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elizabeth's passing


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On tuesday september 20, 2005 at 1:45 pm elizabeth entered the spiritual realm. She had been at the hospital due to hurricane rita. Her health had been declining since Friday. We had a 24/7 watch on her. She never lost consciousness, which made it difficult for she kept telling me she was afraid. Of what I would ask but she would not say. When I arrived at the hospital I saw her worsenned condition. I could feel her spirit trapped inside her body. I picked up the cellular phone and called my sister. I asked her to read Psalm 23 slowly and softly. I held the phone to Beth's ear while I held her hands standing close to her. She satrted breathing faster, I kept telling her that the angels where there to take her home. As my sister finished the sinners prayer, beth exhaled, I felt her spirit release peacefully from her body, her eyes closed. I came to the LCSC forum a coupleof months ago asking for help, I felt a bit burdenned about taking care of her. It was a difficult battle. Now I must go back to my routines . I hope I can come back ehre for help, I feel I might need it.

I wrote the following forher obituary:

elizabeth maluf 3/20/1956 - 9/20/2005

The universe has gained

a shining, bright star with your arrival to heaven.

You lived with grace and courage

until your very last breath

And though we will miss your charm,

sweet disposition and golden smile

Our hearts are at peace knowing

You are now dancing with the angels

Your soul is free to grace the heavens

And you will live in our hearts and beautiful memories

always for Love is stronger than death

Goodnight, sweet dreams....

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You are welcome to come here anytime to join all of us in our losses. We understand as well as anyone.

I know how hard all of this has been on you. You have been a good friend to Elizabeth, trying your hardest to do what was right for her.

I also join you in releasing her soul to heaven.

Cindi o'h

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I am so sorry that your friend passed. You were a wonderful friend to take care of her like you did.

I could only imagine how difficult this must have been for you to watch her deteriorate. But her final passing was so sweet as you were there with her and your sister read the 23rd psalm. She knew it was time to let go.

I know you will miss your friend but you also know that she was suffering and now is at peace.

Please take care of yourself...she was blessed to have you. What would she have done without your help?

My sincere condolences to her family and friends. Keep the good memories of her in your heart and there she will always live on.


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I'm very grateful for all the support. I came here when I was burdenned and I know that when I feel sad about her loss and angry about loosing her at such a young age, I can read all of your stories and feel that I am not alone. I recently found out with my mother that my grandfather whom I had never met had also died of lung cancer at the age of 43. I hope to continue being part of this community in their memories to offer support to others who might need it. thanks ,thanks, thanks

much love and peace to eveyone, alena

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Hi Alena,

If your biological mother and grandfather died of LC, that may be a reason for you to get a CT, just to make sure everything is clear. Remember, anything that is caught early enough is curable. This is just a suggestion as DNA could have effects on immediate family. You should do this just as a precaution.

My husband Joel who was diagnoised with early stage LC found out that his biological father died of LC and he had stopped smoking for over 25 years.

You may want to check out LC in the News in the forum section of message boards. There are 2 articles that was just posted today which you may be interested in reading. One is "Children with parent of LC" and "CT scans may prevent 1000 of LC"

Take care,


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So very sorry for your loss. I'll be saying prayers that God will help you through this difficult time. Please know that there are many here that are very good listeners, should you need to talk!

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  • 3 weeks later...

your post was beautiful and heartbreaking. what a good partner you were to elizabeth when she needed you. I pray for peace and healing for you.

do come back as much as you need to. it's hard for me to watch people go through this, but I am so deeply moved and grateful for the opportunity to support you in any way I can.



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