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Mike is gone, but still with me for always


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On thanksgiving Day (Canada) October 13, my husband left me for the first time in 43 years, while he was sleeping peacefully.

I will always keep all the souvenirs in my mind, specially those

of the 12th of October when he was fully conscious and even if he could not speak anymore, we had the full day to listen to music while I spoke to him of all the good times we had together, the laughters, the tears, and of

what he meant to me. Just seeing his smile was beautiful.

The cremation was this morning, I was alone with him as we were for so

many years, 43 all together.

The pain is gone for him.

Thank to all of those that answered my 1st post.

I will keep in touch with the forum, because even if I did not write, I was

reading the posts nearly every day and learning and I will keep learning

and if possible I will try to help.

Thank you for him.


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I am so sorry for your loss. I feel so deeply for you. I am the caregiver for my husband, lover, best friend and I dread the day when I have to say goodbye. I also don't post often, but I have gained so much strength from the wonderful folks on this board. Please come here often for support and strength. I wish you peace and may God be with you as you journey forward from this point. My thoughts are with you and all of us as we battle this dreadful disease.


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Please accept my sympathy at the loss of your husband. I know, after so many years, how hard this is for you. God will give you the strength to survive this loss and continue on with life. I lost my husband of 26 years last December to sclc so I can relate to the feelings you are now experiencing. Keep coming to this group...there are really great people here that are ready to listen. They have really helped me through some tough times. Please email me if you need to chat!

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Your post touched me and I feel your loss so strongly. It sounds like you had 43 years with your husband that most of us only wish for.

Like Blue and others have said, I hope that you stay around with us.

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So Sorry to hear about your loss! It sounds like you and Mike had alot of good years together!! My heart breaks everytime I hear of someone else losing their loved one due to this awful disease!! Christy

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JC, I'm so sorry for your loss. 43 years is a long time. The day you played music and talked about all the good times and what your life together meant---I'm still crying. What a special thing to do. We should all learn from this and do it today to our loved ones. My prayers are with you.


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