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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. Try calling the nurse at the Dr office. I am not 100% sure of the answer and do not want to steer you wrong. Love Cindy
  2. EEEE GADS!!! Isn't it amazing when you have dealt with cancer that gall bladder surgery doesn't seem like much! As for the port. Make sure the surgeon knows well in advance you want the port put in while asleep! I had mine put in when I was out for the biopsies in 2001. I have said we should all be born with one of these. It sure makes life easier!! I have it used for anything -like the last few weeks I had IV antibiotics for the infection in my leg. They can leave it accessed for 7 days before it had to be changed. SSSSOOOOO much better than getting your arms used as a pin cushion. Love Cindy
  3. Take whatever you need. The Dr has prescribed a certain dose so you are safe taking what he said. I truely do not believe we get "addicted" to the pain meds. I might go a few days without anything then have to take 2 in the morning to just walk without pain, a couple in the afternoon and at times at bedtime so I don't wake up in pain. Do not wait til the pain is bad, it takes longer for the meds to work. Most people get used to their dose and can function fine after a few weeks. I drive without any problems. Good Luck, Cindy
  4. Frank- Like the others said--ways to scare off the Fat Lady: 1. Play country music SO loud she runs away. 2. Gather up the neighborhood dogs. If she starts to sing they will run her off. My ROXY will lead the pack!! 3. Eat EVERYTHING you want. 4. Know that we are praying for you and Connie. Much love to you both Cindy
  5. (((((((((((CONNIE)))))))))))))))))) You have been here for so many. Thanks!! Cindy
  6. Have a GREAT time-nothin like a father-daughter reunion. Cindy
  7. We need to know- 1. What the pain is 2. Where it is located 3. When did it start 4. What med are you taking for it now?? I have been on Darvocett off and on for 3 yrs. I ended up with something they call chemo induced arthritis?? I do well on celebrex but can not afford it. The darvocett 2-3 times a day works and is so cheap. Cindy
  8. Enjoy those naps. You need plenty of rest for awhile and before you know it you will be back at the everyday grind!! Love Cindy
  9. Cindy RN


    As so many before me have said. I recall those last days with my mom before she went onto Heaven. The last thing she said to me that actually made sense was when I left to go back to my house for a few hrs. was---I love you too. The next day her speech was very garbled. I still see her laying in the bed, in the family room and hear those words. At first it hurt but now I smile (still makes me cry) and think how lucky@!!!!! I was to have had her as my mom. God be with you at this time. Love Cindy
  10. I am so sorry you are feeling so lousy!! Remember ther effects of that treatment last for a long time after the last dose. ASK for anti-emetic drugs-zofran (the best) and compazine (very good) to help with the nausea, Cindy
  11. Thank You Addie-I was really sad when I read this too. I feel like I am on the back of the bus again. I want lung cancer studies done-regardless if the person has enviromental issues, smoking, non-smoking, nsclc or sclc. Cindy
  12. I can only speak from my own experience. Look below to see the chemos I used the first year. I did the normal 6 month course. Some studies have shown that doing more does not show any extra positive results. My onco tho said since it had worked so well and I was fairly healthy he wanted to do 3 more months. We did and I had a yr remission. It came back and I did 6 months of chemo plus radiation (there was only one tumor this time) and I have been without chemo since Aug 2003. Cindy
  13. You must be a riot to live with. I know just how you feel. I HATED it --sitting there getting chemo with 1-3 other people also getting it. It never failed they all had to oneupmanship the other with there complaints!!!!!!!!!!!! I used to try to schedual my chemo during the 'off' hours. Once in awhile I would get a roomie who would like to kid around about the benefits of chemo. Sounds nuts to some but there really are. People let you in the front of the line, you get those prized front row parking at all the stores. AND the one that always gets me--'You look SO good'. HA, I do have a mirror and have not gone blind from the cancer. Ohe well, thanks for the laugh. Cindy
  14. Wendy-Know that what you did was the right thing. As hard as it was for them to hear it it would of been much harder if they did not have any idea it was coming. God be with you and my prayers are with you and the kids. Cindy
  15. Thanks Ginny-I called this morning and just got her machine, just like last week. I will pm you to get her number at the hospice. Cindy
  16. I have no idea what to say. I DO KNOW what I say when someone would say have you gained weight?? I would say "WHAT???? I have????? Oh my!!!!! I had no idea. How could you tell???? Cindy
  17. What a terrible time you are having. If you can stop working right now-do it. There are agencies that can help with bills in emergency situations. See if hospice can get in there sooner. Please, sit the kids down and explain what is and may happen. They KNOW something already and they need time with their dad to make peace. Also they need to feel like they are helping you and him. This will mean alot to them. My prayers are with you and the family. Love Cindy
  18. Mothers Day is SO bitter sweet this year. I lost my mom in 1994 to nsclc and now I have sclc and see what it does to my children. My moms BD is the 16th of this month too. It has not gotten easier over the yrs. Cindy
  19. I checked this out and they have a website for Lung cancer. Go and check it out. Lots of info and they can match you up with clinical trials after you fill out a personal survey. Cindy
  20. Glad to see you post!! I can not say I had those s/s DUE to the sclc. I had alot of them during the chemo. They lasted awhile afterwards too. Also alot of neuro problems esp in the feet. Hope you are handling everything that has been thrust upon you. Call sometime. Love Cindy
  21. Well after 7 days of IV antibiotics my R leg from the calf down to my toes is so swollen I do not have a shoe to fit it. I am going to put on one of the elastic stockings on it in the morning when I get up to see if that will help the swelling. I think the pain is really from the swelling pulling on the staples at the incision site. I guess I am just SICK of this. I have to take my dad to the Dr tomorrow morning-he has been coughing alot and is short of breath. I had called a few days ago to get him in and they went ahead and ordered a CXR so they could see it before he is seen on Thur. I will have the Dr look at the foot while I am there. It really looks better-just the darned swelling. I really hope his CXR just shows an upper resp problem. He is 69 and has smoked since he was about 13. I don't even allow myself to think of what this be. I am glad to see so much good news on here lately-- I have some!! My 25 yo daughter-who STILL lives at home got a job as a counselor for a sexually abused childrens home in Terre Haute, IN. It is located at the Gibault School for boys. This is the same school Charles Manson attended when he was young. Not a model student HA!!! She is really excited and this is the type of work she has been trying to get into. Thanks for listening, I feel like I have griped enough. Love to all, Cindy
  22. YOU will beat this one too!! Cindy
  23. After this weekend I could use the strongest cup of coffee Starbucks makes. Oh what the heck make mine a mudslide. Cindy
  24. Hey Brat-Crawford County is about 2 hrs south of Champaign. We are next to the IL/IN border. RT. 1 runs thru here. I know where Rockford is. Nice area. Cindy
  25. Your mom is in my prayers. Cindy
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