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Surgeon prior to Oncologist??

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Our route was primary care doctor, lung specialist (who ordered all the CAT/PET scans), surgeon, oncologist following surgery.

Surgery was a wedge section biopsy to confirm cancer and determine type. The oncologist saw my husband the night after his surgery and ordered many stain tests on the tumor sample from the wedge section.

From our experience this was the norm.



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Actually I went to a surgeon before an oncologist --someone my primary sent the records to for review

I think the goal is for them to review records to see if it able to be operated on first. The very first day I saw him, he also scheduled the date of my surgery.

I did not even see an oncologist until after my operation to see if they recommended any further treatment.

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I think it is normal to see a surgeon first, but I also think it probably is good to form a "board of doctors" or tumor board with different specialties that can consult with each other.

I think at some major cancer centers it is done this way. That way everyone is on the "same page" and can discuss the case face-to-face

http://cancer.stanfordhospital.com/forP ... rd/default

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My pulmonologist presented my case to the Tumor Board, so my oncologist, rad onc and surgeon were all familiar with my history and my films before I ever met them. I met the onc and the rad onc before the surgeon because it was hoped that the chemo/rad combo would shrink the tumor and clear the lymph nodes enough to allow surgery. Unfortunately, that didn't happen; but I'm doing exceptionally well almost 2 years later. Good luck.


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After I saw my primary doc, I saw pulmonary doctor for biopsy and pulmonary function test, onocologist for a plan, radiologist to discuss his part, surgeon (only to plan for the future)and also throw in a endocrinologist because every one wanted my hyperthyroid wiped out first.

I guess it depends. I have a friend who only saw pulmonary and surgeon. She never was refered to an Onc doc because they took out the lobe and all lymph nodes were clear.

Donna G

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Here's my sequence: Family physician, who ordered chest x-ray then based on that set up appointment with...pulmonologist, who ordered thoracentecis and CT scan then when results were in set up appointment with...surgeon, whose role was to verify presence of cancer and determine its type. Surgeon had planned to have an oncologist begin consultations while I was still in the hospital, but we were already considering a list of recommendations from our family physician and were allowed to make the arrangements with an oncologist of our choice. Met with him a couple of weeks out of the hospital and completed various other tests/consultations while waiting out the 28 days until chemo (plus avastin) could begin.



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For me, it was the surgeon, who then sent me for a PET and pulmonary function test. After surgery, he sent me to the oncolgist for a consult on chemo. My surgeon still is the lead physican on my lung care and, from what I understand, always will be.


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I saw my Surgeon and had surgery before I met my Oncologist. I met the Oncologist when I was in the hospital recovering from having my left lung removed.

Here is the order of which my journey started and followed through. First was my Primary Doc, then my Pulmonologist, then the Surgeon then the Oncologist. then the Radiation Oncologist, in that order.

Best wishes to your mom and to you also. There are a LOT of us long term survivors out here! She can be one too! :wink:

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Me too. I went from family doc to pulmonologist for bronchoscopy to surgeon for bilobectomy and then to onc for mop-up.

I think this is the order if they think they can remove tumor. I wonder if they should have tried to reduce my tumor size before surgery - but I'm still here soooo can't complain.


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