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Everything posted by patut

  1. 1. My oldest daughter made it through St. Patty's Day 2. My oldest son made it through St. Patty's Day 3. My middle son made it through St. Patty's Day 4. My second youngest daughter made it through St. Patty's Day 5. My youngest daughter made it through St. Patty's Day That was a feat for the Hennessy family going through their first one without their Irish Dad. We are all starting new traditions and making new memories while preserving the old. It was tough on my kids today.
  2. patut

    5 for 3/15

    I'm really glad you're back, Frank. Your post above made me laugh, and I needed that. C
  3. Add me to this long list too Don and Lucie. That's great! C.
  4. Oh yea. I would definately use the lawyer. When my mother died and I was executor the lawyer did everything for me and took SO much a load off me. They can be a wonderful help and can guide you through this. You have enough on your mind just trying to live day by day without trying to figure out stuff you really don't need to. Do think of yourself first right now and slow down your mind. Enjoy the positive things around you right now - this very minute - this very second. Slo-----ow d--------o--------w-----n. You are golden. Love, C.
  5. patut

    God In My Life

    Wow! Thank you so much for that. I have been having a week of very 'low' days and trying to understand it. I think having a bad cold didn't help much. I appreciate what you wrote and all that you are doing to help others. I find that when I am working with others I feel pretty good about myself. I learned at a Parish Mission last night that we can be knocked off our foundation when we lose a loved one. That's for sure! I also liked a quote I read last night at the Mission: "The value of persistent prayer is not that God will hear us, but that we will finally hear God". Sure works for me. My best to all who are here grieving and to all who have to even be on these boards. Cyndy
  6. I read that low doses of aspirin were not only good for heart attack prevention in men, but especially stroke in women over 60. Wonder if I should be using it.
  7. patut

    humpday cinq

    1. sweet violins on NPR 2. "You Raise Me Up" 3. warm house in sub zero temp 4. Heard his actual voice in night call my name. Yes!! 5. New babies - Treebywater
  8. patut


    Breathing cyber breaths in your direction just for you Frank. Here they come!!!!! Cyndy
  9. 1. I made it through 2 1/2 months as a surviving spouse. 2. It's getting better. 3. Spring is in two weeks (????????) 4. Praying for all who are worried and scared here. 5. Thankful for this site and you wonderful folks who helped me to - remain hopeful.
  10. patut

    He is always there

    Nice. Thanks for sharing. C.[/b]
  11. patut

    Dad is Dead?

    It's now been 10 years since I lost my Mom to a stroke. I too couldn't believe it and had started learning to cope with it. Then two months ago I lost my hubbie to lung cancer. Now each day I practice coping with it by sitting in my favorite chair early in the morning and inviting them both to be with me. Somehow this works for me and my days go pretty much as I plan them out. Still, when it gets to be evening time I start counting the hours until it's time to go to sleep. Kind of like Margaret's post "Is it time to go to sleep yet?"
  12. patut


    That is SO excellent!!! Congratulations and am so glad to hear such good news.
  13. Don't forget that most of us go through stages of 'grief' even if you're a caregiver. A couple of the stages include disbelief and anger. It's o.k. and usually resolves after a time. Also, some folks (like me) don't want to go to a councellor but prefer to read self help articles and books. I'd say to allow him his times and remember not to take it personally. He's not angry with you, just the circumstances you guys are in. My best , Cyndy
  14. patut


    Karen, I like your oncologist's comments. Allows for faith and trust and possibility of a miracle. This is a tough time, I'm praying for that miracle for you. Cyndy
  15. Nell, My condolences to you and Bob's loving family. What a beautiful scene you portrayed of the family singing for hours with his son playing the guitar. I bet Bob really liked that. I know I would. Sincerely, Cyndy - it's now been two months for me.
  16. Oh Kate. I am so sorry this has happened to you. It tore me apart here to read your post. I identify with what Maryanne said above. God bless, and please know that you can find help here from some of us who have recently lost a loved one. My youngest daughter is your age and she is having to cope with the loss of her Dad too. Much love and understanding, Cyndy
  17. Am very glad your partner has the voice back. That's encouraging. This site is a wonderful place to receive encouragement, by the way. The wonderful folks here have made me feel better on many many occasions. I thank them all for that. Cyndy
  18. patut

    Darlene Joy

    My thoughts and prayers are with you. God bless.
  19. Well Sharon, your post made me realize what my own daughters are going through. Only yesterday one of them broke down for a moment as we were having a memory together. My sons have their own ways of dealing with it - mostly anger I think. That comment on how the disease is no longer in our house is interesting because it is actually a plus for me. It allows me to be able to start living my next part of my life in a new way. That part of our life together is over, yet he lives on here every day with us and we will love him forever. Cyndy
  20. After my hubbie passed away we were left with a huge bag of meds (prescriptions) that he had tried or that were left over. I called the hospital and the pharmacy and asked how to best get rid of them and was told to flush them down the toilet. But recently I read an article stating that some meds were not best to be flushed as they may enter the water system, etc. etc. It was suggested that it may be better to mash them up, put them back in the containers and then place them in the garbage. I wonder what are some of your thoughts on this problem. My hubbie was an environmentalist and would want this done right.
  21. I hear you Margaret. I find I have to plan ahead my weekends so I'm not sitting at home thinking about it all the time. Tonight I called my daughter and invited myself to her place for supper (which I took over-- would you believe lasagnia I had frozen from the time of the funeral back in December?) After a wonderful evening I was able to return home and relax and actually enjoy my home and two kitties. Fixed a nice fire in the woodstove like my hubbie taught me, and now it's warm and cozy throughout the house. Now I'm on my first vacation alone from school and have to plan a whole week of activities for myself. So I hear you Margaret. It helps to know that I am not alone going through this. There are a few of us here in the same boat, I see. My best to you. Cyndy
  22. patut

    Six months today

    Hi Ginny. Thanks for posting this. It has been almost two months for me and I find myself going through different phases. I cry at least once a day and then seem to get on with it. I too decided to remember him when he was stronger and started putting out photos like when he was a soccer player in the 60's. I bought myself a beautiful heart box of candy half price the day after Valentines Day and am keeping his first letters to me from 1959 in it. Very special because I feel like he led me to do this. It was wierd. I wish you the best. Cyndy
  23. You are in my thoughts and prayers! C.
  24. patut

    thank you

    That was very nice of you to post that message. This is a very special site with a very special family. Cyndy
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