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Throat / esophagus pain from radiation


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OK, I did do a search on this topic, but I'm asking for more info. Mom is on day 13 of her radiation, and her throat / esophagus is starting hurt to where is is interfering with eating. I told her that I had read about it here quite a bit, and that I thought it was common with radiation.

I read in one post that carafate worked, but another said that it tasted horrible. I read to avoid anything too hot or too cold.

Any other ideas for her? She can't afford to lose any weight. She sees the onc. on Wed.

You guys rock!

:) Kelly

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Fred made me the BEST milkshakes and I pretty much survived on them for a couple of weeks. Eventually it got better, but those shakes got me through the worst. Mashed potatoes ~ extra runny ~ worked too. I'm asking Fred as I type.....he remembers jello and puddings too! Tell Bev it will get better and for her to hang in there.


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I remember not being able to eat anything like tacos, tomato sauce or drink cranberry and orange juice. Anything acid just burned going down. Also potato chips and corn chips were too scratchy. And forget about a coke or rootbeer or even hot coffee.

So lots of soup and milk shakes. I used to drink iced green tea before treatments and got a milk shake everyday immediately after treatment. I think keeping my throat cool helped.


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Just tell her to eat anything that will go down. If that means ice cream for breakfast lunch and dinner then that is fine. I think it is more important to maintain her weight than to worry about nutrition at this point. We encouraged mom to do the boost shakes until she just could not choke them down anymore. Carnation instant breakfast drink also has the calories and nutrients but tasted better to mom than the boost. For some reason my mom had issues with the softer foods and could choke down the harder ones (even chips). Bread was a real issue so instead of sandwiches we just rolled the meat in the cheese.

Carafate was a big help but Mom said it was the worst tasting med she ever had (and sometimes it just ruined her appetite). Good Luck!


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Hi Kelly,

I used to swig viscous Lidocaine during radiation treatment. It numbed by throat and esophagus just enough to get a couple of bites of food down. Liquid aloe vera gel also helped. Basically, though, I lived on iced green tea, milkshakes, and creamed soups.

It does get better though -- today I can eat anything. Funny, though, I cannot drink carbonated beverages. Just as well, I guess.

Hope mom's treatment goes well.


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Mom found that the carafate helped, but she also took a mix of 1:1:1 Lidocaine:benadryl:maalox.

She also used prilosec 'cause she had an element of GERD, but she has a hiatal hernia (although No GERD symptons until radiation began)

good luck,


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Sorry your Mum is having problems. My husband had the same problems whilst having radiotherapy. The Dr prescribed him Antacid and oxetacaine (alternative to mucaine) suspension. He had to take this a half our before eating. This really helped him. hope she is doing better soon.



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My mom used to drink children's liquid tylenol when her throat got bad. You have to do the math on the dosage and obviously can't overdo it but she said it helped provide some temporary relief and it was soothing going down.

I remember her throat would feel better about a week after the radiation round but then would feel bad a few days after they started again. Good luck and praayers for you both.

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My 33 radition treatments were smack dab in the middle of my chest and I had a lot of pain in my esphogus. Like the others have recommended, she should plan to eat a lot of soft foods and a whole bunch of shakes. I made my shakes with French Vanilla Ice Cream, Chocolate Boost, a large squirt of Hershey’s Chocolate Syrup and a couple of spoonfuls of Carnation Instant Breakfast. That concoction provided about 1600 calories in a 16 oz glass. I lived on these for a couple of weeks and I credit them with helping me avoid a feeding tube.

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I remember the Carfate all to well. Oncologist gave me a bottle of it and also a bottle of Magic Mouthwash. Neither bottle lasted me long because I ....yep you guessed it....down the toilet it went.

On a more serious side tho. I would spray Chloraseptic in my throat. It nummed it for a while. The thing that did the most good for me was what the doctor called "GI Coctail." No, I don't think it had alcohl in it but then again it was possible. I think it may have been what Jen described above.


Mom found that the carafate helped, but she also took a mix of 1:1:1 Lidocaine:benadryl:maalox.

Wishing your mom the best of luck and keep us posted.

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Hi Kelly,

Not much to add to all the suggestions given except one...my ma really had an awful time with the pain and her doc gave her liquid tylenol with codeine along with the magic mouth wash.

The good news is..it does get better

Many hugs for your mom


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