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Still here since 10/96

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Hi, I have been a member of an LC support group on AOL for years. Everything there has changed so much, except the wonderful people. I have just had my annual Ct Scan and going through the wonderful W___time to find out what is going on. My main purpose now is to let the newbees know that there is hope and to stay positive...I'm talking big right now, cause I don't get my results until the 20th. I lost my best friend to lc after 26 months. She was dx'd after me. Her sister now has adenocarcinoma in both lungs. We all live on the same culdesac. I now have Ct scans once a year.it is always scary, cause there is so much pain in the surgical area. Here to share, give hope. Jan

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Congratulations on your ten years of survial and I wish you many more decades to come. It certainly does give me hope to see your post. What stage were you? I had surgery in July, I was sorry to hear that you are still having surgical pain after all of that time. It is great to have you here at this site. Welcome :D

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Hi Jan, Thanks for the encouraging post. I am working on year #6, but still get worried and scared-- and not just at test time. The more stories like yours, the better I feel.

I am sorry you still have pain in incision area, mine acts up sometimes in stormy weather. Hey you have 10 years under your belt, and you know they say the odds get better and better the farther out we get. Hope your test results are all terrific.

Love and Mercy, Barb

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Welcome Jan! :D

Happy 10 Years !! Yep, we need to stick together to share with others that this beast can be beat. I going on 11 years come July. They found my mass in April of 1995, but I had to go through tons of biopsys before we learned for sure it was cancer. They removed my left lung July 25, 1995, and here I am! :wink: Hope you'll hang out with us. I'll add you in my prayers for a good CT scan! :wink:

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Thank you all for the great welcome. It's going to take me a while to acclimate myself to just how to do things.

Fay Aguilar was on my other board for many years. We shared a lot of private emails after she left. I had hoped she would be here now. She never shared a photo with us and I didn't even know her last name. She was a beautiful lady. She went through so much trying to get adequate care, yet she never lost her spirit..I'm sure she will be missed very much.

Will look forward to getting to know you all. Jan

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Thank you for sharing with us you great 10 years survival. May you have many, many, many more, and you will. :D

This is very encouraging to our newcomers for them to know there is light at the end of that tunnel. .And there certainly is. So many here see that light

Welcome here!

Maryannne :wink:

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Hi jan and thanks for posting. i go for my first cat scan the third week of April since surgury one year ago on April 20th and I am already a nervous wreck thinking about the results. i guess we all go through it. hope you results continue to be good.

bill in PA

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