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Tribute for Everyone affected by Cancer...


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Common Bonds: Tribute to Cancer Patients, Caregivers & their Families.


(This is only the temporary home of the website. It will be moved to it's permanent home, sometime in the near future.)

Special thanks to everyone who participated with pictures &/or ideas! Without you, none of this would have been possible.

If you have lost a loved one from Cancer, please feel free to submit their picture & information for the Common Bonds Memorial Virtual Quilt. I would be honored to add them.

I'm also adding a stories page very soon. Please submit your story & a picture to this very special project! There is no limits on story size.

In addition, I am looking to add more information about fundraisers taking place. If you have an upcoming event, please let us know about it so we can get the word out!

You can contact me here: ENLTich1104@aol.com

God bless you all,


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Dear Lisa,

I know it only takes us a few minutes to view that tribute which was breathtaking. I could only imagine all that work, sweat and time spent to get this going. The result is amazing.

Your mom is smiling upon you. She is so proud!!

Great work!!

Maryanne :wink:

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Thanks everyone :D You guys are the best!

That was beautiful. If there is anything I can do to help you support the site, let me know. My wife builds Websites in our business. So if we can, please ask.


Warren- Thank you. Just pass the site around so it can continue on it's journey of love, compassion & hope!

I also need contributions of stories & pictures, etc. Please feel free submit link suggestions as well (many are listed on the Information page).

The slide show can be used for fundraisers too & I will be happy to send it to anyone who wishes to use it.


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