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Angie Daughter of Bill

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Everything posted by Angie Daughter of Bill

  1. Dolfan So sorry that your love is having to fight this disease. I hope that the chemo works wonders for him and that you have many years with him. I understand about your feelings on smoking......but people who smoke also have a disease..........addiction. For some it is not to hard for them to quit. For others it is very hard. I don't like the smoke, the smell and the diseases that smoking causes, but I have compassion for those who do smoke. It must be a very strong addiction........knowing what health problems smoking can cause yet still smoking anyway. I will add you and your dear husband to my list of prayers. Have a blessed day! Angie
  2. So sorry to hear this news! I will be praying that Jack will make a full recovery and be home with you soon!! (I just KNOW that he will be fine) Angie
  3. Thanks you! For the next chemo tx I will ask the Dr. about some pain meds for Dad. Right now he has several meds to help him, but nothing for pain. He hasn't needed it until now. He is currently taking Kytril for nausea, compazine for "breakthrough" nausea, Bextra for inflammation, Xanax for anxiety, Combivent inhaler for his breathing, a blood pressure med, and Protonix for his stomach. Up until his LC diagnosis, he took NO MEDS.......I can't tell you how many years it had been since he even had to take an antibiotic. (Probably 15-20 years) He doesn't like taking all of these meds and hates to add another one to it.(the pain pill) I will talk to him about it though. I don't want him to hurt! Thanks again!
  4. Welcome aboard! This is a wonderful group of people. We are proud to have you, a one year survivor, with us. Please keep checking in with us. Have a blessed day! Angie
  5. Hi gang! Dad started his first tx of carbo/taxol on Tuesday. He has done GREAT! No sickness what so ever. He got up this morning complaining of aching........mostly in his legs and lower back. My Dad does not complain EVER, so for him to mention this, it must be pretty bad. Can you let me know how much pain you had with chemo and how long it lasted? Is the pain such that he might need a Rx for a pain pill? Did any of you have to take pain meds for the aching? I asked Dad if he wanted me to call his Dr.........his reply was to "wait and see". (He hates to call for ANYTHING.........he feels like he is bothering his Dr. It doesn't bother me to call at all. That's what they are there for) Thank you in advance! You guys are wonderful. Have a blessed day! Angie
  6. Great!! Enjoy your break from chemo. Let us know about your scans when you have them. Have a blessed, chemo free day! Angie
  7. My Dad also has several bone mets. He has no pain with his though. He will be getting Zometa, an intravenous drug to help with the bone mets. Zometa is suppose to strengthen the bones and lessen the chance of fractures. It can also slow the progression of the bone mets, sometimes stops it completely. Ask about this drug. Radiation can also be done to help with the pain of the bone mets. Wsihing your son the best of luck. Angie
  8. Oh, hon, I will say a special prayer for your family. I also sent you a personal message. Many hugs and much love to you! Angie
  9. Oh, hon, I can sympathize with the axiety. I am not the patient.....my Dad is. He lives with me now. He is doing great. He just started chemo......doing great with it. BUT, I watch and listen for everything!! If his cough sounds different than it did 10 minutes ago, I get anxious. He has been having blood pressure problems..........that is really making me anxious. Scan time is horrible. I know I am making myself crazy, but I can't help it. I think that anxiety just comes with this diease. Try to enjoy your family and live your life to the fullest...........the anxiety will probably get better with time. In the mean time, I think I'll see if Dad wants to share his new prescription of Xanax. Angie
  10. Praying for a successful surgery and easy recovery for your Mom. Thinking of you............ Angie
  11. Best wishes for surgery for your Dad. I know this is a very scary time for you. Prayers for all of your family. Angie
  12. Sounds like good news to me! Congrats! Hopefully your next scan will show you are back to normal.........nothing in your head at all!! Good luck with the clinical trial. Hope you are feeling better soon.......well enough to have a good ol' southern "hoe down"! Have a blessed day! Angie
  13. TBone and the gang...........thinking of you guys today. Isn't today the day that you get your scan results? Hoping and praying for the best for you, TBone. Have a blessed day! Angie
  14. I have yet another question for you guys........Is high blood pressure a problem with lung cancer? My Dad's BP was 215/133 today. I know he was nervous because of his first carbo/taxol treatment today, but this is waaaay too high. (The last three Dr. appointments his BP has been increasing.) I checked his BP at home several hours later and it was still almost that high. His tumor is in the upper left lobe and it is encasing the main pulmonary artery. My mind is running wild here.........but would more occlusion of the pulmonary artery cause a rise in BP?? Seems like it would to me. I didn't get to go with him today...........my little one had a 103.5 degree temperature today.I do plan on calling his oncologist about this tomorrow. (My Dad asks NO questions on his own!!) In the mean time, the Dr. has put him on BP meds and Xanax. Praying that the chemo will shrink things. By the way, he has done extremely well this afternoon. No side effects............not yet anyway. He ate a good supper which I cooked for him. If anyone has had a BP problem arise, or anyone who has an opinion, please let me know. Thanks! Angie
  15. Oh my goodness!! I am 99% Dixie!!! No surprise since I was born and raised and am still in Alabama. I guess I am one of those true "southern rednecks"!!!! Yeeehawwwww! Angie
  16. For those of you with chemo experience, is there anything that I should have on hand since my Dad is starting chemo?( He was supposed to start last Thursday, cancelled, and is going tomorrow.) I will most deifinitely be getting a Rx for Zofran or something comparable, but what about foods? Soup, ice cream...........are liquids or soft foods like that tolerated better? Whew!! Really nervous about Dad starting chemo. Hope you all have a blessed day! Angie
  17. Tbone and family...........sending positive thoughts and prayers your way. TBone......I pray that what your sisters have ALWAYS known is true.....that there is nothing in your head!!! Hope you are feeling better soon!! Angie
  18. It's good to see you and glad you were able to get out and about. It has been a beautiful day here in Alabama. We have been outside all afternoon playing with our 4 week old puppies. I hope you have many more "outdoor days". Best of luck with the leg pain. I hope your hospice nurse can help you out. Blessings to you and Gay! Angie
  19. O.K.............if your weren't a fellow southerner, I would get you for showing me how "dated" I am. I knew what ALL of those things were! Here I was thinking I was the young, hip, up to date Mom at my girls school...........you blew that thoery!! So true though. I was playing Playstation with my 12 year old last week.........of course she was far better than me........I said "Hey, break out the Atari and I'll beat you." Of course she looked at me like I was crazy and said "Is that a new game?" Yeah right! Angie
  20. Hello all! Today is the first day that my Dad has complained of pain in his lung since his diagnosis. He says his chest is a constant dull ache.....not sharp, shooting or severe pain......just constant dull pain. The cough used to be a dry, hacking cough, but today sounds congested...........like a cold or bronchitis. I know that pneumonia is common for lung cancer patients. Is there fever with this? My Dad did have some obstructive pneumonia showing on his CT at diagnosis. My poor Dad is trying to sleep, but he is coughing so. With every cough he is moaning. Please let me know if this is par for the course or if I should take him to the E.R. Wouldn't you know this would start on a Friday night!!! Thanks!! Angie
  21. Dean Carl Glad to see you here. I sure hope you can get some natural vitamin C a.k.a. sunshine! You are truly missed when you are not here! Hope you have a blessed day! Angie
  22. So sorry to hear this news!!!!!! May God be with you during this difficult time. Angie
  23. Dear Guest...........so sorry to hear about this situation. Lung cancer is hard enough without financial worries. Just a thought......does your Mom have any life insurance? If so, she might be able to pull some of it out now while she is living. My Dad is doing this. Right now, financially he is fine. He is thinking ahead. His policy has a clause to where he can pull out his basic life insurance without much of a penalty. (I think his penalty is going to be around $2000) He checked on a viatical settlement for the remainder of his life insurance, but it was waaaaaaaaay to costly. There are also agencies that will help with things like power bills, etc. Another option, our local Hospice pays for all medications that are prescribed for the priamary diagnosis of lung cancer. Your Mom may not seem to need Hospice care now, but it could benefit you guys financially. You could check with your Dad's insurance to see how Hospice is covered. (Some cover hospice care at 100%) These are just some random thoughts......hope they help. Hoping and praying for better days for you and your family. Angie
  24. Sorry I don't have any answers for you........my Dad has bone mets on three of the bones in his spine and also on the iliac crest. My Dad has experienced NO PAIN with his bone mets! (incredible to me!!) I hope your Dr. can help you with the pain you are having. Thinking of you and praying for you! Angie
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