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Need to Rally Around Mike and Sue


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((Mike and Sue))

"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord, your God..." Isaiah 43:2-3



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Ohhhh Tina,

I cried when I saw this. How sweet and thoughtful of you. We did in fact go for the first of two procedures for Mike this week. The tumor in his chest, on the bronchial stump and lymph nodes has grown and caused pressure on the trachea and esophagus. It's not an operable situation, radiation isn't the answer because it could potentially do more harm than good , chemo hasn't shrunk it so far so the only option was to go in and stent it.

This afternoon , the pulmonologist did a bronchoscopy and found the trachea to be almost closed shut with the tumor pressing on the outside. This has been causing quite a bit of coughing and shortness of breath. He put in a stent to open it up. He showed us the pictures that he took. It was a dramatic improvement. Mike realized , right away how much better he could breathe. We didn't leave the hospital until a litte over 3 hours ago and he is still quite sleepy from the sedation, his throat is sore and the doc also prescribed him meds to calm his cough and make him rest. He wants him to stay quiet until the stent becomes totally anchored and expanded. He says they expand a little at a time. So he gave him cough med with hydrocodone to take .

Okay the next chapter will be on Wednesday when he goes to another hospital and has a procedure with the gastroenterologist to put a stent in his esophagus so he can eat. Poor guy hasn't been able to eat a decent meal in weeks.

Anyhow, this is where we are at and appreciate your thoughts and prayers. When I saw Tina has started this for us , I was really touched. Thank you Tina and my love and prayers to you and Charlie. I know you have had a loss in your family to deal with aside from being there for Charlie and trying to continue your holiday plans. You are truly special. Love and prayers to all.



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