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Everything posted by stand4hope

  1. OhioKat, I'm so sorry you have to have more chemo. Hang on! That's easy for me to say, isn't it? I'm not the one that has to go through it, but I do care and have no idea how you must feel about all this. I will pray for you and for good results for your scans next week. I hope you will be able to relax and enjoy your weekend. God loves you, Peggy
  2. Becky, After all that work you did on your house, you deserve a rest. ENJOY! We'll be happy to hear from you next week! Love, Peggy
  3. Kathy, I will pray for you and your mom, also. Let us know how she's doing please. Hang on! God's with you constantly. God bless you, Peggy
  4. Hi Beth, I didn't see your post earlier and just saw it now since Carleen wrote to you. Like Carleen, I'm sorry I can't give you any answers on the symptoms your dad is having. I only know that Decadron did for my husb. what it did for your dad. He was down in bed almost 24/7, fatigued, could hardly walk any distance because he was so weak. I even had to drop him off at the door for chemo appointments. After the onc. put him on Decadron, he finally started feeling better, started eating a little more, and gained back a little weight. Of course, after the chemo and radiation he finally got his strength back and no longer needs the Decadron. Other than that, I'm afraid I can't offer much else. I am amazed, though, at your father. He sounds like an incredible man having lost an arm and 4 lung surgeries, and he has had this for 26 years WOW! Talk about long term survival. Every single person on this board needed to hear about your dad. It really gives us hope and we appreciate you sharing. I bet you are so proud of him. I just wish we could help more. It's been about a week since your post. Is he still in the hospital? How is he doing now? Please keep us posted. I will pray for him and for you. God loves you, Peggy
  5. Beth, That was just wonderful what you said to Abby. I hope she is following this thread and knows that we all really do care. I just loved the words you said to her - they were just beautiful. I think I have read it now at least four times. God loves you, Peggy
  6. WOW! Two years! That is truly wonderful. Great news! God bless you, Peggy
  7. I, too, am so very sorry for your loss. Come back and let us know how you are doing. God bless you, Peggy
  8. Wow, Lisa. I will pray for you tonight that all goes well tomorrow. Are you being treated simultaneously for the melanoma and basal cell? Sounds like you have a very full plate!!! Hang in there. God bless you, Peggy
  9. Prayers for a successful and fun fair coming your way, Katie! You go girl!! Love, Peggy
  10. Dear Sweet Abby, I have come back to your post now at least three times and left three times because just saying I'm sorry just didn't seem to be enough. You know, Abby, I do believe that your precious Jim is in a better place. I have to hold onto that belief, otherwise, I don't know if I could ever even face my own death. I will have to say to you, though, that when our little baby infant boy died, I was grief stricken, but I remember crying my eyes out to my husband and saying that I was going to scream if one more person told me our little baby John was in a better place, or that he was with God, etc., etc. I KNEW he was with God, I KNEW he was in a better place, but at that point, my baby's comfort wasn't the problem. The problem was I wanted him to be with me, not with God. I wanted him in my arms. I wanted to kiss all over him, tickle him and be his Mommy. All I needed was for people to just be there for ME, to hug me, hold me, and let me just bawl my head off in their arms, but instead all they did was tell me how much better off he was because he was in a better place. I just HATED that. Again, I am a devout Christian woman. I pray, I believe, Jesus is my Savior, and I wanted my baby to be with Him. But just because he was there, it didn't make my hurt go away. I think your pain right now is excruciating, and I want you to know that I am hugging you right now as securely as I can do in my imagination, and it's ok to just cry your eyes out. May God bless you and comfort you, Abby. Peggy
  11. YIKES! Geez! My eyes are watering! How did you do that? How did you manage to hold still? I'm so so so so glad your tumor is gone and that your eye feels so much better, but oh my, I just can't talk about this anymore. Now I know why I was never interested in being a nurse. Brrrrrrrrr! Those are my shivers and these are my goose bumps::::::::::::: God bless you, Fay! Peggy
  12. Carlton, I, too, am sorry you heard what you didn't want to hear. I love what Cheryl wrote. She is right on target. Her words are very comforting. Scroll back up there right now and read it again, this time read it very slowly and let every word sink in. She is so right. God bless you, Peggy
  13. Hi luluc, We haven't met on here yet, but I see you've been on the board for almost a year. I'm sorry to hear this news about your brother. I have a brother and I know how very special they are. God bless you and all your family, Peggy
  14. Hi Denise, I'm so sorry about your mom's news. I will definitely include you and your family, and your mom in my prayers. Which one is you in the picture? Love, Peggy
  15. My husb. hair came out all at once, too. I think it was maybe about the 8th day of WBR - don't remember for sure. He walked up to me with a clump of hair between two fingers and said, "Well, it's started." The next thing I knew he came out of the bathroom with a big grin on his face, bald-headed and holding a paper plate full of all his hair and said, "Well, I don't have to worry about that anymore." We had a good laugh, too. And yes, it does grow back - he even got a haircut last Sat. I told him he was starting to look like a hippy. (Yeah, right! He didn't have enough hair before WBR to look like a hippy). I told him I didn't marry him for his hair, but for his cute butt! Peggy
  16. Ok, Snowflake, cancel everything I said about you being wise, witty, wonderful and whatever the other w's were. Let's move a little higher up in the alphabet: How about cuckoo, crazy . . . . . . . I'll let the others add their own. Peggy
  17. Shelley, Sometimes it comes in droves doesn't it? I can certainly identify, partially. I have three men in my life, and all three are trying to poop out on me, but I'm trying to do everything I know to keep them around for many more years. Hubby is, of course, the one with cancer, dad has been in the hosp. for almost 3 months on life support with severe COPD and my son, only 27, is literally falling apart. I had him at ER all night Monday night with severe chest pain, shortness of breath, and a heart beat that was racing like he'd run a marathon. They want him on a heart monitor. When it does come in droves, it can really beat you down for a while, but it's the gettin' back up that matters. God has you here for a reason or many reasons - one of those was the way you recently helped "scaredofresults". To me, your post to her was absolutely magnificent. It is what I would almost call "getting in her face", but you are sooooo qualified to do that and you did it with such grace and charm and compassion and understanding. Only someone who has been there could have done that and pulled it off. Ahhh, but there's more - you never know the depths to which your words can affect someone else. Someone on the same post sent me a PM and said she missed your words the first time, but when I quoted them, they jumped off the screen and smacked her right where she needed to be smacked. Wow! You are some lady. I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better today- and besides, I would miss those funny little guys you put on your Avatar. Oh, and you can forget about Ry's wimpy little shoe. My husband has motorcyle boots, and he's 6'2" with big feet. OUCH! Seriously, God bless you!!! and keep on hangin' on that rope you told scaredofresults about. Peggy
  18. Peg, I'm so, so, so, so sorry. I am overwhelmed with emotion. Take your time about posting. We all love you so much and before the day is over I am sure there will be some 1,000 grief-stricken folks crying right along with you. May God bless you and your daughter with His love and comfort during the difficult days ahead. Love, Peggy
  19. I recall that sometime recently Carleen said she didn't have computer access like she used to. You're right, Andrea: Carlene you do have a beautiful smile and you are a beautiful woman, both inside and out. I've read many of your posts. Nice looking man at your side, too. I hope all is going well for you both and that Keith is tolerating his radiation treatments without side effects. God bless you, Peggy
  20. I got this in my email today. I normally just delete these things without reading because I get so much and I don't have time at work, but this came from someone who never sends something, so I took the time to read it and I'm glad I did. I took out way more than half of them, and am sending just the ones I thought you all might like: I BELIEVE that true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance. I BELIEVE that it's taking me a long time to become the person I want to be. I BELIEVE that you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them. I BELIEVE that you can keep going long after you can't. I BELIEVE that either you control your attitude or it controls you. I BELIEVE that just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have. I BELIEVE that maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had and what you've learned from them and less to do with how many birthdays you've celebrated. I BELIEVE that no matter how bad your heart is broken the world doesn't stop for your grief. I BELIEVE that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become. I BELIEVE that you shouldn't be so eager to find out a secret. It could change your life forever. I BELIEVE that two people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different. I BELIEVE that your life can be changed in a matter of hours by people who don't even know you. I BELIEVE that even when you think you have no more to give, when a friend cries out to you, you will find a little more to give. I BELIEVE that the people you care about most in life can be taken from you too soon. Author: Unknown to me Peggy Note: If this is a quote, poem or any copyrighted piece, I was not given any authorship nor made aware of it when I received it, and publicly apologize to any person who claims authorship.
  21. Mini, That is such wonderful, glorious news!! CANCER FREE! Wow. Praise God! God bless you and George. Peggy
  22. Nina, I knew you were getting the results on Wednesday. I lost a day, I guess, but I thought yesterday was Wed. and when I saw your posts last night but you didn't mention the results, well, I was thinking oh no, and was a little afraid for you . . . Soooo glad to hear the opposite tonight! YIPPEE SKIPPEE!!!. God bless you, Peggy
  23. Snowflake, You just amaze me. You are witty, wise, wild and wonderful. How do you manage to be all that all at one time? Thank you for being here. Peggy
  24. Good morning! I just wanted to add my thank you. Katie and Rick, thank you so much for this site. It really gives all of us have a "place", and we need it. Thank you. Tiny: Your husband IS handsome, and you are beautiful inside and out, and so is everyone on this site. My prayers today are for all of you, Peggy
  25. You're welcome! I sat here and laughed when I realized that Tiny was the "she" in the picture. He needs to be called Tiny and she can be Tinyette! LOL!!! You know the old saying - never AssUMe anything - it just makes an *ss [out of] U [and] Me. NOW IT MEAN IT - GOOD NIGHT!!!
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