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Everything posted by stand4hope

  1. PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSING FLOW! Dabnabnit - I miss my musical notes. RICK - I WANT MUSICAL NOTES!! Don't they make an emoticon shaped like a musical note? So far, just in the past week, we've had "Do the hokey pokey and turn myself around", "Dem Bones Dem Bones", "The leg bone's connected to the hip bone . . . . ", "Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow" and the Amen song, plus some others I probably missed. Now, how can we sing without notes? Connie: Here's another song for you: TWIST AND SHOUT, TWIST AND SHOUT. Come on, come on, come on baby now . . . . (or something like that) Just do it! Congrats! Love, Peggy
  2. Geri, I haven't had to face this kind of fear for myself and I hope I never do, but I may have to face it for my husb. In any case, I can't offer advice like the others, but I can say this: Three cheers for Connie: Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! That was mighty fine writin' Ms. Connie. Well said! I copied it and pasted it into a trusy Word document and I am going to keep that forever and ever very close to my heart. What a GREAT way to look at life! With that kind of spirit, I might just decide to live forever myself!!!! Not only that, but I will vow to never worry again! (Yeah right!!) Seriously, Connie, you gave Geri some good advice, as well as myself, and many many others (1050 + Mr. Ramirez if he's lurking)! Love, Peggy
  3. Ginny, First of all, whatever it is that The Duke has, I hope he gets over it REAL QUICK. In my book, vomiting and dizziness are about as bad as it can get. I know, I know, there's other stuff worse, so no mail please, but in other words, I hate that kind of sick more than anything, so I hope he gets better soon. The other thing is, I hope you meant that Becky has to publish a dictionary called Becky's All American Dictionary of Snowflake Language because she told me she makes up words when she can't find one to fit. LOL!!! How many words does that girl know anyway? Geesh! A trillion gazillion I think! Peggy
  4. Ok, Becky, that's the only joke I know and you had to go and make fun of it!! :lol: I hear jokes, but after I laugh, they go to la-la land. My grandmother was still telling jokes, every day, at age 98 in a nursing home. Because she was quite a joke teller, people always told her jokes, and I guess she just piled them up for 98 years and ALWAYS had a joke to tell me - every single "frequent" visit I made to the home. God, I loved her!!!! Peggy
  5. Thank you, Ginny. I saw it yesterday and signed the Guest Book, but didn't know if it was ok to put it up on the site. I guess I should have just asked somebody if it was ok. I went back to it and see that you also signed. Thanks again. God bless you, Peggy P.S. When you type a link, I think it just automatically turns into a link when it's posted.
  6. There was a little girl whose cat was tragically killed by a car driving down her road. The little girl was devastated and inconsolable. She was crying, wailing, and totally out of control. Nothing her mother could do or say would stop the little girl's crying. Finally, the mother said, "Honey, Kitty is with God now." Quite suddenly, the little girl stopped crying and the mother was so relieved. And then, all of a sudden, the little girl started crying and wailing again. The mother ask why she was crying when she knew that Kitty was with God. The little girl WAILED: "WHATEVER WOULD GOD WANT WITH A DEAD CAT?"
  7. Fay, I hope your stress levels get better very soon and you will be smiling and sleeping. Is your eye still feeling ok? I don't know about all the other folks you mentioned, but I got a PM from Dean on Thurs. God bless you, Peggy P.S. I really did laugh so loud when I read your "coming to take me away" post, that my dogs woke up barking. I had to go shush them before they woke up hubby.
  8. I'm standing up tall, My hand over my heart, Tears in my eyes, and singing: Aaaaaamen! Aaaaaaamen! Aaaaaaamen, Amen, Amen. Peggy p.s. DARN! I wish I could insert my little musical notes.
  9. stand4hope

    10, 9, 8, ....

    Ry, I bet you are glad it's almost over. Have you been able to work while you've had to do this? Do they have to do any tests to be sure you are all clear, or will they just take it out and test later? We're counting down with you. We will all do a Happy Dance for you next Monday! Love, Peggy
  10. Welcome Glenda, I've only been here a short time, also, but it doesn't take long for everyone to make you feel like you've been here for years. You'll find the love, support and information that you are hungry for, and also a TON of humor that keeps us all laughing - something we really need. I know I did. Send me a PM if you ever want to talk, and once again, welcome! God bless you, Peggy
  11. stand4hope


    Smart girl, Ry. I wouldn't mess with Becky either, at least not on paper. I'm a fast typist so I could compete there, but I definitely could not keep up with her wit and humor - half the time I don't even know what she's talking about because it's over my head! I would love, however, to get my husb. on here. He's also good with quick and witty responses, and great with words, jokes and humor. The only trouble with that is that then we would have to deal with a Snowflake AND a Snowball. Oh my, now that's a scary thought! Peggy
  12. stand4hope


    Hi Becky! Glad to see you're back. Peggy
  13. stand4hope


    Oh baby, I am praying for you, hugging you, holding you and applauding you all at the same time. You are so brave, so sweet, so filled with faith that you feed mine. Your grace and beauty and courage in dealing with this situation and and and and and and and and and - I could go on and on. God bless you. I wish you were my neighbor, but since you aren't, I am so grateful that we are sisters in Christ. Your friend and sister, Peggy
  14. I'm sorry that you are having to deal with all of this. It's hard enough to have your dad suffering so much without having to deal with these other issues. Your dad deserves to know the good side and bad side of both choices (fighting it or not fighting it) so he can make an educated decision. I'm also sorry that he is in such a frail state. If chemo is not an option right now, perhaps there are nutrients and other things they can give him to boost him up to be better able to fight, if that's what he chooses do to. God loves you, and we all love and admire you for your devotion to your father. God bless you, Peggy
  15. Hi Dave, Welcome back, or actually hello. I've only been here a short while. Cheryl (of Cheryl and Jack) has iv Vitamin therapy in her signature, but it doesn't say what kind. I was thrilled to see your 2-year survivorship. Don's right - it does give us tremendous hope. Thanks for posting. God bless you, Peggy
  16. Woohoo!!!! 600 prayers at a retreat alone with God = MEGAPOWER!!! Thanks, Mo. God bless you, Peggy
  17. Hi Mo, Absorb all you can from your retreat, but hurry back cuz we miss your uplifting posts. God bless you, Peggy P.S. $11.02 going once, going twice, sold to stand4hope. What a bargain! A hello from Mo is worth $11,002.00. The check is in the mail (for $11.02 that is).
  18. stand4hope

    Happy Day

    Gail, A whole day at a spa! I am turning green with jealousy. You definitely deserve it, though. That definitely sounds wonderful. I might just sign up for a back massage next week. Ohhhhhhhhhh, I can feel the relaxation now - might even get a pedicure. Glad hubby doesn't read these things because he'd be hiding the checkbook about now. I am so happy for you! Hope you had an absolutely wonderful day at the spa and an even better dinner! God bless you, Peggy
  19. Carlton, I am gasping for air at this cost. Wow! I don't know if you would qualify for any of this, but here is the manufacturer's website where you can contact them directly for drug assistance: http://www.astrazeneca-us.com/content/drugAssistance/ Peggy
  20. Hi, Dan! Like everyone else, I am so sorry you are having to go through so much crap. You said your doc was "too busy", and someone said he needed a "slap upside the head", another suggested that we would all get together and "POW, right in the kissa!", and another offered your onc a "cyber kick-in-the-pants". My mom also had lung cancer and here's how she handled this situation: Her family doc was ALWAYS in a hurry. He had a bad habit of coming in, looking her over real fast and then taking off out the door saying he "would be back." Well, he would never come back. Instead, the nurse came in with prescriptions and instructions. One time, mom had just HAD IT. He said, "I'll be back" and took off out the door. She got up off the table with her hiney hanging out the back of the gown, walked down the hall, got his attention and said, "Get back in there - I'M NOT THROUGH WITH YOU YET!!!!" My mom was somethin' else!!! Prayers for you, Dan! Love, Peggy
  21. Hey brm, Thanks for posting your picture. I love the pictures - it really helps me to identify with others. You are a real cutie! Now, the next step is a first name. If you don't use it, when Snowflake gets back, she might take out the "r" and blame it on a typo! By the way, you have a great attitude! You call yourself a "survivor" right from the get go. That's a good sign and a good attitude helps in the whole process. Welcome again! Peggy P.S. You and my husband must go to the same barber - identical hairstyles!!!
  22. Thank you all for your prayers (Yes, Don, I am QUITE a character ). Today went very well. Dad took it just fine. I got myself all worked up over nothing - well, now that I think about it, I'm sure it only went well because of the prayers. I sent an email to all of our family earlier in the evening (last night) asking for prayers and nobody saw it, I guess, because nobody responded, so I posted on here and prayed that at least one person would pray with me before I went to bed. BINGO - Carleen to the rescue. I sent her a PM, thanked her, and told her, "Now I can go to bed." And, VOILA, today went very well. THANK YOU, GOD!!!! I visited the facility and I know that my dad will love it. I was incredibly impressed with the people. They clearly had an enthusiasm for their work and their patients. Plus, I talked to several other ventilator residents and they highly recommended it, said the people were WONDERFUL and the food was even great. Go figure. I thought this was going to be a horrible day and look what happened. About your comments about everything that's going on in my life. It's true I do have a full plate. There's more I haven't even shared - our son is also giving us fits, but that's another story. I honestly can't explain how I handle it - I just do. I don't get depressed or upset, I just do what has to be done. I do feel overwhelmed at times (especially since I have a dirty house - I HATE THAT!, and I get the bills paid a few days late because of a shortage of time - I HATE THAT, TOO!), and I do get tired sometimes, but my attitude stays intact. I'm a pretty optimistic, cheerful person and can only credit that to my Lord, because there is nothing else particularly unique about me. I'm just one of the folks out there that has to work to make a living, is overweight and underpaid! God has blessed me with really great coping skills, but he overdosed me on emotion. I know a lot of you are like that, too. Every time I read a sad post on here, I am overwhelmed with emotion. I cry when I watch Touched by an Angel, when a bird flies into our patio door (although right now it's so dirty with dog nose prints and dust, that hasn't happened for a while ), when I watch the News and parents are looking for their missing child, etc., etc. Well, anyway, this is way too long. I haven't been on the board all day, so I have lots to read and catch up on, a sink full of dirty dishes and a bath to take. I want to thank you all again so very, very much for your thoughts and prayers. Although I don't know you, ((((((I love you)))))) all with all my heart. God bless you, Peggy
  23. I hope it's ok to make a prayer request for someone other than an LC patient. My dad, whom I love with my whole heart, has had severe lung disease (COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) for years. I have been looking after him for the past five years, since my mom died, getting his groceries, prescriptions, cleaning his house, washing his hair, etc. He hasn't been helpless, but just not able to do anything strenuous. For about the last four months of 2003 and in Jan. his disease was getting a lot worse. He was given several rounds of steroid dose paks, which didn't help much and he couldn't walk more than 10-15 feet without stopping to rest. On Jan. 30 he fell, broke several ribs, then got pneumonia, endocarditis, VRE and other things and is still in the hospital. All of the "new things" (ribs, pneumonia, etc.) have all cleared up, however, the lung disease has not gotten better - it's worse. He's been on a ventilator on a trach now for about two months and they have tried every possible way to try to wean him off, but his oxygen level drops dangerously low with almost every attempt, and the doctor told me they have just about done all they could. Tomorrow morning I have to go tell him that there isn't much else they can do and he is going to have to go to a skilled nursing facility in a nursing home. There are only two in Indiana that take patients on ventilators and feeding tubes. One is 50 miles away and the other is 150. He has tried so hard and wants to go home so bad, but it just isn't going to happen. Could you please add him to your prayer lists, and also pray for me to have strength and God's power to present this to him in a positive way. He's a very happy, positive man (age 76), but he just wants to go home. The doctor would probably tell him for me, but I want him to hear it from me. I know I can do it, and I know I will do, but my heart is breaking for him. I need help and prayers to get through this. Thank you all. Love, Peggy
  24. Ginny, I read your post several times and feel so bad for you. It must be very hard for you to lead a normal life with Earl so depressed. I hope and pray that he will feel better soon. I did notice tonight when I re-read your post that you had also talked about your sister who was having a really hard time with throat cancer and in the hospital with severe stomach pain. How is she doing now? It's even harder when you've got one down at home and one in the hospital. I've got hubby with this crummy, stinking disease (who is really doing well right now), but I also have my dad in the hospital. I know it's tough. Are you working also? To me, nothing can explain the strength we get when things can get so bad. I really believe that God is holding you up and helping you to keep on keeping on. I also think it helps so much to have all these wonderful people who give their time and hearts to help each other and we are all STRANGERS! It's just so wonderful. Gods love and blessings to you, Peggy
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