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Everything posted by slinaresholz

  1. Glad to hear your treatments are helping you. Happy New Year! Sharon
  2. Hello Shannon! Maybe your Dad could try gradually quitting so he wouldn't have such bad withdrawl symptoms. I read about a four step program, where you cut your cigarette consumption in half, then after two or three days in half again and so on till you are down to no cigarettes. Or he could try one cigarette every half hour at first, for a few days, then 45 minutes and make the intervals between cigarettes longer and longer till he is free. My sister said she quit smoking so gradually that she didn't have any symptoms of withdrawl. She smoked about two packs a day. Some doctors will have him take Welbuterin for two weeks and then quit. He probably couldn't take the patch because if you decide to smoke you have to take it off and wait six hours or you could have a stroke. Believe me, I empathize with him and have fallen off the wagon. I am trying the gradual approach myself and hope I can be successful. Praying for both of you! Sharon
  3. Hope everything will be fine and have a Merry Christmas! Sharon
  4. Hope everything will be fine and have a Merry Christmas! Sharon
  5. Prayers for your Dad and hope he can come home for Christmas! Sharon
  6. Prayers for you and Mike! Sharon
  7. Best of luck on your scans! Sharon
  8. Best of luck on your scans! Sharon
  9. Debbie, Congratulations and hope you enjoy the best of health. It will be two years for me since surgery in January. They said I had Stage 3A but so far I'm still pretty well. Have a good holiday! Sharon
  10. Great news! Hope you parents enjoy their trip! Sharon
  11. Prayers for you, Leslie! Karen 335 had good luck with brain mets. Maybe you could get some good information from her. Wishing you the best! Sharon
  12. Glad you are doing well and have a great holiday! Sharon
  13. Bill, I'm very sorry your wife is having problems. I believe I read on the site that the gamma knife surgery was better. Hope she will be okay! Sharon
  14. Very happy to hear your good news! Sharon
  15. Hope Joel is feeling better and I'll keep him in my prayers. Yes, People have said the dumbest things to me too. Sometimes things that make you feel worse. Glad he doesn't have blood clots. Hope his muscle relaxers help and the other treatments, too. Sharon
  16. Was so sorry to hear about Melanie. She was always helping others and I know she has a special place in heaven and has left a special place in all our hearts. Prayers for your family! Sharon
  17. Glad you're done with the radiation. Praying for good results! Sharon
  18. Glad you're done with the radiation. Praying for good results! Sharon
  19. Sorry about your rash. Hope the treatment is helping! Best wishes! Sharon
  20. I'm sorry your husband is having trouble with pleural effusion. A friend of mine told me her husband had some kind of pump inserted to drain it. Maybe your doctor will do something like that. Prayers for both of you! Sharon
  21. Very sorry to hear about your Mom and your Aunt. Sharon
  22. That was a beautiful tribute to Melanie! Sharon
  23. Dear Kasey, I am so happy for you and hope you have many more years to come. I had surgery nearly two years ago. In fact, yesterday the 11th was exactly two years since they first suspected lung cancer. I'll never forget that day and how I felt. God bless you and keep you well. Thank God you were able to have your surgery. Sharon
  24. Praying for good results tomorrow! Sharon
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