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My dad has passed on

barbara w

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Dear Barbara

I am so sorry for your loss it is so hard to get through these times

we just have to live each day.

I have just come back onto the forum after being away for a while at a treatment centre in Melbourne called Ian gawlers, with my MUM who has Adeno carcinoma.

We were given a prayer which I hope helps you, it seems right to give it to you.

The serenity Prayer

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change

the courage to change things I can and must change

and the wisdom to know the difference.

Hope this helps, has helped me.

Jody C from Auckland New Zealand

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Dear Barbara,

I want to add my condolences to those of everyone else. You must have had a very special relationship, and that makes it all the harder. But you'll have those good memories with you for the rest of your life -- and that will, eventually, make it all a little easier.

I'll be thinking of you as you go through the next few weeks. At least the end was peaceful and not prolonged as, too unfortunately, is so often the case.

Love and prayers,


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