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Should a canidate for president continue to run for office with a wife whos relaped in her cancer and deemed uncurable?

Just wondering the thoughts if caregivers, this is NOT a post about political preferrence, only the importance of the job being requested and the relationship to the cancer patient.

Just something I wondered how you all felt about?

Beat it!!

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Each case is different and individual. From what I have seen of Elizabeth Edwards, she encouraged, if not insisted that John continue his campaign. And, there is a part of me that understands this. The busier you are, the less time to think about your disease. I believe their marriage is very good and if the time comes where the state of her health, not the dx, prohibits her from working with her husband, mothering her childen etc, etc, the current decision would most likely change.

In the meantime, let us pray for a good outcome for her.

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Uncurable doesn't mean she's not treatable. She may live another 5, 10, 15 years, no one can predict the outcome. I know to many cancer survivors that were told to get there affairs in order and then turned around and lived for years and years after that.

I know alot of cancer survivors who live long and normal lives being treated for there cancer.

Never give up HOPE for a Cancer Survivor! I'm sure Elizabeth will do what ever she needs to do to get through her journey. I heard her on the TV say she is totally behind her husband and that he will support her and she will support him. God give them strength. They are very smart people and I'm sure they have given this some very serious thought.

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I think she just wants to complete this adventure/challenge and keep busy too.

Wouldn't it be something to have a first lady with stage IV?

I had a student a few years ago (in her early 30's) with breast cancer. She just kept on working in her classes, dashing about campus. At the end her lungs were filling up so she could barely speak. She finished up all her classes and finals but barely. I heard she passed away a few weeks later.

Very sad. But she kept on truck'n right up to the end. And I think of her amazing spirit whenever I get down.


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I have a similar story. When I was a postdoc at the University of Chicago (math department) there was a woman there with leukiemia. She just got her PhD, a job at Princeton and was busy writing this paper that has eventually appeared in the number one math journal. When she was not doing math she played soccer with math-women group. I could not believe that she died few days after I have seen her copying and polishing her paper in the copy room.

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In most situations, it's not only right to proceed with life as usual, it's the healthiest thing everyone touched by cancer, directly or indirectly, can do.

But this isn't most situations. This is the job of President of the United States - a job that requires dedication and single-minded focus, as the lives and welfare of our nation's citizens lie in the balance.

Should Elizabeth's condition become very difficult during his presidency John would, understandably, have to focus on his wife first, country second. That is expected and accepted from a spouse.

But that leaves our country in second place. Personally, that is not okay by me.

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I was involved in a very intense discussion about this topic on another board (a political one). A year ago I might have thought he should not run. But after my mom was diagnosed, one of the things she seems to want is to retain as much of her normal life as possible. To do otherwise, to her, seems to be saying that she is giving in to the disease.

I know for another person, another couple the right thing to do might be different. But now that I'm living the scenaro, I'm willing the respect the Edwards enough to say that they are the most qualified to make this decision.

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my thoughts being from thwe Same state as Mr and Mrs Edwards.

John edwards has Lots of money. His new home has the highest Tax Base in the STATE. Makes the Kennedy family look like paupers.

He made his fortune as a medical trial lawyer. An ambulance chaser basically.

Universal Health care is his number one priority SOCIALIST medicine I believe is the term some use. I am curious how long until he uses Elizabeths Breast cancer as a political Platform?? Do not know.

Elizabeth edwards has my deepest prayers in this Battle. I do hope she recovers to be a great advocate. I honestly believe that under the circumstances that her husband should forego his political career to stay and be with his wife until she regains a better health status. If I were in his shoes, I know I would. If anyhting happens to her while he is out campaigning, God Forbid, I know I would feel terrible rushing to her side in a crisis. The only thing I did during Debs diagnosis was work and be with her nothing else mattered and now 14 months later to the exact day, I have nothing but memories. I put my career on hold for her, and passed up several oppurtunities fopr advencement. Now I am glad I did, but it does not make up for anything right now :(

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At 1st I wondered, than It was what they have choesen to do is serve the people. So they want to keep at it. When John 1st found out he wanted to go here and there and we couldn't really and I felt like I couldn't enjoy my self knowing WHY WE WERE GOING and I told him so. He did understand. But he wanted to go back on the truck. He did made 2 rounds again. He said when he was off the truck he just got sick. He felt better working. Some days I still can't beleive he is gone. Spring is here and John is gone.

But God hepl her and I pray for her and family.

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I am heartbroken that the cancer returned to her. It is so hard and then to top it off with being a party to a political figure and all the attention that entails. I think she is a brave woman and is supportive of her husband pursuing his campaign and that is OK. It is like all of us, we know it is hard but ultimately we all have to go on.

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"Should a sitting president resign if his/her spouse is diagnosed with a serious illness?"

I think this is a very interesting topic but we must consider that there are two very separate issues here, not one.

1) Should John & Elizabeth Edwards run for the presidency?

2) Should we, as American citizens, elect a president who may face the prolonged illness of a beloved spouse facing end-stage breast cancer, knowing his focus will be on his family vs. the country?

I would liken this issue with people's interpretation, or lack thereof, of Freedom of Speech. You can passionately support someone's right to speak out against abortion, yet be the staunchest pro-choice advocate in the country.

In kind, I support John & Elizabeth's right to campaign for the presidency. But I would never vote for them based on the circumstances. The presidency is a very unique role - and certainly not everyone is best equipped (as we're currently witnessing). :roll:

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He has already said several times he does not want a sympathy vote. Boy is that a relief. :shock: Does not have to worry about my vote anyway :lol:

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I have the highest admiration for both John and Elizabeth Edwards and respect their wishes in the handling of this delicate issue. Like others, I don't feel life should merely come to a screeching halt because of a cancer diagnosis. It seems apparent that this couple is in love and has their act together. I'm sure that if John edwards had to choose between his career and his wife, he would choose his wife. But, at this point in time, it doesn't appear this is a decision that has to be made. I'm sure that keeping busy and focused on this campaign will be much better for Mrs. Edwards than sitting home, dwelling on what might happen. Way too often, cancer seems to be tucked away in the closet. It's always something that happens to someone else. Many people don't want to hear too much or know too many details. I think having a presidential candidate and his wife, openly talking about cancer issues, is a great way to bring awareness to the country.

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