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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Welcome, Jeff, We are glad you decided to join us. There are a lot of knowledgeable people here that are more than happy to share their experiences with you.. I know you will soon learn this group is made up of a bunch of warm and caring folks. Let us know how we may help you. Sue
  2. Lori, You are such a wonderful daughter. Your mom is so blessed to have you. My heart goes out to you, your mom and your family. I hope and pray your mom's pain can be controlled soon. May your son's birthday /Valentine's Day celebration be a wonderful , heartwarming time for all. Love and Prayers, Sue
  3. Prayers still coming for TAnn. Love, Sue
  4. Pam, I am so very very sorry to hear about your loss. God be with you and your family. Love and Prayers, Sue
  5. Oh Jen, I am so sorry . I can only imagine how very frustrating that must be especially when you have family traveling from out of town. I'm on the east coast down here in Virginia and we may get a little snow tonight.. Hope some how , some way it will work out. Sue
  6. I would most likely not complain and I would leave a tip . I just wouldn't go back and I would tell everyone I knew. Sue
  7. Nancy , I just want you to know your family is in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Sue
  8. Mike, I know this must be very difficult for you to pass along your mom's message. Know that so many of us here love your mom and are praying for her , as well as you and the rest of her family. I'm so sorry that your mom is not where she would like to be at this time. It is so like her to want to continue to share her experiences in an effort to help others. Tell her she's in my prayers. God be with her and your family. Love and Prayers, Sue
  9. Fay is one in a million and has given so much to all of us here. She has been a teacher, a supporter and a real inspiration for us all. I hope she feels the loving thoughts and prayer that are coming her way. Love, Sue
  10. Wooo Hooo to 3 years and to many many more... Sue
  11. Put me among the ones that hate to grocery shop. I try to plan my trips around sale ads, make a list and buy most at one time . I always buy twice as much as what I have on my list.. I then find myself there for fresh Milk and bread in between. The next thing I despise is cooking the food, but I love to eat.. too much.. Too much information.. sue
  12. Paddy, Thank you for sharing this comical yet very touching story . Love, Sue
  13. I would advise you to contact a doctor right away. There is one thing that came to mind though. Is he on Arenesp (sp) shots... they cause pain in the breast bone in some patients. I would contact the doctor sooner rather than later. It could be so many things , but better to be safe. Sue
  14. (((Karen & Ken))), Sending prayers to you both. I hope this works out for you , but know that however it works out God knows best. This is something I have to keep telling my self. God Bless you. Love and Prayers, Sue
  15. Teri, Know that you have my prayers , as well. I'm so sorry to hear this news. Glad you have a way to keep in touch with us. Like Ry said, Sorry we didn't know you were in the hospital. Take care and know that we care for you very much. Love, Sue
  16. Trish, This is great news. My prayers will continue for you. Love, Sue
  17. Ginnie, I agree with most everyone that it will help you and your family if you bring it up and everyone can share openly about their feelings. God Bless, Sue
  18. Kat, I am so very sorry for the loss of your father. Sue
  19. I just want to thank all of you for your love and support. When we are really down and all of our friends here come to our side, it is such a real comfort. There just aren't words to tell you what it means to me and to my 3Dfriend, Pam... uh oh.... I didn't want to worry you with this. You have enough of your own to deal with and you need to stay far away from anyone that is ill. Things are about the same today. For now , it's one day at a time. Love and Prayers to all. Love, Sue
  20. Wonderful news, Charlie D !!! Counting on you to Get R Done!!! Love, Sue
  21. Ry, I agree about the infection. It's all driving me crazy. The problem is that they have been trying to get a sputum culture all week at the hospital. Once they can get it cultured, they will know for sure what they are dealing with. This doctor has been known to call in the infectious disease team before. If they can get a culture result and if it's something that the pulmonologist doesn't know how to deal with , he will call in the infectuos team. Anyhow... it's maddening because he's not coughing this stuff up.. ... His case is so complicated with the damn stent in place and irritating the trachea, but the stent has to be there or he couldn't breathe. Thank you for your input. sue
  22. Marie, This sounds like fantastic news. 50% shrinkage and possibility for surgery is all reason to celebrate.. I think you should be elated with this news. As for the surgery, most people do rather well with it. Mike recouperated very well after having an entire lung removed. If and when you get to that point, there are many here that can share their experiences with you. Sending hugs and prayers for continued success. Love, Sue
  23. It's Monday, Feb 6th... Took Mike back to the doctor.. to make a long story short... The doctor says that the cough, the slight fever and the sob are all consistent with disease progression. He says they will remain with him. There is also an ongoing infection that he is trying to treat. Currently he has him on Levaquin and Zithromycin.. He increased the dosages of some of his meds, added the xtra antibiotic and sent us over to get another chest xray. The only chance of doing chemo is if the infection clears and he gains strength. He's not a candidate for chemo now. The news doesn't sound very comforting does it? I'm trying to accept this and deal with it. I know I will , as many of you that have gone before us have done. Right now I don't feel like I can put one foot in front of the other. Please know that all of your prayers, well wishes, pms, email etc. have helped very much. I know that whatever we are going through , you all understand. Thank you. Love you. Love, Sue
  24. ((((Peggy)))), I can't find the words. I miss Don too ( you brought him to life for us on this board), but I am thankful that we have you. Stay in touch and thank you for being such a friend to me and so many of us. Love you and hope time will be healing for you. Don would want you to laugh . Love, Sue
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