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In Hospital - Next 24 hours Critical

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After a 3 1/2 year battle doctors say the next 24 hours are critical. We are fighting sooo many different battles and don't know which one is the one causing the most harm.

Please pray for my mother who has brought only love and beauty to this earth that she may remain in peace and comfort wherever that journey may lead her.

Thank you.


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Tests are showing that her heart is not pumping that well and lungs do not have that much capacity so they are treating both to help with the fluid and the flow. Keeping her as comfortable as possible.

Thank you for all of your prayers....they work wonders!

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Thank you all for your prayers as they helped my mother remain as pain free and as comfortable as possible.

The short version:

She told me she was tired and wanted to go to see my father. That I was a wonderful daughter and that she would always be with me. I told her then I wanted her to go see Dad. I said close your eyes if it is your time to go God will welcome you with open arms and if not I will be waiting here for you. She said I love you and gave me a kiss and I did the same to her. I then began praying again.....

Having had two parent go through this experience I am here to help anyone out there who needs to talk.

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Laura, I am so sorry for your loss. You can rest easy that a love that enormous will endure. You were so brave and kind to put your own sorrow aside and let your mother go so graciously. Everyone should have a daughter like you by their side when the time comes.

Judy in Key West

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My heartfelt condolences to you and your family, but what a wonderful way for your mother to pass. I only hope that when my own time comes I can exhibit anywhere near the same grace and dignity as your mother.

With love and affection,


Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.--George Carlin

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My prayers for you and your family. What a remarkable person and daughter you are. May peace be with you through this time and know that you are not alone ever- your parents are your guardian angels now watching your every step.


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My sincere and heartfelt sympathies on the loss of your Mother. I am so touched by your description of the last moments. What a true blessing you and your mom had in each other.

Please keep posting and let us support you in the next days, weeks and beyond.



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