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Holidays in the sun!


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Hi all,

Just in case anyone wonders where I am, I am going to spend christmas with my mom in florida. I told her I wasnt going to stay in Mi. and have a traditional Christmas this year, not without my dad. They would always come home (mi) during the holiday. I told she could come on vacation to a warm tropical place with us, or we could go there. She said her vacationing days were over so she would like us to go there. Its going to be so different spending Christmas in the warmth. I think I will feel my dad more there than here, because he loved his winter home in florida. If I want computer access while I am there I have to go to the library, not sure I want to be stuck in a library instead of injoying the sun. We're not leaving until mondayso I'll still be here for a couple more days.

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What part of Florida is your Mom in? I'm in Central Florida, East coast. Hope you can get the warmth...got down in the low 30's here last night! But...this is still a heat wave compared to many parts of the country right now. I think you are doing the right thing by getting away from the "traditional" way of doing things in the past! Good luck with everything. I know this time of year is very hard for you and your family! Keeping you in my prayers!!!!

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Thanks everyone for all the holiday wishes. That was beautiful Deb about feeling my dad when I feel the warmth, hopefully I wont cry when he hugs me. Shelly, I really do think our parents have met. Ann, my mom is in Port Charlotte about 30 miles north from Fort meyers airport, right off 75. Katie, the more the merrier(sp). Ry, dont be jealous you can come too. Fay, I'll be looking for that white sand. Happy holidays my dear friends!

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