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Hi,my name is Will. My wife has been diagnosed with NSCLC-Stage IV with something on her adrenal gland. We are going to see the oncologist for chemo consultations Wednesday. She is to start palliative radiation next week.

Her back is very warm most of the time and she is taking Tramacet for pain.It seems she has more pain when she goes to bed. Cold compresses sem to help. It is the constant waking during the night that causes a great deal of fatigue. We really don't know what to expect. I need to know what I can do to help her. she is 64 and has reasonable health for now. Wish us luck in this time. Nobody wants to talk about the elephant dancing in the corner

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Welcome Will!

So sorry about your dear wife's diagnosis. At least your elephant is DANCING! :D Mine just stands there and leaves a mess...

Seriously, there are many people on these boards who will be welcoming you and offering help in any way possible. Me included! It is a good idea to read the profiles of those who post, as much inspiration and hope is found in them.

I'm glad they are already starting radiation and you'll feel even better once a chemo plan is in place.

Make sure you have an aggressive oncologist who will fight with the two of you. Get a second opinion if you don't feel comfortable with what you are hearing.

Take care of yourself too!


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Hi Will and welcome to the boards. I am sorry to hear about your wife's diagnosis. My 68 year old mom was also diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer a few months ago. She had been having quite a bit of pain in her side before treatment started and after the very first treatment she began feeling so much better! She's doing great right now. I hope your wife starts feeling better soon. Definitely find a Dr. you are happy and comfortable with. We "shopped around" a bit at the beginning. Shelley

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Hello Will and welcome

I am sorry about your wife's diagnosis but glad you have found this site. You will, as you can see, find a lot of information and answers to your questions as well as so much support and hope.

Just let us know how we can help and know that someome will be along to do so.


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Sorry to hear about your wife. One of the best thngs you can do is to be part of her team to beat the disease. I allways recommend a second opinion. You never know what that can do for you till you do it. My second opinion confirmed that we were doing the right treatment and that meant a lot.

Stay positive, :)


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Welcome here Will. Sorry you had to find us but as you will find we are a very close and supportive family here.

We have all walked in your shoes, either the victim or the caregiver. We know the scared uncertain feeling of dread when you hear the word LC.

Please know that when she starts treatment she will feel better. There are many survivors on this board who were also staged at IV.

Keep a positive attitude and make sure she has one also, as that is half the battle.

We are are always here for you for questions, prayers or just to vent.

So sorry for your wife's diagnosis.


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Welcome Will,

This board is a good source of information and support. My 76 year-old mom was diagnosed with Stage IV NSCLC in January. So far she is doing great. After the shock of the diagnosis wears off, be sure to do your research to make sure your wife is getting the best treatment possible. We were told Stage IV is incurable, but treatable. It is so easy to fear the worst, but there is hope!


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Hi Will, and welcome, though I hate that you had to find us.

You've gotten great advice so far so I'll just add that if you need, I have an elephant-sized tutu in a box around here somewhere that I can give you to spruce up that ole thing!

Remember that statistics aren't "life" and there is always HOPE!

Please, keep us posted on how your wife and you are doing...will keep you in my prayers.

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Welcome to your new home. You have found a great place for love and support. Your wife is very lucky to have you and the love and support you will be giving her is the best in the world, I am sure but as her caregiver I am sure you will need this place for the love and support you will be needing. So post often about any of the elephants you find. Maybe we can put a team together to go around scooping up elephant poop if that is what you need. :D


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