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Everything posted by patut

  1. patut


    HAPPY BIRTHDAY NINA! …and may you have many more!!
  3. It's our 44th wedding anniversary and we feel so thankful to be together still. Wonderful day with our family. Cyndy
  4. Just the kind of thing I am dreading may happen to my hubby one day, but on the other hand this may not be cancer related. It is such a roller coaster! Know that you are not alone here, and I wish you both the best.
  5. Can let you know better after December 2nd when next cat scan is scheduled , but so far our onc has gone by how my hubbie feels and acts more then by what an xray showed.
  6. patut

    Vent: I'm scared

    So sorry… do hang in there as this will all pass. We have all experienced bad stuff like this and yet we are still here and giving thanks. Cyndy
  7. Thanks Donna. A beautiful post!
  8. Welcome, and it's great you have a head start on things. Happy Thanksgiving to you!
  9. Wishing you and your Mom a very happy Thanksgiving!
  10. Wow…you just never know! Hope you got the term paper finished. [/b]
  11. …things to be thankful for! Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
  12. Hi there. Karen is right. There is much that can be done to help your Mom. I know our own children went through what you are at this point when I had to tell them their Dad had lung cancer. Many of us on this board are going through the same thing , so you are not alone. Thinking of you and your Mom on Tues. Cyndy
  13. I tried to blame second hand smoke on my own interstitial lung problem (caused most likely by my RA) as my husband smoked in our house for over 40 years. No one knows the answer. I found it interesting that where I live the hospital lab folks asked questions, but didn't even consider second hand smoke. I'm the one who had to bring it up. Yet where my daughter lives the doctors showed more concern when asked about it. I am thinking that it depends on where you live whether second hand smoke is considered a threat or not by the medical community.
  14. patut


    My hubbie had to quit his firsts chemo too and was put on Iressa. Amazingly is has helped him to remain stable for a while now. Hope it works in your case too. Cyndy
  15. Ooo-I like this, hadn't even thought of it. Thanks for bringing it up and for folks sharing ideas. Cyndy
  16. Welcome Heather. Aren't these amazing posts by so many folks on this board? I feel like we are our own kind of special family here. My hubbie also started out with vena cava syndrome - as you can read at the bottom. Like so many others it has been a rollar coaster for us. Now we are at a level place and enjoying it. I recently read that the medical community hopes to downgrade lung cancer's label from being 'fatal' to 'chronic'. That is a little encouraging, anyway. Best wishes, Cyndy
  17. patut

    Turkey talk

    What's the best way to stuff a turkey? Serve him lots of pizza and ice cream! If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring? Pilgrims! Why did the Pilgrims eat turkey at Thanksgiving? Because they couldn't get the moose in the oven! What did the turkey say to the turkey hunter? "Quack! Quack! Quack!" What did the Pilgrim vampire celebrate? Fangsgiving! Why did the turkey cross the road? It was the chicken's day off. If the Pilgrims were alive today, what would they be most famous for? Their AGE Why can't you take a turkey to church? Because they use such FOWL language Can a turkey jump higher than the Empire State Building? Yes - a building can't jump at all What do you get when you cross a turkey with an octopus? Enough drumsticks for Thanksgiving How can you make a turkey float? You need 2 scoops of ice cream, some root beer, and a turkey What kind of music did the Pilgrims like? Plymouth Rock Which side of the turkey has the most feathers? The outside Why did they let the turkey join the band? Because he had the drumsticks Why did the police arrest the turkey? They suspected it of fowl play What's the key to a great Thanksgiving dinner? The turKEY What did the turkey say before it was roasted? Boy! I'm stuffed! Why did the Indian chief wear so many feathers? To keep his wigwam What happened to the Pilgrim who was shot at by an Indian? He had an arrow escape How did the Mayflower show that it liked America? It hugged the shore
  18. You have been through so much. What a wonderful thing that you can reach 'acceptance'. I try to live this way also and it makes my life much less stressful. I noticed you also have RA, and so do I, along with OA. I would think your auto-immune diseases would complicate your life even more. Are you on meds for the RA? Thanks for the wonderful post - if only all of us could understand the term 'acceptance'. Cyndy
  19. patut

    Pet Scan

    This is wonderful. Congratulations
  20. I love your Post! I also agree with Elaine that this is encouraging for all of us here. Congratulations and here's to many more anniversaries! Cyndy
  21. patut

    Pop is home!

    Best wishes to you and your family. One day at a time and enjoy to the fullest!
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