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Everything posted by stand4hope

  1. Sharon, I don't have any answers to this at all, but I am sorry that you now have to go through another darn period of waiting. Let's all shout this together now: 1---2---3 WE HATE WAITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Peggy
  2. Well, I can give you an answer in our case, but I hope it doesn't upset anyone. We were told by three different oncologists that the reason they couldn't remove the tumor from my husband's lung was because of his brain mets, of which he had many. They said that when it has gone to the brain, it means it's in the blood stream, and that surgical removal at that point has proven to not be beneficial in the long run, and therefore, it is pointless to put the patient through all the pain and suffering of surgery. I really struggled with how to word that and am about 1/2 scared to submit this because I don't want anyone to think that is or was a "give-up-on-them" thought. That is just not the case. The attempts with treatments, and his case very, very aggressive treatments real hard and real fast, were to knock out as much of the cancer that they could initially, and then to keep it down, and of course, hopefully, kill it off with radiation and chemo. Gosh, I'm sweating and sending this one with a prayer for God's blessing to be on it. Please, please, please understand that if your cancer or your loved one's cancer is "in the blood stream", that doesn't mean they won't survive. Remember, God is the one that makes that decision and NOBODY else. Love to all, Peggy
  3. He Lea's daughter!! What's your name? First name only is ok - that's all we use here, but you don't even have to do that if you don't want. I think it's really cool that you are looking for someone your age to talk to about it - we all need to talk about it and sometimes our friends don't understand since they aren't going through it, do they? I hope there are some people on here that have kids that would love to write to you. Good luck to you and God bless. Peggy
  4. stand4hope

    ok guys...

    I think the pictures make a HUGE difference. They make it more real - puts a real face along with the post - even Snowflake's dragon, Shelly's crazy little smiley people, Mary Ann's racing dog, Fay's chicken and eggs, Dave's beautiful "do" and all the rest. It gives us a "handle" so to speak. I also think the reason we get addicted and feel so comfortable here is because we can talk about it ALL the time and nobody cares. I think our friends and families don't always have much to contribute back to us by way of comparison, and we sense also that they care, but not enough to talk about it all the time. I know in my circles, I kind of get the feeling they might be waiting for the hammer to come down and for it to all go bad, so I kind of avoid bringing it up. Some ask me how he's doing, but I think they're surprised when I tell them he's doing very well. They always say "That's good, that's good", but they never really ask me about "IT" - you know what I mean? Here, we can talk about it all the time, compare notes, ask questions, share in all the pain, and even make jokes about it, all without judgment. I was addicted in less than a week. God bless you all, Peggy
  5. I don't know how they can tell by looking at the pictures that the cells are dead. After very first follow-up scan (only 6 weeks after WBR), my husband's brain tumors looked exactly the same to me, but onc. said they could be dead cells, so this 6-week scan usually can't be trusted for accuracy. I remember thinking, then why do it. Anyway, I wanted to tell you all that I was recently refused a copy of my OWN report of my OWN scan by the facility that did the scan. I was furious. She said I couldn't get it for 7-10 days because they have to be sure the doctor gets it first to talk to me about it. I said this exactly, word for word: "Let me see, this is my body, my scan, I paid for it, and you won't give me a copy of the report?" She said she was sorry but that was their policy. I told her what I thought of their policy (I was nice, but I told her I didn't like it). I'm a paralegal of 15+ years, so I easily could have created a HIPPA authorization and then attempted to get the report, but my appointment with the doctor was the next day, so I decided to forget it. I bet you that I could have written a letter on our firm's letterhead, with my own signature, and walked in there a got a copy and they never would have noticed that the signature was the same as the patient. Go figure - a lawyer could probably get them before 7-10 days, but I couldn't. I intend to do some research on this topic and see what the law is in Indiana (if any) about providing patients with copies of their reports. They might have a "legal leg", but I hope they don't so I can fire off a letter, or have my boss do it. Grrrrrrr! P.S. I, too, really would like to know how they can tell by "looking" that the cells are dead. Peggy
  6. It's been so long for me, that I forget how to spell it - let's see v - a - c - a - s - h - u - n. Have fun, Lisa! Peggy
  7. Hmmmmm - not thin fabric, doesn't cling, flab doesn't hang out. Who cares what they say? I'll take two cases please. Peggy
  8. Tbone, Praying that you continue to have a good response to Taxotere. I know it is one of the drugs that can GET THE JOB DONE! God bless you, Peggy
  9. Denise, I'm so glad to hear your mom's scan was stable, and sending her prayers for the pain to disappear and that her stomach settles down soon. God bless you and welcome back! Peggy
  10. That was great!!! I actually got in and sat down in the wrong car one time - right in front of Dunkin Donuts with the great big windows where everybody can see. The good news is that EVERY single person in the store was facing the counter and their backs to the parking lot, and nobody saw me do it. I just felt weird for a second, and the trim was popping off on the door frame, and I remember thinking "How in the world did I do that?" when I realized . . . . OMG!!!! You never saw anybody move so fast or anybody turn so red in the face. I was out of that parking lot at interstate speed. Peggy
  11. Hi Bert and welcome, As far as the waiting, I'm worse than my husband and he's the one with the darn disease. Keeping busy is about the only thing I can offer - especially your mind. If you can find something that keeps your mind occupied (crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, watching tv, reading a good novel, talking with a friend or talking on the phone, writing notes to others here on this forum, etc.) it will help the days go a little faster. Our next "result" appointment is 3 weeks away, and I'm already fretting about it, but I just don't let myself think about it very long. As soon as I catch myself doing that, I quickly get on the computer or just do something else with my MIND. Hope that helps a little. God bless you, and once again, WELCOME! Love, Peggy
  12. stand4hope


    Andrea, Glad your mom's radiation is all done. I remember WELL how good that feels. Also, I pray that your dad's test result will be clean. Peggy
  13. Andrea, I'm sorry for your family friend, Robert. I'm sure he was disappointed to have this setback. Robert will be in my prayers. Peggy
  14. Elaine, I don't have answers about the burping at all, but I loved Fay's response about being the "Cool Aunt" who can burp on demand. It reminded me of when our son was younger, he and my husband had burping contests, and well, you know, the other kind of "noise" contest, too. I think they were just trying to get me out of the house. Love, Peggy
  15. Hi patut, and WELCOME! I can't offer any advice on the hiccups or spasms, but I just wanted to welcome you and say hello. I know what you mean about feeling bad, though, when your husband is having this discomfort. I can hardly stand it when any of the three men in my life are feeling bad. You've come to the right place for support, advice, caring and even humor, and we're all here to help you get through this. God bless you, Peggy
  16. Hi Steph, How refreshing it was to open this thread and see that beautiful picture of you and your little daughter. I'm sorry you have this diagnosis at such a young age, but like the others said, I'm extremely happy they found it so early. It sounds like you've got a really good attitude to fight and win. You've come to the right place, and WELCOME! Bud: CONGRATULATIONS on your new granddaughter!! Jim: GREAT picture!! Love to all, Peggy
  17. stand4hope


  18. Mo, You've sure got me worried. That's awful that you have to stay there until later. And, I'm with Becky. Thought about asking you if you wanted to trade a 27-year-old male, but . . . . . I already know how to cope with him. LOLOL! Please keep us posted or ask someone to do it for you. Please!!! God bless you, Peggy
  19. Cheryl, What a beautiful post, heartfelt, warm, understanding and also painful. You are a dear, sweet lady, and hope that God blesses you with years + years + years + years. Love, Peggy
  20. Hebbie, If I tried to do a "clean scan jig", I would break something. If I started looking for fairies, I would be the one to end up in a straight jacket, so I'm just going to pray that you have good clean scans. God bless you, Peggy
  21. Wow! Becky. Not only are you funny, but smart, too. I'm impressed. That makes a lot of sense now about the stats. I couldn't understand why everybody kept saying they were "wrong", but ahhhhhhh, now I have been educated, and that's very scary. Peggy
  22. Hi EMurphy, Well, I can see you have picked up quite a new burden, but at the same time, you seem to have a pretty good sense of humor. I read your signature/history, and cracked up where you wrote that you are: Also, that is pretty good that you have called the doctor "the Fish". One more thing, I just absolutely loved your statement: Wow! That was really a great statement and I'm going to remember that one. I do want to welcome you with all my heart. You sound like a wonderful, loving, caring daughter who will do anything to help her mom fight this very frightening disease. That's the attitude you will need to get through the battle that you and your mom are about to begin. Attitude plays such a big part in it all. You will find some folks on this site who have a great sense of humor, yet they are going through the same circumstances that you and your mom are. It's just a wonderful place and I'm so glad you found us. God bless you, Peggy
  23. Hi Jamie, Don't know about Chicago, but we've got some great hospitals in Indianapolis - COME ON DOWN!!! Jim: GREAT picture! Love, Peggy
  24. Elaine, I don't know if we were supposed to laugh, but I did: Great sarcasm there girl. It's like looking up a word in the dictionary and then you have to look up the words in the definition . . . . . . and on it goes. I'm sorry, I can't answer ANY of your questions, so I'm the one that's dense. I asked some dillies when I joined - it made me crazy wanting to know what some of the abbreviations meant. With great pains and much diligence, I figured out some of them on my own, but finally choked on my ego and just asked about the rest. I guess Fay really answered your questions, but I just had to tell you that you made me laugh. Love, Peggy
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