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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Oh my goodness, you guys don't think it's about me , do you? I copied the joke from someone else, but it did crack me up. lol Teresa, I live in Norfolk and I never drank a margarita(I'm a Bud light fan ), but now's a good time as any to start. Can you cuckoo? Lol Sue
  2. The other night I was invited out for a night with "the girls." I told my husband that I would be home by midnight. "I promise!" were my last words. Well, the hours passed and the margaritas went down way too easy. Around 3:00 a.m. and a bit loaded, we piled into a cab and headed for our respective homes. Just as I got through the door, the cuckoo clock in the hall started up and cuckooed 3 times. Realizing my husband would probably wake up, I quickly cuckooed another 9 times. I was particularly proud of myself for coming up with such a quick-witted solution to cover my tardiness. (Even when totally smashed, 3 cuckoos plus 9 cuckoos totals 12 cuckoos. MIDNIGHT!) The next morning my husband asked me what time I got in, and I told him midnight. He didn't raise an eyebrow or anything and continued to read Then he said, "I think we might need a new cuckoo clock." When I asked him why, he said, "Well, last night our clock cuckooed three times, then said, "Oh, shi_," cuckooed 4 more times, cleared its throat, cuckooed another 3 times, giggled, cuckooed twice more, then tripped over the coffee table and farted."
  3. You can add me to the thrilled list. I could use Helio's smile every day to cheer me up. He and Julianne certainly made a great couple. His smile , her laugh and their great dance routines sure could brighten an otherwise gloomy evening. Yay Helio and Julianne. Sue
  4. Ken, One more thought on this subject of those stats, remember the length of time the drug has been out. Avastin is not that old and the combinations of treatments adding Avastin is changing constantly, it seems. So, that being taken into account, it appears the drug and or combinations haven't been used long enough to create very accurate stats . I think it will take more time to get the full picture. Another, way to look at the two to three month scenario is that every day is another day to bring us closer to a cure for this disease. The longer a patient can fight the closer they are to a cure being found. Keep up the positive thoughts and never forget that there are no two cases alike and no stage of cancer that hasn't been cured. Sue
  5. Joanie, I have thought about you often. You are such a fighter and have always been an inspiration to me. You have always had such a positive attitude in spite of whatever life threw your way. However, I have to say add my list to the bandwagon of those angered by infections caught while in hospitals. During Mike's surgery to have his lung removed , back in 2001, his surgeon quickly saw the cause of a cough he had been plagued with since his previous bronchoscopy. He had a staph infection that was all over the place and even on his diaphragm.. so much so that part of his diaphragm had to be removed. It took calling in the infectuos drug team, a few extra days in ICU and a shi_ load of antibiotics to take when he came home. They were able to clear it up. I went to the doctor last year with venous ulcers on my legs. The wound care doctor biopsied one of them and came up with MRSA. Fortunately , it had not entered my system and he said I had most likely picked it up being in the hospital with Mike.. Scary and I was fortunate that my wounds were healed before it went systemic. I wasn't familiar with MRSA , at the time, but I know he was concerned enough to call me at home to give me the biopsy report and to stress that I should seek help immediately if I were to experience certain symptoms. Scary , scary thoughts.... I want to believe these cases are the exception and not the rule. Hospitals do a lot of good and I will be praying they help you. Take care. Love, Sue
  6. (((Connie & Maurie))), You both have my prayers. Connie , I put your surgery date on my calendar. The 19th is already a very special day.. it's my Mom's 79th birthday and Mom is doing very well at the moment and so will you. We will make sure of it. Sorry about poor Maurie... Hope something can be done to alleviate the pain for him. Please keep us informed and know you have lots and lots of prayers coming your way. Love, Sue
  7. Mike, Thanks for checking in . Enjoyed your upbeat update. Know that we love hearing from you. Keep the good news coming. God Bless, Sue
  8. shineladysue


    Wonderful news!!! Stable is always a welcome word. Hope you and your family can relax and enjoy your holidays. God Bless, Sue
  9. Chelsea, This is a good question for Dr. West. He is the oncologist who volunteers his time to help answer our questions. He may see it if you post the question here or you can go to his site. http://www.onctalk.com And ask the question there. My best to your mom. Sue
  10. Sending my prayers too!! Hope she is doing better now . Sue
  11. My deepest sympathy to you and your family. Know that we will be here for you if you need us. Sue
  12. Christine, Glad you found us. One thing I would like to say is that no matter what age or what stage of cancer you have, every case is different. I will be saying prayers that your treatment and scans come out well. As for Tarceva, many of our members have had near miraculous response to it. Spend a lot of time reading here .. there is a wealth of information shared. Sue
  13. (((Lori))), it's hard. I went through a crying spell yesterday. Out of the blue, I just fell apart.. I'm only cooking for myself and youngest son. I hear Mike's voice in my head. No matter what was prepared, he acted like it was the most wonderful thing in the world. The weekend after, we would be getting out the xmas decor..... Christmas, another hard time. Hope you will feel better, after a good cry , and be able to make the best of your day. God Bless, Sue
  14. Beautiful post, Maryanne. I too would like to thank Katie and Rick for making this place possible for us. I am truly thankful to be a part of such a warm, caring,and understanding group. I am also very appreciative for all the educational resources that have been and are always being collected ( by our dedicated members) to help us through each day. And last , but not least, I would like to thank Dr. West for all the time , information and support he has given to us. I'm thankful for all of you . For those of you celebrating Thanksgiving today, I hope you can find reasons to be thankful and may God comfort you if you are feeling lost and alone. God Bless you all. Love and Prayers, Sue
  15. Yes, I watch it. Love Helio. Sabrina was so good.. what a shame. I vote now too. Marie's winning smile and fantastic attitude are so contagious, but I think Mel is the best of the ladies. Sue
  16. shineladysue

    Don Wood

    Randy, thanks for the update on Don. I guess I left chat too soon , also. Don, if you are lurking, I want to wish you every happiness in your future. Would be nice to have you drop in every once in a while.. Take care and know you are not forgotten. Sue
  17. Donna, Wishing you a blessed Thanksgiving too. I've thought of you often. Hope you are doing ok. God Bless, Sue
  18. (((Grace))), I understand, I really do. As though it wasn't hard enough, the holidays get thrown at us. I can relate to a lot of your present problems except that my kids are grown. Sending you lots of hugs and an invitation to pm me any time to vent and know you've reached an understanding ear. God Bless, Sue
  19. I'm crying and it's all your fault, Mitchell. Such a beautiful story and such wonderful news to read on this day. Praise the Lord and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Love, Sue
  20. shineladysue

    It is over

    Barb, I am so very sorry for your loss. May God be with your family during this very difficult time. Sue
  21. Prayers on the way for Rich. Sue
  22. I am so very sorry for your loss. Prayers for strength for you and your family to get through the days ahead. Sue
  23. (((Connie))), It sounds like you have a wonderful doctor. Put your faith in God and in your doctors and know that we will be here with party hats praying our butts off. Love and Prayers, Sue
  24. Thank you for sharing this wonderful tribute to your father. Sue
  25. Paul, I would like to welcome you and let you know that your partner will be in my prayers for tests and a successful treatment plan. God Bless, Sue
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