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Pet/CT results


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With the machine finally fixed I got the results today.

The one swollen lymph node in my medistenum(?) has grown from a 7 to a 12. Originally in August its was a 4. Those all translate into something meaningful, but to me it means smaller now bigger.

Bottom line the chemo isn't working so on to radiation. The good news is the Radiation Doctor is a she and is supposed to be real cute.

I don't like the news, but if cancer was supposed to be easy I guess they would have found a cure for it by now. Besides no Mets showed up anywhere and the Onc said I've had enough Chemo to satisfy any adjunct help I would have received from it.

So now it's time to zap and burn, wait two months after completing radiation, do another PET and ... punt I guess.

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I have every confidence that the radiation will do the trick. Had a smudgepot burning in my chest for quite awhilen and still no evidence of anything to return and it has been three years. My doc wasn't even a cutie! With you, you should be able to get even more of a cure out of her!

We are lucky with the scans to see what is going on so we can plan from there.

Cindi o'h

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The good news is the Radiation Doctor is a she and is supposed to be real cute.

at least there's an upside. :lol:

seriously, I am sorry the chemo isn't doing it's job. I hope and trust the radiation will. your attitude is so positive, that will serve you well.



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