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Everything posted by Addie

  1. Addie


    Peggy.... You've done so much for so many around here, for so long....don't you dare think of sharing with us as "dumping". I hope it has been a little cathartic for you to share with us, just what has been going on for you. Often times, it does help just to get it all out...and in that vein, I'm glad you have someone to talk to there, too. I guess times like this are always in the back of our minds...eh? That it will come to where our options don't seem as full and the worry becomes, just how much more can the body take? How I wish I could change things around...make the prospects seem a bit brighter and more hopeful for you and Don. Of course you know you will continue to have my best wishes and thoughts coming your way...and I hope it is some comfort to know we're all here for you, and will do what we can to support you throughout. Dammit, this disease needs to be wiped out. You and Don have been an amazing inspiration around here...and you both continue to be. I hope you keep on finding things between you to chuckle and smile and laugh about...as those are things that greatly increase quality of life, I think. Know you're in our thoughts....
  2. Gotta ask...have you had a colonscopy? Maybe it's time you did? Diverticulosis/diverticulitis might be an issue too. The flank pain seems associated with all of this. And I will tell you, that although I don't have the flank pain you do - at various times during the chemo cycles -I have diarrhea...but it usually resolves itself rather quickly and before I need to resort to immodium. There are only so many things it can be, I would think. The fact that it started a week before the re-dx doesn't necessarily mean that it's not partly nerves, Jen, or tied to emotions. It might only mean that symptoms got more severe once you knew of the recurrence. Hope you get it figured out. Have you seen a gastro-enterologist?
  3. I'm so glad to hear your 'voice' Karen. You sound like you're holding up pretty well..and I know sometimes that happens when so much is going on. Later, when things settle down a bit....is when it all hits you. Know that we are here...whenever you need to vent, unload or seek out a little comfort. You are strong. Stronger than you realized, I'm sure. Know my thoughts are with you and Faith and all of Dave's family. I'm glad he's at peace and no longer in any pain, and also that he got to see where you and Faith will be living. As much as that might have comforted his mind...I'm sure it does yours as well. Take care of yourself honey...and know there are many here sending you thoughts of strength and healing.
  4. I was told it would be a couple of weeks...14-15 days after the first chemo. My onc was right on the money. It depends on the person though, and the chemo. What chemo is Mark on? For small cell, I assume it's probably carboplatin or cisplatin and etoposide (VP-16). Some people thin out but don't lose their hair. Others turn into billiard balls. When mine began to come out in clumps....I had a friend shave my head. I sort of regret it now...because I had such a thick head of hair I'm not sure I'd have lost it all. If Mark still has his after three cycles of chemo...he should consider himself lucky! There's a lot of women here who weren't near so blessed when it comes to the ol' follicles!
  5. Addie

    I'm back

    Ah, Peg....good to have you here. You always have such a calming, good influence on us all...and in the midst of this latest loss...well, it's just a comfort to know you're here....you're back. Hope you're doing better dear...and look forward to your update. Sending you my best...
  6. I'm stunned. My heart goes out to Karen and Faith and all of David's family. I'm simply stunned.
  7. It depends. The best thing to do is check with his oncologist. I do take a multivitamin and extra calcium....but, for example, the chemo I'm on right now...my onc told me to STOP taking cod liver oil pills, which are essentially Vitamins A and D. There is some conflict or interaction with my chemo meds, apparently. Your brother should make out a list of everything he currently takes and have the doc look at it. Also he can ask about anything he may want to add to the regimen. But really, only his oncologist can answer this for him.
  8. Addie

    About David C

    Have been tied up most of the day with out of town guests...and am just seeing this. Of course my best goes out to all the Chapmans and family. Hoping David feels better and has less pain very soon...and can return home.
  9. The only time I really had an issue with SOB was when my counts were so very low...both platelets and HGB and HCT. Not enough oxygen was circulating...so going up and down stairs, I'd end up huffing and puffing. How long has it been since he's had bloodwork? I know there can be more serious reasons for SOB...but in my case, it was a pretty easy fix with a couple of transfusions. Check w/ his doctor about bloodcounts...and do let us know what happens. Being SOB is NOT a lot of fun.
  10. Got you covered, Sandy!! All good thoughts for successful surgery and an easy recovery will surround you...so not to worry! We'll look to Becky for the good word when your procedure is over.
  11. Hey...Fay got "de-ported" today...and you got "im-ported"! That makes Fay the former porter and you is the new portee!! I think I'm a bit overdosed here on barium. Forgive me. What great news, Justa...about the Avastin. Big relief, eh? And I'm glad the installation of the port went well. It was probably a good relief of tension that you came out crying when you awoke from the anesthesia...and I'm glad too, that there weren't any breathing issues. Living life to the fullest is always a good idea...and maybe more so for those of us here...huh? Just remember, nobody's got any guarantees...but at least we've been alerted to the fact that health can take a nose dive....so it wakes us up to the need to really, truly live each moment. Just remember this....that port is NOT to be used for infusion of anything Cindi carries in the Pub....okay? When your anesthesia wears off....I'm buying, okay? I can see Frank now...he's already salivating and heading towards the pub!~
  12. We no longer can say, "A port in every Fay" then, can we? Must feel pretty good not to need it anymore, eh? I keep feeling at mine...at where the tubing goes into the jugular....trying to make sure the tube stays where it is. I remember getting the port installed as not being terribly traumatic. I assume you'll be awake for the removal too...just numbed locally and ever so slightly "la-la". Hope it all goes smoothly...and when you're home, check in here and we'll toss you a little party at The Pub...okay? Ah, the odd little milestones and events we celebrate here at lchelp...huh? I'll be thinking of you...and vibing you for easy "de-port-ment"
  13. Dean...I hope Bobble Head Bird keeps singing for you, for a long, long time. It's so good to hear your "voice". I'm sorry that you're finding some things to be getting more difficult for you....but even so, your spirit and joy in living each moment shines thru! As usual! That purple finch ain't got nothin' on you, Dean Carl!! Good thoughts coming your way....always.
  14. Addie


    Oh, Di...I'm sorry about your friend, LaVerne. Her situation simply proves the need for an advocate when someone can't or won't persist on their own behalf. There are too many people who "don't want to be a bother" and so despite pain, when the doc ask how they are feeling....they say, "Fine." Or...they simply don't push when their pain is not relieved. Such a shame, isn't it? My sympathies to LaVerne's family...and to you, sweetie.
  15. Hang in there, Beth. The doc is right...the cancer takes precedence. That's why I still have my ovaries (for all the good the shriveled up little raisins do me!! ) Add me to the list who hopes that Avastin becomes YOUR magic bullet. Leap frog yourself over the bad news and fear...and get your head in fight mode. Do positive imagery. Think positively. Tell yourself (as I do) - "I gotta be around AT LEAST for my kids' weddings!!" We're here for you, too. Hang in and keep us up to date on how you're doing. Sending ALL positive thoughts your way!
  16. We corresponded a few days ago....and not to speak for Jen...but I thought she sounded a bit better. Her counts were better but they'd cut her 'roids a bit and she was missing the energy boost from that. Said it was hot down her way and she was trying to stay cool...and also asked about vision changes. I told her mine is a bit fuzzy. Don't know if it's the Topo specifically...or chemo in general...but I'm not getting my eyes checked until I'm off chemo for a while...cuz I'm afraid they'll continue to change. I have a feeling once she has a couple of cycles of Topo in her, that she will be feeling even better. It worked that way for me...to get rid of that unsettled tummy was HUGE. If Jen can get rid of that pain in her side...I know she'll feel much better. Hope she checks in to see this and replies herself...as it's always a lift too, to know others are missing you and asking after you!
  17. I think I know where you can get a deal on the chickens, John....but you'll have to ask Debi if she raises veggies too!!! Again, congrats on the milestone.
  18. Addie


    All the best to Dean and Gay....always.
  19. Mr. Ry is here...and that's what matters, right? Celebrate...or not....he's a 3 yr. survivor which gives a lot of us a lot of hope! Hope tomorrow doesn't feel so strange and that you get lots of pleasure (as I know you will) saying it's THREE YEARS PLUS...and still counting for a long, long time! Way to go John...and you too, Ry.
  20. Hoping something works on Dave's pain and soon! I'm glad you're going to visit again, Becky...and hope by the time you get there, he'll be feeling much better. Good thoughts being vibed to the Chapmans continually.
  21. Heaving a sigh of relief over the clear spinal fluid! That's some good news! Hope the move goes smoothly and that they can find something to deal w/ Dave's pain. Do keep us posted and know we're vibing and sending all good thoughts.
  22. The weekend I needed transfusions....my HGB was 6.0 when tested in the doctor's office. By the time I got upstairs for the actual transfusions...it had dropped further to 5.6. My platelets were also in the dumper at 12,000!! The nurse said I should be "face down on the floor"...but I was walkin', talkin' just like usual. I'll say this, though....after I had the blood and platelets on Friday and Saturday....on Sunday, I was scrubbing the kitchen floor! I had a ton of energy, even though I hadn't felt all that tired BEFORE the transfusions. I too, am on Topotecan...but NOT Zometa. Everyone is different...but sometimes I get sort of energized by the steroids...and other times, I get energized for no apparent reason! Perhaps your wife's burst of energy simply means the Topo is working, killing off the cancer, and she is feeling better...eh? I like to think that's the case when I'm energized...as it's a real positive thought!
  23. You've got more spunk than the average one of us, Beth...so hang in there. We've got your back with all the well wishes you can handle....but I know your own spirit and humor will help just as much. Maybe the cough is allergies?? I never had a cough...but these days I get this dry spot and I'm off coughing like mad. I know it's pollen/allergies/spores....whatever. Keep a bottle of water with you or hard candies to suck on. On Tuesday....you'll have the collective power of the membership here to get you thru the g.b. surgery...and I'm sure all will go well. You'll feel tons better after you've had a few days to heal from it....and we'll all be waiting for you in Cin's Pub. How does that sound? Hang in, honey....this all will pass and you'll be back stronger and funnier than ever!
  24. Call me nuts (it wouldn't be the first time)...but I've had "nodules" and I've had "masses" and "tumors"....and so far the nodules have been BENIGN!! That's the first thing that struck me, Cin...is that the surgeon didn't say tumors or masses....he said nodules. Did you ASK him if he thinks they are malignant? I didn't read thru all the replies here...so hope I didn't miss something explanatory....but if he's saying nodules...then waiting a month or so to rescan seems smart. I had two small nodules in my left lung WAY back in 2003. My PCP told me they were "nothing - not to worry about them, but we'd need to follow up to be sure". Eight month later, we did a follow up CT and those two nodules hadn't changed. BUT....there was that pesky, patchy infiltrate higher up in my lung that turned out to be my primary. I still have one of those wee "nodules" in that lung. The other has disappeared. I'm locking on that thought. You have nodules...that's all. Benign little nodules. I'm betting next month there will be a little shrinkage! Or a smaller cluster of those nodules. Vibing you, Cin......
  25. I finished first line chemo last September and had 13 sessions of PCI in November. I do not regret having it and I had virtually NO ill effects from the radiation. I think most people would say that bad as it is having cancer at ALL, there is something especially worrisome about having it met to the brain. Now...having SAID that...there are people here who've had brain mets, had them treated...and are doing fine. Everyone is different. But I had the PCI because I felt it gave me SOME level of protection against the cancer going to my brain. So far....so good. The cancer DID come back...but in my liver and pancreas and I just finished 6 more cycles of chemo and am feeling and doing fine. Scans next week to check the status of things. But...I would recommend the PCI if they are offering it to you. The way I looked at it....if I DIDN'T have it...and ended up with brain mets....I would have felt like I hadn't done everything I COULD DO to try to avoid brain mets. That was just MY way of viewing it. But other than the potential for a little nausea or maybe some dizziness (and there are meds for that!)...I truly had NO problems or side effects from the PCI. Hope this helps you decide. Best of luck and let us know your decision.
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