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Update on my mom, its been awhile


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I have been poping in and seeing whats going on around here, but my life has been quite crazy for the past month or so.

My mom isnt doing so well. She was admitted to Hospice inn (short term hospice) in mid march. She stabelized with her pain meds so a few weeks ago we brought her to a very good nursing home. She has been bedbound for awhile now, but she was still aware and fiesty as ever. The past few days she has started to detieriate very quickly (at least in my mind). her mobility in her left side went from minimal to none, she complains of tummy pains and very painful knee pain. The doctors think that she is internally bleeding in the tummy area and that the cancer has spread to her bones in her leg/knee.

Today was very upsetting for me. For the past few days when my son and I came to see her, she would wake up, smile and blow kisses to my son. She would ask me to get her a sip of soda or something and then fall asleep for a bit and wake up when Jory would make noise or drop a toy and then she would say hello.. well today i walk towrds her room and she is calling for her mother, then we walk in and i almost hit the floor. she was white as a ghost with a horrible yellow tone. her lips were white. she looked at me like she was trying to remember me and kept calling for her mom. The nurse told me that she has stopped eating. she just layed there looking like she was in the most horrible pain ever. She couldnt ta;lllk anymore, only little mumbles. I felt so scarred and I just wanted to do something to help her but there was nothing.

I dont know what to expect or to say. I think I am just realizing that this is the end and i just dont want it to be.

I just wanted to update, if anyone rememnered me, even tho i dont post much.

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Hi Randi,

Of course I remember you, and, also, we could never forget your cute little boy.

I know these past weeks have been tough on you, and the next few will probably be even harder. You can do this. You CAN get through this. Just be there with your mom as much as you can in these last days, talk sweet to her, love her and hold her hand. Even if she seems not to know you or understand, her spirit knows.

I'm sorry you have to go through this. I wish none of us did. Even though losing our moms and dads is as normal as the sun rising every morning, it still hurts deeply.

All my love and prayers,


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I remember you. I am so sorry for what you are experiencing. It's very sad to see your parents/loved ones deteriating (sp?)...it's just very hard to accept this is the one who had taken care of you..who had been very strong, who was the shelter...I fully understand how you feel. But please know that this is caused by the disease...not real her...get a doctor and try to relief her pain. Pain management is the most important issue at this point. Don't let her suffer...spend more time being with her, she needs you.

I pray for you and your mom.

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Dear Randi,

I'm so sorry things have gotten to this point for you & your family. This is just the worst thing to go through. I've told my Husband that I wouldn't change places with him for all the money in the world. Having been on the his end of the disease with my Mother & Father, I can tell you this, I'd much rather be the one with the cancer than the loved one. It may or may not help but if you have a chance, read the letter I posted under Spirituality. I wrote it for my Husband in an attempt to help him understand my viewpoint & he asked me to share it with the people in this group.

Please know that my prayers are with you & your entire family.

Hugs & prayers,


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Hi Randi,

So sorry about the news about your mom. You are going through a difficult time right now but know there are many people here saying prayers to give you strength and support. You can lean on us, we won't let you fall.

Keep us posted

Peace be with you.


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Dear Randi,

I know how hard this is -- I was with my mother when she reached that stage, and she, too, was calling for her mother (who had died, when my mother was 16) of cancer, very painfully in the bad old days when there wasn't much anyone could do for anyone. But I think, in the end, being with her mother gave her some peace. When she did go, it was calm and quiet, which helped us accept it, even though we resented it still.

Just hang in there and take care of yourself as best as you can during this whole process; your mother would want that. We're all thinking of you.


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