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Dear Joyce,

Just a note to let you know that you and your entire family are in our prayers! You and Steve have fought the battle and we pray for a peaceful journey for all of you!

You are all in our thoughts and prayers for the days ahead. Please try to take care of yourself as well.

Take Care,

Botley & Mother

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Dear Joyce,

Thank you for the gift of yourself. I have viewed your website and am aware of your fight against this dreaded disease.

Please accept my thoughts and prayers at this very difficult leg of your journey. I am hoping many special moments for you and Steve and comfort and peace as much as possible for you both.

(((Joyce and Steve))),


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You and Steve are held tightly in my best wishes, thoughts and hopes. I love that you can speak positively for everyone else, even as you face the fact that things are taking a turn for Steve.

Hang in there...the both of you, as I know you will...and know you're wrapped in the best that lchelpers have to offer. Keep making memories together...for as long as you can.

I'll be thinking of the both of you....

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Joyce, you are such a caring individual. Your dedication and the hope you give is uplifting and very much appreciated.

I am sorry for all you went through and are still going through . I pray Steve will be at peace and pain free. He is so lucky to have you fighting by his side. He is so brave.

Mega prayers sent out to him.


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Dear Joyce,

I've been away from the web site for a week or so and just read your post, so belatedly I'd like to add my voice to those of everyone else in thanking you from the bottom of my heart for your courage and kindness to others at such a difficult time for you and Steve. Like the others, I'm hoping that this last part of the journey will be eased by hospice and the caring of others for you, and that Steve, and you, will find some peace together. Will be thinking of you and holding you in my thoughts and prayers.


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Joyce, words seem totally inadequate to communicate how sad I am reading this post. I wish you, Steve and your children peace and the strength to face the next step in this journey. It was not so long ago I was walking in your shoes, it was the saddest time in my life - not one you think will ever happen to you. I will keep you in my prayers.

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