right? I'm sure that your children love you just as much as I love my Dad. I'm sure that they do not hold you personally responsible for your illness. I'm certain that they just want the very best for you. All of this is coming from an adult child's perspective. Maybe Dean and Gay can offer the flip side to my response. I am not downing anyone for their feelings. I'm sure that lots of people are very angry at their spouse, parent, or loved one.............it would be just as normal as the way I feel about my Dad's disease. Everyone is different. This has been MY feelings towards my Dad's illness. Elaine, wish I could hug you right now and reassure you that you need not feel guilty!! You are a fantastic and caring lady.......stand tall, hold you chin up and be proud of who you are!! You are someone special! Angie
  24. Has anyone heard from Carleen and Keith?? Maybe I have missed her post, but I don't recall seeing Carleen for a while. I hope it's a sign that they are enjoying the beautiful love that they so obviously have for one another. Still, I like to know that all of you are o.k. Ry......got those numbers handy?? Angie
  25. Nushka Go to the General forum(New) and go to the very last post. I think it's titled "trying to follow up on BobMc". Scroll down to Ry's second post. Ry spoke with Bob's wife to get an update.
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