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Something We Can do...


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I don't think everyone has read the post from Hebbie in the Activisim section regarding the Tour of Hope race for cancer research. Our very own John is riding in the race and has kindly offered to match contributions up to $500.00. This is an easy thing we can all do to help fund cancer research.

John does so much for all of us I thought we should help his pledge card a little (John hope you don't mind me doing this).

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 7:37 am Post subject:


I will be riding in the DC ride. Any support (no matter how small) would be very much appreciated.

https://secure.laf.org/Donations/TOH_Do ... =200096907

Thanks in advance,


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I am so glad that you posted regarding this. I think that it has been buried in the boards and not everyone has seen it!!

John is one of my heroes on this board...I'm sure embarassed hero right now 8) ....and I was so happy to see that there was something I could do for HIM (and all of us at the same time) when I first saw his post!

Thanks Ry for bringing his post out of the closet and John, best of luck on your endeavor!!!


47 years old

Stage 1a-nsclc

Surgery June 16, 2003-upper & mid lobe removed

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Hi, where is this post? Can someone send me the details directly?to stephnewyork32@aol.com I also have a silly website and maybe I can put something on about it on the donation page??? That is great, and my new job doesn't pay much, but maybe I can get some people to donate.

(I am doing the AIDS walk on the 19th, so I can kinda tied up with that for my own money :cry: sorry)

I want to help, send me the info please as I won't have as much time to get on the board.

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We have over 600 members here. If everyone gave only $10.00 that would be $6,000.00 towards cancer research. We have a chance to make a difference here. Thanks John.

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Don't forget EVERYONE, November is LUNG CANCER AWARENESS MONTH. Give ALCASE a call and see what you can do to lend a hand to bring Awareness to Lung Cancer. or go to: www.alcase.org Ask your Banks, Hospital's, Doctor's Offices, Stores, and Community offices, ETC... if they will let you display an ALCASE POSTER. Check with ALCASE NOW to get your Posters etc.....

Love to All,


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Thanks everyone. Ry, TINY, okdebi, "a lung cancer survivor", lcsc,francine

$2786 has been donated so far. Tonight at 11:59 is the deadline for

receiving credit, but obviously any donation after that will still benefit

cancer research

Thanks again

BTW - busy at work. Not much time for this site lately

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