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Update - LarryH


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Hi All,

It's been a terrible month. My hubby was admitted to hospital with nerve pain due to a met on his spine which they were going to treat with 10 days of radiation. They gave him oxycontin and he crashed, ended up on life support with kidney failure and pneumonia to boot. Despite the doctors who wrote him off from the start, he rebounded and got off the respirator a week later. He had a good week then aspirated and ended up back on the ventilator. Another week passed and he was well enough to get off the machine, but on Friday, they told me that he had another case of pneumonia and needed the ventilator a third time. I made the most difficult decision of my life and declined; I just couldn't put him through that again if it was unlikely that he could remain off of it. My wonderful husband passed away on Saturday and my life will never be the same again. My heart is broken, but the one consolation I have is he isn't suffering any more.

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I'm so, so sorry for your loss. And for all that your husband went through. I can only imagine having to make that decision, and you clearly did it with love. Please be easy on yourself in these first days, and come here whenever you need to -- it does help and people understand.

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My heart broke for you when I read your post. I could only imagine how great your pain is. All this happened so fast.

Please accept my deepest of condolences. My heart goes out to you and your family.

Maryanne :cry:

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Thank you everyone for all your kind words. I've wandered around in a daze these past few days, wondering when I'll wake up from this nightmare. This was so quick - he was only diagnosed a few months ago and we both thought/hoped we had more time.

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