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Taking a break


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Ry hasn't been able to fine anybody for a while, and I don't want her to get started with me, so I'm officially requesting a hall pass. Call it a "getting a grip" pass, and Ry, unless you having something better, I'll take the one shaped like an Ativan pill.

Don't worry about me. I'll be back.

Love and prayers to all,


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My heartfelt thoughts will be with you until I see you posting again. I will pray you get everything under control and that you will be back SOON! I guess it is selfish on my part to want you here. Sorry Peggy! Prayers that all goes well during your hiatus!



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Saying a special prayer for you, your husband and your son. As you have told me several times, there will be better, stronger times (ups and downs are normal). Take the time you need to get yourself recharged and ready to help Don continue the battle. Take care.

Love ya,


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