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Hi my name is Jessica and I am new here. I know you all know where I am coming from and I pray that someone out there can give me a little help. We found out 2 weeks ago my mom, who is 56 today has a mass in her right lung. She wasn't feeling well at work and went to the doctor and he ordered some xrays. She has a very large mass and he ordered her to have a CT scan. Which confirmed a golf ball size mass that is in the lower right hand corner (attatched to the lymph nodes in the middle of her lungs). The next day we met with an oncologist and he told us he is pretty sure it is malignant and plans on treating it like a full body cancer.

We were just devastated by this and started thinking the worst. He ordered more blood work and a bone scan. Blood work came back ok and when I took her in for her bone scan, the guys doing the scan said some things they shouldn't have. She was done with the scan and was getting up and one of the guys says they needed to redo her hip again. Seems something was pulling away from the bone and it shouldn't be and they needed to see if it is in the bone. They also mentioned urine being some where, it wasn't supposed to be. She came back into the waiting room with this look on her face that I know I will never forget. She told me what they said, I could not believe they would have done that. So we got to spend the whole weekend thinking she probably has it in her bones. We went and filled out the medical release form to get the copy as soon as we could.

So come Monday morning we get her registered for a CT guided needle biopsy for the next the day. I went and picked up a copy of the bone scan report and there were 2 spots they were concerned with. One on her left hip and the other on her spine. I didn't have the heart to tell her so of course I lied to her. The next morning we head off to the hospital for her biopsy. We get there and check her in and get her paper work. So guess what they have down for her diagnosis for the biopsy, lung and neck mass. So for the next 40 minutes she is feeling her neck and just imagining the worse. The nurse did clear it up and said it was a typo. Finally it is time for the biopsy and they bring us down to the CT room. They get the IV in her and get her on the table and told us to go wait in the waiting room and they will be done in about 45 minutes. Well, they couldn't do the biopsy. The Radiologist looked at the new images on the CT and said there were to many blood vessels surrounding the mass he was scared he would hit one and she would bleed to death. The only spot he might have had a chance would have been going in on her side and going all the way accross her lung. He thought this would collapse her lung, so he refused to do it. We couldn't get her in anywhere else to see if someone would do the bronchoscope, so we went home.

My poor mom is ready to give up at this point and I can't blame her at all. So Wednesday I brought her in for new xrays on her hip and spine, I though I was going to knock her in the head and drag her there.....Thursday we met with a Pulmonary doctor referred by the oncologist. She seems to think she can do the bronchoscope. So next Thursday we are going to try it again. She was sure that it is small cell at the limited stage due to the location of the mass. She said if she is wrong then it's in stage 3B. She said her only shot of getting a sample of tissue is if it is small cell and if it has spread to her air ways. If she can't then they will have to go in for the CT guided needle biopsy and take our chances. I have to bring my mom in Tuesday for a breathing test, she didn't think she would be able to have any of her lung removed but, want's to know before the biopsy. We did meet with the oncologist and he said the xrays came back ok and he said there was a spot on her pelvic bone that looks like it is deformed or is missing calcium.

Anyone have a feed back of our situation? Does it seem normal to have all of these problems? Has anyone else had a mass that they couldn't get to and what ended up happening with a diagnosis and treatment?

We do know they plan on radiation and chemo at the same time...

Thanks for any help any of you can offer...Jessica



Daughter to Linda

who is newly

diagnosed with

lung cancer

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Oh Jessica, this is a very scary and uncertain time, isn't it? Everyone here knows exactly those emotions, so know you are not alone with those feelings. Right now everything is up in the air with no REAL knowledge of exactly wht you and your Mom are up against. As hard as it seems, TRY to take a step back and breathe deeply. We are ALL here to help along this rocky road.

Until more is known for sure there is little anyone can do right now. But I wanted to tell you that my biopsy was a CT guided needle biopsy, and it was tricky indeed. It CAN be done though. The problem we had was finding someone skilled enough to guide the CT. My tumor was encased in all kinds of vessels............veins, arteries, nerves, etc.

Please take it one step at a time and come here each time and fill us in on what is happening. SOMEONE here will have valuable info to help you along.


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I am so sorry to hear about your mom. Where are you in Michigan? I hope they are able to get the biopsy soon and give you an exact diagnosis. There are others here that have gone through the same thing, they will figure it out soon. Keep us posted on how she does.


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Hi Jessica,

Welcome to our group.

I can relate to your Mom's experiences with the medical experiences. It is difficult to navigate through the information and appointments for all of us. It seems to be a thread of frustration among many of us.

Hang in there, try to be patient. You will eventually get this sorted out. You will need to know exactly what flavor of cancer she has so that it can be treated appropriately. This is critical.

Your Mom is young and has you by her side. She has a lot going for her already. There are many survivors here who have kicked the dickens out of lung cancer. You and your Mom can too!

See if your Mom is open to investigating about a tranquilizer. Some of the doctors will help with a tiny tablet that helps to take the edge off.

We are here for you!

Cindi o'h

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Hi and Welcome -

As you can see from my bio below, I'm going on 4 YEARS survival of Limited SCLC. Please be assured there are survivors of this disease. They treated me with chemo and radiation concurently, which is frequently done with great success. All the tests and work prior to actual treatment can be very exhausting and frustrating, I remember. Please tell your Mom there are many of us out here and that we're right behind you. Keep posting and best of luck on Thursday.

Joanie ((()))

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Hi Jessica, Welcome to you and your Mom. My second tumor was too close to my heart and too deep in the lung to do a ct guided needle biopsy. Since I had already had my upper left lobe removed, they decided to do a wedge resection of my lower lobe to biopsy this one. It turns out it was sclc (my first was nsclc, and the tumor was the size of a tennis ball). I am six years out from the 1st one and almost two years out from this last one. I would not insist that they do a needle biopsy if they don't think they can do it safely - too much can go wrong. Hope this was of some hope, please let me know if I can help in any way.


Nancy B

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....i'm so sorry about your mom...

...hey!!! there aint nothing good about this... but what can you do?....there's gonna be some time left before she (you and i and everybody else) croaks .......just depends on what's done w/it..

alot of the time they can get the sclc "in remission" and buy some time (time is precious from now on) cherish and make the most of all you have!!!

.....some people actually get cured (i hope your mom is one)....and some (like myself) are incurable but treatable and live for quite a while...

as a rule......i'd say.....do everything the onc's offer (if they dont offer anything...you have a prob!!!!)...ask about any treatment they offer here....somebody here has prbly had it.....

and even though (i know)its really crappy...try to happy suck every bit life you (and your mom) can get in the time you have left..

...hope they get that stuff and she lives to be 200!!!!! ........s

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Jesssica: you and your mom are going through what could very well be the hardest part of your journey now. Once they get treatment started, it will go easier for you. I have been told that concurrent chemo and radiation is the best way to whack back lung cancer if it is not operable....except that I have an inoperable tumor now, and I am going to have targeted radiation on the tumor only. This works good for smaller local tumors where there is no cancer spread.

Don M

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take a look at survivors column and good news column. DON"T GIVE UP!!! every day will be a blessing no matter wether good or bad. Lots of peopole are living and have lived with this. Science is trying to get to thwe point right now where this is treated as a chronic disease like diabetes. You control and live with it. of course they are also working on a cure and every day brings a little bit of hope for all of us. If you read my siggy on bottom I was given almost 3 years with the love of my life, my wife, RIP Deb. We enjoyed every day together and new towards the end it was coming but she went through every chemo Her ONC could think of. The day she died she was supposed to start another round of a new Chemo treatment. Live and Love for every day. Cherish and remember the past day and say a prayer for the next day. That is my advice and I have to go say a prayer for you folks now. Much Luck and Good wishes. Keep us posted and ask if you need anything. Sorry I get Long winded sometimes.

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I am so sorry to hear about your mom. Where are you in Michigan? I hope they are able to get the biopsy soon and give you an exact diagnosis. There are others here that have gone through the same thing, they will figure it out soon. Keep us posted on how she does.


Hi Rochelle, my mom lives in Howard City and thats about 30 minutes north of Grand Rapids. I live about an hour north in Canadian Lakes. Emotionally mom is doing a lot better since we talked with the doctors Thursday. It wasn't so easy telling my brother and sister though..will keep you posted. Jess :)

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He Jessica

Wow did my emotions hit rewind when I read your post. I fealt every single thing you described. Its a sick feeling in you gut that you think will never go away.

Ok so it won't but it WILL get better. Once treatment is defined and started you will take a deep breath. Your mom will probably have shrinkage quickly since Small cell responds well to chemo. I know me telling all of you to hit pause on the panic buttom is not possible but believe me it will calm down.

No one wants the hear their beloved mom who is also their best friend has cancer. I know I didn't. I ended up hearing it twice mom and 9 months later dad. But as the days go by and your mom is getting her chemo and radiation it will get better.

There are long term winners here. It can be controlled. Dont ever give up fighting or hope. BUT BUT BUT dont believe statistics your going to read on the internet. They will only make you feel faint. They are old, outdated and generic. Cancer drugs have come a long way. Help is available and your mom can get better. Maybe never cured but remission is possible.

Get her on a healthy diet too if you can, nutrition is important in fighting the effects of chemo. Also you may want to think about some anti-anxiety meds for her and yourself. Breathe, go ahead, right now take a deep breath and BELIEVE your mom will respond well to chemo.

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