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deja vu, episode II


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The saga continues......had another trip to the ER last night, breathing had gotten worse, had a #10 type pain in my left shouder that radiated down my arm and I'm thinking well crap - I beat the cancer and my heart's going to take me down!

Anyway long story short, my old ticker was doing fine (got me through the line in ER real quick though)and the upshot was that 3 hours later (after the CT that my primary care told me to go get) I have pneumonia!

This is obviously why the pains and breathing issues were so familiar.....too bad they listened to my self diagnosis on Sat morning and agreed that it was a drug reaction - nothing showed on the Xray and to be fair to them I had a tightening in my throat which did point to an alergy.

Had another cute doc, which is hopefully not the only requirement for employment in this ER! Helps pass the time though.

Anyway, this is hopefully the final episode in this ramble and my breathing issues will soon be a thing of the past...all the memories of past pneumonitis will go back where they belong and all will be well.

Take care


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Had another cute doc, which is hopefully not the only requirement for employment in this ER! Helps pass the time though.

Anyway, this is hopefully the final episode in this ramble and my breathing issues will soon be a thing of the past...all the memories of past pneumonitis will go back where they belong and all will be well.

For crying out loud.....don't I have ENOUGH on my mind these days without worrying about you and whether or not Dudley is taking good enough care of you? :wink:

I think you're probably just fine...but in search of all the cutest ER docs you can find in New England. What....are you doing a coffee table photo book or something? :roll:

Seriously, my friend...please lay low now...take care of yourself? Get well and be strong. Get those lungs cleared out ASAP.

You know my thoughts are up there with you...right?

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Thanks for all the good wishes.

I guess the crux of the whole debacle is that the big c did not rear it's ugly head and the thought of it didn't scare the poop out of me.

No people, I did not fall apart so I know for sure I can do just about any darn thing I wish!!!

I'm feeling so much better this morning, mega doses of prednesone and starting a z pack can be almost miraculous!!

Well, wonder of wonders just took a phone call from the first ER doc (the real cutie) who was just doing a follow up!!! He's sending my scans etc to my onc at Dartmouth for comparision to reassure me there's no malignacy (they can't see anything here). What a nice man, he's also a cancer survivor and really understands the survivor mentality.

My faith in human nature has been restored this morning.

Hope everyone is having a good day - at least as good as it can be.


by the way Addie, my Dud did take good care of me!

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How the heck are you finding all these cute docs?? Everytime I go anywhere there are doctors that have about as much sex appeal as Dom DeLouise. The ONE time that there was a good looking doctor, he was crazy as hell. Story of my life...

Anyway, glad to see that you are on the right track now. Hope your breathing becomes steadily better, I know it must have been scary for you. Rest up and get better soon!!!

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Hi Geri.

Glad to hear the oral meds have started to work already. That is very encouraging.

That doc! ER docs DO NOT follow up. Hardly anyone follows up. He is a very special guy to have done this. This is an example of how we, as survivors grow from our experience with cancer, yes?

God Bless him. And you.

Cindi o'h

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