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Everything posted by cathy

  1. Welcome Claire, Its good to have you here..
  2. Thanks Girls, Wasnt as bad as anticipated...JUst tried not to think about it..I had my whole family over and didnt really talk about it ..I just kept telling myself its just another day, thank you my friends for thinking of me and holding my hand and praying for me..Love you girls, you too Kris XO
  3. Just wanted to honor my dad one more time..I cant seem to get all the words out..So just a simple, I love and miss you sweet man, my hero, my dad XO
  4. cathy

    The Long Road Home....

    Ann, I am so happy you have found some comfort..Good for you for going there..It sounds like you may be finding your peace...
  5. Marjorie, Sounds like celebrating Davids life is exactly what he would have wanted..We miss him so
  6. Pam, I know how awful this is, we are here if you need us..I am so sorry..
  7. Oh Ginny, When I read your title it took me a moment to click on it.. I am just so sorry...You and the duke had a special love, a love many search their entire lives for..God Bless you and your family with strength to get through this, its so hard..
  8. cathy

    Riding the waves

    That was so beautiful Shirley..Thank you too, your words have helped me many times..
  9. Cheryl, I know its hard to believe but you will find the way, everything is way to new right now.. It is so hard when wonderful people are ripped right out of our lives..I am glad you're here, it helps to be around those who understand..
  10. cathy

    wedding rings

    That is such a beautiful idea Curtis..I'm hoping today is little better for you.
  11. Elaine, Maybe its that you never had any closure to your questions and I would think there has to be some sadness to that..I also think you can care and never even know someone..I'm sorry you are sad, I hope you are okay soon...
  12. Makes sense to me..If the smoking rate has decreased then why has lung cancer not..Interesting
  13. Dear Cat, Try to get some rest..You have to think about cat and what is good for you.. If its too exausting you need to take a break, at least until you are feeling a little better... ((((CAT))))
  14. I know Shelly..Its soo hard.. You have been through so much.I wanted you to know I remember.. (((((SHELLY))))))
  15. Betty, It sounds like the doctors are optimistic. Will say a prayer that the teatment goes very smooth for you and NED will be back in your life soon..
  16. Hi DeDe, I am so sorry..I know how awful this feels..I cared for David deeply and was so shocked by all of this..I know from meeting all of the family at Rochelles that you are a very close family and loved him deeply..It helps to have each other during this devastating time...We are here for you as well...
  17. Thanks Katie, I should have gone to the funeral
  18. I think a chat in his honor would be beautiful..
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