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Good Scan


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I couldn't wait, so I went to the oncologist's office this morning and got a copy of the report of the CT chest scan done last Friday. The hazy density in the RML remained unchanged and was termed consistent with "scarring". :D (Let's hear it for scars: Hooray! :lol:)

As I type I'm celebrating with a dish of Häagen-Dazs topped with sliced bananas and Cabernet Chocolate sauce! :wink:

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tiny im so happy for you my surgeon said they seen scaring also when do you go back i just had blood drawn cea 3.0 ca125 13.0 that was good news i said to my md my calcium level on bloodwork from 10/02 was 10.4 read on pc that could mean tumor growth he sais now bone cancer calcium would be high like 15 but then rushed to give me a rx for bone scan i dont trust him but his co workers are great once again im so happy for you and your good news its tcandy214 i could not put my name in i hope it shows up

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Hey Tiny,

That is GREAT NEWS!!! Did you ever in your life think we would be cheering someone on with scarring??? GREAT NEWS!!! The other day in my Support Group one of my members found out he has Radiation pneumonitis and again, we all cheered!!! At least it wasn't a tumor!! My how life changes in a heart beat when living with cancer. :roll::roll:

Enjoy the ICE CREAM, I think I'll join you! Sounds pretty darn good to me!

I go this Friday for my CT scan. Haven't had one in over a year. I saw my Pulm. Doc today and I told him I would really like one. I also told him my Onc. Doc said I only needed Chest X-rays from here on. Well, my Pulm Doc is on the same page as I am when it comes to CT scans, so off I go for my CT Scan on Friday. Yippeeee!!

Warm and Gentle Celebration Hugs,

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Dear Connie B,

Good for you for going for the CT over the CXR...what would that Dr. want if HE were in your shoes??!!! You are on the calendar for extra-strong prayers on Friday for continued good news. Blessings.

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Tiny what great news---these tests are so scary----but when the results are good---it is a wonderful feeling---and such a relief

regards eileen

lobectomy URL 6/00--no chemo or rad

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Hey Tiny;

That's OUTSTANDING NEWS !!! :lol::lol::lol:

Congrats and I really like your style - ice cream, banana's & chocolate sauce - WOW !! Enjoy ! :lol:

God Bless & be well

Bobmc - NSCLC stage IIB - left pneumonectomy - 5/2/01

" absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

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". . . a dish of Häagen-Dazs topped with sliced bananas and Cabernet Chocolate sauce! Isn't that like guilding a lily?

Did you know a serving of Häagen-Dazs is equal to a 1/4 C. of lard. Best tasting lard in the world, I say!

So forward and onward with a good scan in one hand and a serving of Häagen-Dazs in the other!!!!!!!!1 :lol::lol::lol::lol: JudyB

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