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Two Years ago Today


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I had spent the night by his side, at the hospital, as he lay quietly and would occasionally look over at me and smile. He had told the family the night before that he wasn't afraid to die. He held up his index and middle finger together and stated "me and God are like this". He was on morphine and his breathing became raspier as morning approached, he became less responsive and then his legs were turning bluish. It was then I called the nurse and all the family. The doctor came and gave him a bit more morphine, we were all by his side as he soon slipped away about 10:50am..

That was two years ago , today. Today, I still miss him with all my being. There is a huge hole in my heart. It seems like it was just yesterday at times , but I am beginning to let in the warm memories of all the good times. It is those memories that keep me going. I was so blessed to have known such incredible love in my life. Missing you Mike. May you rest in peace, my love.


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Thank you for sharing your personal memories of your last hours with Mike... and I do believe "Mike and god are like this"!!

I hope today has passed peacefully for you, and you were surrounded by wondeful, comforting memories. God Bless. Love, Sharon

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What a difference a day makes. Yes, today I feel better, but I have to admit I had one of those surprise meltdowns yesterday. I wasn't going to post here, but I knew that even when the rest of the world doesn't understand that many of you do .

Yesterday, I received the kindest, most understanding email from an angel on the board. The angel being , Debi/Welthy. It's nice when people take the time to think of others. I know I can't possibly keep up with all of you, but I wish I could because her message meant so much to me. Last year, I received email from several friends (friends not on this board) , who remembered the date. Yesterday, Debi's was the only email I received . People think you should be over it in two years I guess. NOT!!! What I am trying to say is that this was a lesson to me too. I learned how much it means to someone when at least one person remembers. I hope that I can remember to be there for others.

Last, but not least, I want to thank ALL of you who have posted to this thread and have been here to support me all along this journey. It means so much . This is an especially emotional week, for me, because my mom will get her PET scan results on Friday.. scary time.



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I am so very sorry that I'm late with this little note. I know how it feels when people just don't seem to remember these dates that absolutely break our hearts. I want you to know (and always remember) just how special I think you are! You are one that always manages to put your grieving and worries aside in order to cheer someone on that's having a tough time. God gives us truly caring and unselfish friends like you to get us through the really hard times!!! The two year mark can be a really hard one after losing someone we love. When it's been one year, it all sounds so recent. But, the two year mark makes us realize how much time has really passed since we've been with those we have loved and lost. My heart goes out to you and I am always here to listen!!!

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